Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3001: Reincarnation

After Taoist Crow left, Han Yu took out Fairy Hongxia's skull and examined it carefully.

"You recover on your own, do you want to give me a signal?" Han Yu's eyes gradually became brighter.

Not long ago, Fairy Hongxia's skull suddenly recovered. Han Yu didn't pay attention to it. Now it seems that it might be giving him a signal.

Han Yu grabbed the skull in his hand, stood up and left quickly.


"Xiaoyu, do you think it has something to do with immortals?"

After Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing learned of Han Yu's intentions, they both looked at Han Yu in surprise. Han Yu nodded and said: "There are three reasons. First, this time is the best time to eliminate us, but the strong in God Ancestor Mountain is silent. There is definitely something important that prevents them from being cloned. This matter, for sure

It is more important than destroying us; secondly, Taoist Crow feels that there is a special power calling him, this power comes from Jietian Temple, and Feixian Mountain Range is within Jietian Temple. "Han Yu paused, took out Fairy Hongxia's skull and continued: "Thirdly, it is related to this skull. Today, this skull suddenly revived. It seems that there is something hinting to me. This skull was left by Fairy Hongxia, according to legend

Fairy Hongxia comes from the fairy world. For these three points, I can only think of one possibility for the time being, and that is related to immortals. "

Both Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing listened carefully.

Han Zhan said: "I am afraid that only things related to immortals can make me unable to see what happened while traveling through time and space, so I was punished by heaven and suffered serious injuries."

The Korean War once fought for the past, the present, and the future, and it is not difficult for him to go to the future.

But this time, let alone intervening in the future, he was seriously injured without seeing what happened in the future. It can be said that it was the first time in his life.

Han Yu thought for a while and said: "True has something to do with immortality, which is a good thing for us. Protoss powerhouses have no intention to deal with us, and we have time to grow. Moreover, if we can win things related to immortals, the benefits are even more important best of all."

Both Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing nodded.

Han Zhan said: "Then I will go and watch Jietian secretly."

Han Yu shook his head and said, "If it is really related to immortals, the world will tremble and it will not become a secret. Now tracking Jietian is of little value. We still use this time to improve our strength so that we can be more active in the future."

Zhao Yubing said: "I agree with Xiaoyu's view!"


Canghai Star Territory, a very legendary place.

Because here, buried one of the most amazing and brilliant people of the Protoss, Jietian Hall, the dojo of Jietian God. Every time Jietian Temple appeared, there would be terrible visions such as stone fish coming out of water, the sea like blood, and the blue moon stunned into the sky. But this time, Jietian Temple quietly emerged from the Canghai Star Territory, floating on the surface of the Canghai Star Territory sea, but no one knew


The ancient temple, floating on the sea like an island, seems to live forever.

After a long time, a figure fell outside the temple, and his gaze swept across the temple, suddenly looking terrible.

There were several cracks on the Heaven Smiting Temple.

It is like an ancient building, which is declining.

But this person knows that this is absolutely very unusual.

This palace, after being refined by the Heaven Smiting God, is as hard as the Supreme Soldier, how can it easily crack?

"It really comes from the power of Jietian Temple!" The old man's face instantly flashed with excitement.

This person is wearing a shabby Taoist robe, born with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, thief eyebrows and mouse eyes, who is not a crow Taoist?

Suddenly, a shovel appeared in Daoist Crow's hand. The shovel was shining with golden light, trembling constantly, as if being summoned.

"All signs indicate that I am Smiting Heaven!" Taoist Crow became more excited.


Suddenly, a terrifying crack was opened above the palace gate, and from within the crack, a terrifying light exploded, an incomparable breath rushed on Taoist Crow, almost rushing Taoist Crow.

And that secret summoning power, he felt more and more intense.

Taoist Crow was extremely excited, ready to use the "One Hundred and Eight Smiting Heavens" to open the palace gate, and suddenly a terrifying force burst out of the crack, pulling him into the Hall of Smiting Heaven abruptly.

Jietian Hall was filled with terrifying golden light.

But within this golden light, Taoist Crow felt very comfortable.

Suddenly, the golden light surged and turned into golden clouds, quickly condensing in the sky in the distance. It didn't take long for a golden figure wearing a Taoist robe to appear in the sight of Taoist Crow.

This person looks exactly the same as the Taoist Crow, but his aura is very different from the Taoist Crow. Like the ruler of the heaven and the earth, all spirits have to prostrate themselves when they see it.

Taoist Crow opened his eyes wide, and his face was filled with excitement, shock, and surprise.

"You are here." the golden figure asked.

The voice was flat, but with a boundless domineering.

Taoist Crow nodded, what he saw, heard and experienced, was so shocking that he was mentally prepared for it, and it was difficult to digest for a while.

"We shouldn't have met at this time." The golden figure said.

"Why?" Taoist Crow asked.

"According to my deduction, there are still thousands of years." The golden figure sighed, unable to see whether it was happiness or sadness.

"Why is it ahead of schedule?" Taoist Crow asked suspiciously.

"If I'm not wrong, no less than three supreme-level powerhouses should have fallen in the recent period." The golden figure said confidently.

"It is true that three supreme experts have fallen, but what does this have to do with you and me?" Taoist Crow was even more puzzled.

The golden figure said: "There is cause and effect in all things in the heaven and earth. The three supreme beings fall, let the heaven and the earth mourn, and the blood is spilled on the world, and the Feixian Mountains will be revived, and there may be fairy trails, or there may be an opportunity to become a fairy, so we met in advance."

The supreme and powerful, the merits of good fortune, every fall will cause natural phenomena. Four years ago, they fell to three places in a very short period of time. The invisible impact is beyond human ability.

However, Taoist Crow still had doubts and asked: "One hundred thousand years ago, no less than three Supremes had fallen in a short period of time. Why did the Feixian Mountain Range not show any fairy trails at that time. Moreover, this time the fall of the three Supremes happened? Four years ago." The golden figure said: "One hundred thousand years ago, the Feixian Mountain Range had been revived for the first time. This time, the Feixian Mountain Range was revived again and the fairy trails appeared directly. This is a process, if there is no one hundred thousand Many Supremes fell a year ago, this time

It is impossible to make the Feixian Mountain Range resurrect and appear fairy trails. The Feixian Mountains recovered four years ago, but you just discovered it. "

That's how Crow Dao human heart is.

The golden figure suddenly said with a serious face: "A hundred generations of reincarnation, just wait for this day, are you ready?" Before Taoist Crow could answer, the golden figure suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed into the body of Taoist Crow.

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