Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2358: Purpose of Fire Spirit

All of them were overjoyed and hurriedly stopped beating the old banyan tree.

The old banyan tree's voice sounded again: "A bunch of bastards, are you going to shoot Grandpa to death, cough cough cough...what's the urgent matter?"

Xuan Xuan quickly said: "Grandpa, Brother Han was taken away by Master Huo Ling."

Old Banyan Shu was taken aback and asked, "What is the specific reason?"

Xuan Xuan told the whole story again, and the old Rongshu learned that Han Yu was not taken away for offending Huo Ling, and her mood suddenly became serious.

Suddenly a shower of light and rain fell, and it didn't take long for the big banyan tree that covered the sky and sun to disappear, turning into an old man with a childlike face and a fairy-like spirit. The old man looked a little weak, and he hadn't recovered from the previous consumption of saving Han Yu.

"I'll take a look!" The old banyan tree didn't say much, and flew directly into the sky.

"Grandpa, I'll go with you." Xuan Xuan hurriedly pursued her.

"Go back and wait, it's okay." The voice of the old banyan tree came back, and the person had rushed into the sea of ​​fire. Xuan Xuan hesitated and stopped. Master Huo Ling has a very weird and irritable temper. It would be better to let Old Banyan Shu go to talk to him.

The old banyan tree rushed into the star-sea fire area without using the magic talisman to protect him. Those terrifying flames did not harm him at all, and he was pushed away by his powerful aura, unable to get close to him.

The old banyan tree rushed directly towards the fire spirit's cave, his expression has become very solemn.

Although he and Xuan Xuan said relaxedly, they were no longer optimistic about Han Yu's situation. He really knows the fire spirit too well, once the creatures caught by the fire spirit, none of them can't be swallowed flexibly by the fire.

Before long, the old banyan tree rushed to the outside of Huo Ling's cave. Amidst the raging fire, this huge palace was erected. This palace is the Huo Ling's cave.

"Master Huo Ling, please see Banyan Shu." The old Banyan tree came out of the palace and said respectfully to the palace.

Even if it was him, Huo Ling had to be called an adult.

Huo Ling did not respond.

The old banyan tree continued to repeat the previous words. After saying it three times, there was no response, and the old Banyan tree's mood had sunk to the bottom. The old banyan tree stepped forward and reached out to push the palace gate. Suddenly a terrible flame burned above the palace gate, burning the palm of the old banyan tree painfully, and hurriedly took it back.

Every time Huo Ling didn't see the old banyan tree behind closed doors, he was in retreat.

This time I just took Han Yu away and went into seclusion, and I didn't need to think to know that Han Yu was refining.

The old banyan tree sighed for a long time, shook his head, and walked away quietly.

They all rely on Fire Spirit here. He didn't dare to forcibly break in, and even if he broke in at this time, I'm afraid it won't help.

Xuan Xuan and the others have been waiting for the old banyan tree outside the sea of ​​fire. About an hour later, they saw the old banyan tree walk out from the sea of ​​fire and hurriedly greeted him. Xuan Xuan asked anxiously, "Grandpa, see you Has it been to Master Huo Ling? How is Brother Han now?"

The old banyan tree sighed and said, "Master Huo Ling is in retreat, I haven't seen it."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people changed drastically, and Xuan Xuan's face became extremely pale in an instant, and her body trembled suddenly.

The old banyan tree sighed slightly and said, "Rose, take care of Xuan Xuan, let's go back."

The old banyan tree took the lead to fly to Wanling Star, Shishan, Yuzhongzi and others looked at the sea of ​​fire and sighed, followed behind the old banyan tree, Xuan Xuan looked at the direction of the sea of ​​fire, two lines of clear tears slipped quietly across her cheeks, supported by the rose Next, unwilling to return to Wan Lingxing.


In the sea of ​​fire, in the palace, two men are facing each other.

One of the men is naturally Han Yu, and the other man, wearing a red robe, has a fascinating red hair, casually draped on his back, and looks a bit wicked and unruly. This man is just a spirit. Huo Ling is the leader of the population.

Even in the face of this terrifying figure who had repelled Xiao Taiyi, Han Yu was not afraid at all. He looked at Huo Ling calmly, and said, "What did you arrest me for?"

A look of surprise flashed in Huo Ling's eyes. He didn't expect that Han Yu had already become a prisoner. He was so calm and said, "Then you have to answer my question first."

Han Yu was also a little surprised. He thought that Huo Ling was arresting him to kill him and then swallow him. It seemed that it was not that simple, and said, "You said."

Huo Ling said: "Are you Heaven Swallowing Devil Body?"

Han Yu calmly said, "Why do you ask this?"

Huo Ling said: "When the old banyan tree rescued you, you almost sucked up your vitality; when you were fighting Shishan, Shishan's power entered your body undamaged and was swallowed by you. As far as I know, Only the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Body has such ability."

Han Yu is not surprised that Huo Ling knows these things. This is Huo Ling's site. If he wants, he can control every move of Old Banyan Shu, Xuan Xuan and others.

Han Yu said, "So what?"

A beam of joy flashed deep in Huo Ling's eyes, and said, "That's good, I want you to do me a favor."

Han Yu sneered: "You arrested me forcibly, just asking me to do you a favor? Do you think I will agree?"

Huo Ling spread his hands and said: "The way is not important. The important thing is that you can do me this favor and you can get unexpected gains."

Han Yu hummed: "What unexpected gain?"

Huo Ling said: "For example, you may break through the realm of Emperor Wu's peak. For example, when I am in a good mood, I go out and kill Xiao Taiyi. Are these unexpected gains for you?"

Han Yu looked calm and asked faintly: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Whether it breaks through the realm of Emperor Wu's peak or kills Xiao Taiyi, it is a great thing for Han Yu, but Han Yu doesn't think the sky will fall into the sky. Huo Ling said: "Seventy years ago, Xiao Taiyi came to attack the Star Sea Fire Region. Although I was finally repelled by me, I also paid a great price. At the beginning, Xiao Taiyi tried his best to hit me severely. The unique Taiyi Xuan Qi invades my body, and I can’t even use the sky fire to burn it

, Can not be excreted from the body, has been causing great trouble in my body. You are the Heaven-swallowing Demon Body, you can devour all power, I believe you can help me dissolve the Taiyi Profound True Qi in my body. "

After Huo Ling finished speaking, he looked at Han Yu with some hope.

Han Yu said, "Even if I help you dissolve the Taiyi Xuanzhen Qi in your body, how can I break through the peak of Emperor Wu?" It is not a difficult task for Han Yu to resolve Taiyi Xuanzhen Qi. If Huo Ling asks him for help, Han Yu will help him unselfishly for the sake of the spirit clan, but Huo Ling arrested Han Yu so rudely, Han Yu didn’t kill him once, and it’s hard to swallow his heart. Bad breath.

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