Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2383: Rush to the rudder


Wei Yuan stepped forward to crush the void. The powerful aura of the true god's late stage was immediately revealed, ignoring the fire spirit, and striding towards Han Yu with his nostrils facing the sky. He looked very proud and did not put Han Yu at all. In the eyes.

"Do you think that you are qualified to talk to us in the late stage of the true god? Even if it is the late stage of the true god, it is divided into three or six or nine. The genius of Dongyang Star Territory, in my eyes, is nothing but waste, even if it is. Jian Lingzi, you have to stand aside!"

"Xiao Ping, today I will let you know what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a heaven outside the sky."


When Wei Yuan was condescending and ridiculing Han Yu, Han Yu suddenly appeared in front of Wei Yuan at an unpredictable speed. So Wei Yuan didn't react, and continued to mock Han Yu.

And his voice stopped abruptly. I saw Han Yu raise his fist and banged his fist on Wei Yuan's chest. The sharp fist directly penetrated Wei Yuan's chest and thrust it out of his back.

Suddenly, blood flew across, and the screams were harsh.


Wei Yuan screamed in pain, while Wang Tian and the other two men screamed in consternation and fear. "You can even dare to show off in front of the young master. It's overwhelming. You are such rubbish, and the young master kills you and your hands are dirty." Han Yu pulled out his arm and kicked Wei Yuan's abdomen. Wei Yuan flew out like a cannonball, vomiting blood in his mouth, and fainted.


With their abilities, it is absolutely impossible to recover from such a serious injury without a three to five months recuperation.

"Evil thief, dare to kill my brother, I'm going to kill you!" Wei Xiaoting roared, rushing towards Han Yu murderously.

Suddenly, Huo Ling appeared in front of Han Yu quietly, looking at Wei Xiaoting coldly, frightened Wei Xiaoting and had to stop.

Wang Tianhan shouted: "Xiao Taiyi, juniors are fighting for the front, do you want to interfere?"

Xiao Taiyi sneered and said, "Dare to question me because of his cultivation base?"

Wang Tian's face trembled. Wei Xiaoting pointed to Han Yu and shouted, "I want to suppress the cultivation base and fight you!"

Han Yu curled his lips in disdain, and said coldly: "If you dare to suppress your cultivation, I will abuse you like a dog!"

Wei Xiaoting was so angry that the three corpse gods violently jumped, and smoke grew from within the seven orifices, and his hands quickly formed seals, sealing his own cultivation. Wang Tian stared at Han Yu gloomily, as if trying to see Han Yu through. He never dreamed that in addition to Jian Lingzi, Dongyang Star Territory had such a genius. We must know that Wei Yuan is in the hands of the advanced stage of Chaotian Star Territory True God, that is an invincible existence, even if it is the strongest of many true gods

In the later stage of suppressing the true god, he was not Wei Yuan's opponent, but he was not actually Han Yu's enemy.

This is incredible.

Wang Tian suspected that Han Yu had hidden his cultivation base, but after reading it carefully, he discovered that Han Yu was in the realm of the late True God.

How can Han Yu hide his cultivation skills than Wang Tian can see.

"Xiao Ping, I have suppressed the cultivation base in the late True God stage, and come to fight to the death!" Wei Xiaoting was furious, his eyes red.

Wang Tian stopped Wei Xiaoting. For some reason, Han Yu made him feel dangerous. Finally, he took a deep look at Han Yu and Huo Ling, snorted heavily, and left with the people from the Chaotian Star Territory.

This was just an episode for Han Yu and Huo Ling, and the two continued on their way.

"My lord, I know Xiao Ping, and I have discussed it before. It is my defeat. How can I grow to such a terrible level now? Even Wei Yuan is not his opponent." Wang Shang said.

"I also find it strange that Xiao Ping's current strength is almost invincible at the realm. Even the geniuses of the vast sea star domain and the Fengluan star domain are not bad. How could they have been unknown before?" Wei Xiaoting Doubtful. He knew Wei Yuan's strength. Even if he suppressed his cultivation base and fought with Wei Yuan in the same realm, he would beat Wei Yuan a little bit at most. Therefore, although he had clamored to suppress the cultivation base and fight with Han Yu in the same realm before, his heart was always bottomless, so that after Wang Tian stopped him, he went

Did not continue to clamor.

This kind of powerlessness is only possible when facing the geniuses in the top star regions of the East Pole Star Alliance. Looking at the star areas of Chaotian, Milky Way, Dongyang and Yunkong, no one has ever made Wei Xiaoting feel this way. "Humph!" Wang Tianzhong snorted. Wang Shang and Wei Xiaoting could see Han Yu's extraordinaryness, and he could naturally see it, and said with a bit of sourness: "I said that after the disaster of Dongyang Star Territory, Why didn't Xiao Taiyi just give up participating in the Pole Star Race? It turns out that he still kept one hand. I'm afraid Jian Lingzi

It is the guise of Dongyang Star Territory that hides people's ears. The truly rare genius in ten thousand years is that Xiao Ping, I have to say that Xiao Taiyi hides so deeply. "

Wang Shang and Wei Xiaoting nodded in deep thought. Wang Tian's face turned gloomy, and the conversation turned, and he said, "However, even though Xiao Ping is a good person, but Xiao Taiyi wants to win a round with the Polar Star Tournament, that is a foolish dream. He will always be nailed to the pillar of shame. Can't look up. Let's wait and see how he survives this time

Pole Star Race! "

Suddenly, Wang Tianyin laughed badly.


After more than two months of rushing, Han Yu and Huo Ling finally arrived at the head of the East Pole Star Alliance. The total rudder of the East Pole Star Alliance has a total of nine stars arranged in the starry sky in the form of eight stars guarding one pearl.

That "bead" is the core of the East Pole Star Alliance, the East Pole Star.

The East Pole Star is the 27 star regions of the East Pole Star League, the largest and most magnificent star among the tens of millions of stars. Compared with the Dongyang Sky Star, it is nothing short of insignificant and not worth mentioning.

When Han Yu and Huo Ling came outside Jupiter to the east of East Pole Star, they were forced to get off the Feng Xing Shadowless Red Roller, and then they flew and landed on Jupiter.

Even as Xiao Taiyi, he had to follow the rules here.

After landing on Jupiter, after passing the identity registration examination, a car was dispatched on Jupiter, pulling Han Yu and Huo Ling to Dongji Star.

"It really deserves to be the rudder of the East Pole Star Alliance. There are no less than three strong men from the early days on Jupiter." Han Yu sighed secretly. He didn't deliberately explore Jupiter, but he accidentally sensed three. The breath of the strong man in the early days of the gods is looming.

"Yeah, Dongyang Tianxing is not the same as this Jupiter. I can't imagine what kind of scene the East Pole Star will be. Once I am exposed, I will never escape to the sky." Huo Ling sighed.

The defense here is solid, and the censorship is very strict. It is almost impossible to get in, and it is even more foolish to kill it.

"Are you scared?" Han Yu asked lightly.

Huo Ling smiled faintly and didn't say much. After this time of getting along, the two can be regarded as abandoning their previous suspicions and become true friends.

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