Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3002: Fei Xian Mountain is here


One day, the legendary Jietian Temple exploded, and a terrifying mountain range appeared, exuding a mysterious and terrifying breath.

The sound of the explosion shocked all over the world.

This mountain range is the Feixian mountain range. The Fei Xian Mountain Range lies across the Canghai Star Region, separating the Canghai Star Region into two halves.

Above the mountain range, colorful mist is evaporating, forming a block of colorful clouds, enveloping the Feixian Mountain Range, making the Feixian Mountain Range even more mysterious and unpredictable.

A few days later, the colorful floating clouds enveloped the entire Feixian Mountain Range, so that from a distance, you can't see the mountains at all, you can only see the floating colorful clouds, like a beautiful and mysterious world.

The Sea Clan arrived first, and countless ships sailed into the range covered by colored clouds, but they never returned.

People from further afield come here after hearing the wind and enter the world shrouded in colored clouds without hesitation, and also never return.

Even people outside who used the transmission of jade cards to contact them did not respond.

People gradually realized the danger.

But the existence of curiosity makes waves of people like moths fighting the fire, one after another breaking into the world covered by colorful clouds.

It was not until one day that a stream of blood flowed out of the world shrouded in colored clouds and mist that frightened most people.

The blood flowed red, dyeing the Canghai Star Territory.

Someone found the breath of an acquaintance in the blood.

All the people who broke into the color world before seemed to have fallen.

The changes in the Canghai Star Territory quickly spread up and down the God Realm, causing the world to shake.

And the keen people have already noticed some unusual breaths.

Wan Jianzong, in the lobby. Han Yu, the Korean War, Zhao Yubing, Jian Jiuling, Shuixian'er, and others are all here. In the center of the hall, a light curtain appeared. Above the light curtain, there was a terrifying sight of a sea of ​​bleeding. A mysterious world shrouded in colorful clouds

, Even if they only saw images, the people present felt oppressed.

This image was sent by the masters sent by Wan Jianzong to investigate the situation. There was a message from the Eighteenth Sword. The world covered by colored clouds was full of mystery and horror, and he felt heart palpitations.

He wanted to break in and take a look, but was stopped by Zhao Yubing.

"Xiaoyu, what do you think?" Han Zhan asked. "According to the intelligence, before this colored cloud appeared, there was a terrifying explosion. In all likelihood, the Jietian Temple exploded. The Feixian Mountain Range has shown its true form. The world shrouded in colored clouds is almost always Flying fairy mountain range!" Han Yushen

The serious way.

Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing both nodded.

"The birth of the Feixian Mountain Range must have something to do with the immortal. The world's strongest people will inevitably flock to them. Those old guys hidden in the God Ancestor Mountain, this time must not help but have to do it." Zhao Yubing said cautiously.

"Shall we go?" Han Zhan asked Han Yu.

Now everyone is looking forward to Han Yu.

"Go, you must go." Han Yu said with blazing eyes, related to the immortal, not to be missed.

"I want to go too!" Liu Xuanyue said suddenly.

"Ohhhhhh..." Xiaojiao jumped on Han Yu's shoulder, and he wanted to go.

Han Yu said, "In this way, father, mother and me, the three of us will first go to explore the truth, and the rest will stay here temporarily."

Liu Xuanyue said: "This time the Protoss will inevitably send out large-scale masters. A big battle is inevitable, and we can follow along to take care of it!"

Han Yu could not bear to refuse Liu Xuanyue's urgent gaze.

Narcissus, Shui Ling'er, Ma Su, Fenghuang, Qin Yue, Sword Nine Spirits, Sword Seventeen, etc., also wanted to go with them.

They all know how dangerous it will be. They don't want to hide behind Han Yu forever, but want to fight alongside Han Yu.

Han Zhan said, "Xiaoyu, let them go together!"

Xiao Jiao and Liu Xuanyue are both powerful in the Eight Tribulations Half Step Supreme. The former is the descendants of the demon ancestor and has now been inherited by the demon ancestor. The latter half is the reincarnation of the Huangquan ancestor. They have the strongest combat power, the supreme It's hard to kill.

Narcissus, Ma Su, Shui Ling'er, Phoenix, Qin Yue, Sword Nine Spirits, and Sword Seventeen were all half-step supreme powerhouses, and they had a tacit understanding.

These people gather together and rely on the Naihe Bridge to keep more than themselves.

The girls are all overjoyed and hurriedly thanked the Korean War.

Since the Korean War had said so, Han Yu would not object, so he decided to leave for the Canghai Star Region as a whole.

As for Wan Jianzong, Han Yu was not worried. Although they left, Wan Jianzong still left many half-step supreme powerhouses.

Now the Feixian Mountain Range is present, and it is related to immortals. The super powers of the Protoss will not have the mind to control the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, and the supreme powers also have the majesty and pride of the supreme powers, and will not easily deal with ordinary people.

So in comparison, Wan Jianzong is the safest.

On the second day, everyone set off for the Canghai Star Region.

The Korean War took everyone on the road with a measuring ruler, and the speed was actually three points faster than Naihe Bridge. In less than a day, he rushed to the Canghai Star Territory, and directly entered the Canghai Star Territory, and stopped to watch from a distance of a hundred miles away from the colorful clouds and mist.

The breath radiating from the colored clouds and mist is very similar to the power of the Immortal Dao practiced by Han Yu, and it seems to be really immortal energy.

Fairy Hongxia's skull became more vivid, radiant and immortal bursts.

"The Protoss supreme shouldn't arrive yet. Your mother and I will go in and see, you are waiting for us outside!" Han Zhan suddenly said.

The Canghai Star Region is close to the Ten Thousand Sword Sect site, and they definitely arrived first.

The colorful clouds, separating everything, are better than they can't see through. This is even more mysterious, and there is also a hint of danger, so that the Korean War has to be treated with caution.

"Be careful!"

Han Yu took Xiaojiao and his wife Hongyan, waiting outside.

Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing stepped on the sky ruler and flew directly into the colorful clouds.

Liu Xuanyue took out the Naihe Bridge, and everyone stood on the Naihe Bridge. The Naihe Bridge was hidden in the void. Many people passed by without finding them.

Three days later, the Korean War and Zhao Yubing did not come back, and there was no response when they used the transmission jade card to contact them. Everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried. In the past three days, several terrifying auras came one after another. The six gods, the Taoist gods, the great sage gods, and the time and space gods familiar to Han Yu arrived one after another. In addition, there were others that Han Yu was not familiar with, but Han Yu The terrible breath of palpitations, no

Just think about it and know that he is a master of Shenzu Mountain.

"Xian'er, Su Su, you are waiting for me here, I'll go in and see!" Han Yu couldn't sit still.

Even if there is no danger in the Feixian Mountain Range itself, the arrival of so many powerful Protoss makes Han Yu anxious.

"Take Naihe Bridge." Liu Xuanyue said with a worried expression.

"Ohhhhhh..." Xiaojiao called, and he wanted to go with Han Yu.

Han Yu gave the women a confident smile and said, "It's okay, I'll take the little guy." After that, Han Yu flew down the Naihe Bridge with a small horn, and a few flashes rushed into the colorful clouds. .

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