Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2382: Rampant

"Huh, what is the ability to suppress people by relying on the realm, let me see how capable you are." Yuan Zhiman rushed over and slapped Han Yu with a palm, but her palm is more powerful than Lang Qin That palm just now was ten times more powerful.

Han Yu didn't change his face, but still greeted him with a palm.


After a loud noise, Han Yu stepped back three steps and stopped, while Yuan Zhiman went back more than ten steps before he could stabilize his figure. Looking at Han Yu in an unbelievable way, there was a lot of waves in his heart.

Xiao Ping knew that even though he was considered the best among his peers in the Dongyang Star Territory, it was in the Dongyang Star Territory, and among his peers in the Milky Way Star Territory, none of the top ten could be ranked. It is incredible to suppress him.

The faces of Lang Haotian and Luo Zhenhe were also surprised.

Suddenly, a wicked smile appeared on Han Yu's face, and he looked at Yuan Zhiman maliciously and said: "If you are in Dongyang Star Territory, today Xiaoye will suppress you and take you back to warm the bed." Yuan Zhiman was furious. He wanted to kill again, but was stopped by Lang Haotian. With Lang Haotian's eyesight, how could one fail to see that Yuan Zhiman was not Han Yu's opponent. Looking at Huo Ling, he snorted heavily: "I didn't expect Brother Xiao to hide really deep enough. In addition to Jian Lingzi, Dongyang Star Territory had another stranger.

It's really surprising. "

Huo Ling didn't speak, but looked at Lang Haotian indifferently.

"But." Suddenly, Lang Haotian's conversation turned and said, "He wants to turn things around and let Dongyang Star Territory take off the bottom hat with his own power. That's a whimsical thing. See you at the Pole Star Race."

Lang Haotian flicked his sleeves and returned to the sedan chair.

Lang Qin and Yuan Zhiman looked at Han Yu hatefully, and followed Lang Haotian unwillingly.

In the end, Luo Zhenhe unabashedly looked at Han Yu and threatened: "You'd better not meet me in the Pole Star Race, or I will break your limbs to avenge Lang Qin."

The corner of Han Yu's mouth rose slightly, and he said unceremoniously: "Really? Then you have to pray for yourself."

Luo Zhenhe snorted heavily, his eyes flickered and he returned to the sedan chair. Suddenly, the sedan chair shook suddenly, exuding an extremely powerful aura, and then broke through the air, clearly demonstrating against Huo Ling and Han Yu.

After Lang Haotian left, Huo Ling and Han Yu returned to the Fengxing Wuying Crimson Coaster.

Huo Ling said with some confusion: "Why are you acting so high-profile? Attracting people's attention in advance?"

The Han Yu he knew was a steady and composed person. Since Han Yu was like this, he must have purpose. Han Yu said faintly: "If I kept silent before the Pole Star Race, and suddenly broke into the top ten in the Pole Star Race, wouldn't it be easier to attract people's attention? Since the sword spirit can appear in Dongyang Star Territory A genius like Zi, why can’t there be another genius Xiao Ping? Dongyang Xingyu Yin

Ninja for hundreds of years, should it break out? "

Huo Ling nodded, agreeing with Han Yu's statement.

The two of them continued on their way, leaving the territory of the Milky Way Star Territory, and met another provocateur. It was Wang Tian, ​​the lord of the Chaotian Star Territory, who brought the three contestants this time.

If Wang Tian rushed to the general rudder of the East Pole Star Alliance, he would definitely not meet here. Obviously he had come here to intercept them on purpose.

Before Elder Yin dealt with Xiao Taiyi and carve up the Dongyang Star Territory, Wang Tianke had been holding a grudge, how could he let go of this opportunity to mock "Xiao Taiyi".

Wang Tian was more domineering than Lang Haotian, pointing directly at the Fengxing Wuying Scarlet Roller Coaster and yelling: "Xiao Taiyi, you come out for me."

Wang Tian stood in the void, with a huge body that seemed to separate the world from the earth. Behind him were three men, all of them with extraordinary temperament and their nostrils facing the sky.

Huo Ling stopped Fengxing Wuying Chongxiaobao and walked out with Han Yu.

"It's such a thick-skinned face, you are embarrassed to participate in the Pole Star Race, are you not afraid of being laughed out of your teeth?" Wang Tian made no secret of irony.

Huo Ling's face became cold, and he said solemnly, "I'm going or not, don't care about your ass, get out of me!" A cold light flashed in Wang Tian's eyes, but he didn't dare to attack Huo Ling without any reason. Han Yu said contemptuously: "Is this waste firewood selected by your Dongyang Star Territory to participate in the Pole Star Tournament this time? Your Dongyang Star Territory is really down to the point where people are speechless, Xiao Taiyi, only

If you ask me, I will randomly select three people from Chaotian Star Territory to fight for your Dongyang Star Territory, all of them are a hundred times stronger than this waste! "Before Huo Ling could speak, Han Yu cursed: "Old Piff, I think your skin is extremely thick, and you dare to participate in the Pole Star Tournament with these three rubbish. This time the Pole Star Tournament is the last one. The position seems to be occupied by your Chaotian Star Territory in advance. To go is also the last one, or not to go

First to last, do you still have a face, and a face here to stop and laugh at us? If I were you, just go back to pee and choke yourself to death. "

Han Yu suddenly felt an old man possessed.

Wang Weifeng got the three corpse gods violently jumped into the seven orifices to generate smoke, Han Yu dared to scold him for what identity.

Indiscriminately, he slapped Han Yu with a slap, regardless of his identity as the lord of the domain.

Huo Ling was furious and greeted him with a punch.


The two handed over, a wave of horror swept across the world. The three men behind Wang Tian were swept upside down and flew away by a powerful air wave. One of them was shocked to vomit blood. But Han Yu stood motionless beside Huo Ling. It seems to outsiders that Huo Ling protected Han Yu in advance, but Huo Ling didn’t even want to protect

Han Yu, the little air wave they played against didn't hurt Han Yu.

Wang Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he almost scrapped his outstanding children, and suddenly a cold sweat was left behind.

Looking at Han Yu again, I saw Han Yu's expression on his face, and suddenly Wang Tian felt like a trick. I wondered if Xiao Taiyi deliberately let this kid scold him, and then let him lose control and accidentally hurt his son. The more Wang Tian thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, and he hated it even more in his heart.

Turning his head to look at a man and said: "Wei Yuan, go and tear this little thief's mouth."

Wei Yuan was in a state of shock. He took a deep breath and strode forward, looking at Han Yu with gloomy eyes, and said viciously: "Little thief, dare to insult Lord Wang, you are tired of life!"

Han Yu pointed to Wei Yuan with a contemptuous smile and said: "A rubbish, and dare to show off in front of the young master. If you can catch the young master's trick, you will win."

Wei Yuan was so angry that Xiao Ping knew that he was a leader among his peers in the Dongyang Star Territory, but he didn't even know him, so he dared to despise him so much? Angrily said: "Xiao Ping, you may be considered a talent in the Dongyang Star Territory, but if you leave the Dongyang Star Territory, you are nothing. You are a trash from sitting in a well and watching the sky, today I will make you pay the price of blood for your ignorance!"

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