Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 851: Mysterious singing

Chapter 851: Mysterious Song

Seven or eight flames, turning into meteors, silently dashed across the void and rushed towards Yin Changhe man.

"Imperial Fire Technique?" Yin Chang's brows jumped wildly, the flame on the lamp was a little weird, he didn't want it to touch his body, and quickly dodged to avoid it.


A flame brushed with Yin Chang. Before Yin Chang could breathe a sigh of relief, the place where it was rubbed quickly burned.

"Huh?" Yin Changda was shocked, and quickly reached out to shoot, but the flame just touched the flame just now, and the flame was like bone gangrene, and he couldn't shake it off.

Yin Chang's hands withered and burned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, a heart-piercing voice sounded, and the man was covered with flames and turned into a burning man.

Yin Chang was terrified and hurried his vitality, hoping that the vitality could drive away the flames. However, the flame can burn even vitality, and vitality to it is like oil, burning more vigorously.

Yin Chang yelled in horror and hurriedly propped up the formation shield, but what made him desperate was that the flames could pass through the formation shield, and his Qi Tianjia was burned to pieces in a short time.

"Little thief Han Yu, if we die, we will die together!" Yin Chang realized that he was bound to die and rushed directly to Han Yu. When he fell halfway down, the red dragon's tail was heavily drawn on Yin Chang's body, and he directly drew Yin Chang out, as if a meteorite struck the void.

The flame of the ever-bright lamp burns if it touches anything, but it cannot hurt the red dragon.

Suddenly, the heart-piercing scream made Han Yu's scalp numb. The man had been burned to ashes by the flame, and the flame was automatically extinguished. On the other side, Yin Chang was still struggling to support it, but it didn't take long for him to turn into ashes and scattered with the wind.

Han Yu spit out a long sigh, today is really a desperate situation.

Looking at the flame on the ever-bright lamp, I couldn't help being a little scared. This flame is really weird and terrifying, and Han Yu felt that he might be able to compete with Jiu Nether Fire.

Han Yu secretly adjusted his breath, took the red dragon into his body, and walked to the place where Yin Chang burned to death. Looking at the marks on the ground, Han Yu couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Yin Changnai is a master of Wu Zun's seventh layer, and he must carry a lot of treasures on his body. His magic weapon is great, but under the white flame, there is nothing left.

Han Yu didn't stay long and left quickly.

Although there was nothing dangerous in the cemetery after coming here for so long, Han Yu didn't want to stay here any longer.

Han Yu returned to the Sky Tree and couldn't help but glanced at the tomb that Yin Chang had just attacked. At this time, on the side of the tomb, Yin Chang had dug a large hole. He released the exploration of the power of the soul, and there was a mysterious power flowing in the hole, blocking the exploration of the power of the soul.

Han Yu hesitated, but couldn't help but walk over, tilting his head and looking inside.

It was dark inside, and nothing was seen.

Han Yu was about to leave when suddenly, a voice came from the grave.

This sound gave people a sense of emptiness, like it was far away, and it seemed to be very close. It resembles the sound of a flute and the sound of a weapon handing over. After recollection, it seems to be the sound of animals again.

"What's going on?" Han Yu suddenly felt that the second-born monk was confused.

Han Yu put his ear to the black hole, and there was no movement.

"Is it an illusion?" Han Yu shook his head, turned and left.

Before taking a few steps, the previous voice came out again. This time I heard more clearly than the previous time, like singing, a woman's singing.

The voice is pure and ethereal, like a yellow yingming in the empty valley.

Han Yu looked at the black hole in the tomb, and suddenly he was terrified. He turned around and rushed towards the sky tree.

After not taking a few steps, the sound rang again, as if it was not far behind Han Yu. Han Yu heard it more clearly this time. It was indeed a woman singing. The singing sound is ancient and distant, it seems to come from the ancient times.

Han Yu turned his head away, there was nothing but the black grave.

Han Yu's hair is already covered with cold sweat, even if he is Qi Tianshi, a master tomb robber, and even the terrifying places of the underworld world, he still has a numb scalp.

He didn't want to stay for a moment, rushing to the tree of the sky at the fastest speed.

"Da da da……"

Behind Han Yu, footsteps suddenly sounded, approaching him. It seemed as if someone was walking towards him. But Han Yu's soul power swept past, but he couldn't find anything. Han Yu turned around and couldn't see anything.

"Is it really hell?" Han Yu couldn't calm down.

As the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, you will always see ghosts.

Han Yuning was calm, no matter what he heard, he kept climbing up the tree.

The singing continued, lingering in Han Yu's ears, it seemed that a woman was standing behind Han Yu, singing for Han Yu. Han Yu couldn't understand her language, let alone her lyrics.

However, there was no one behind Han Yu.

Han Yu plugged his ears with vitality. He couldn't hear and his heart was upset.

However, he could still hear the singing, and it seemed to sound in his mind.

Han Yugu's hair is crisp, cold sweat is flowing, and he tries his best to climb up.

"Does it sound good?"

Suddenly, the singing disappeared, and a gentle and pure voice sounded, and Han Yu's body instantly stiffened.

He originally thought it was an illusion, but there was a mysterious little beast tooth, Han Yu would not be confused by the illusion; he originally thought this song was a transmission that transcended time and space, not now, but existed long ago. Now he just heard it by chance.

But does it sound nice with one sentence? Han Yu's speculation was instantly denied.

The singing is now, and the singing person is also here, but he can't see it.

"Who are you?" Han Yu gathered up his courage and turned around to shout.

He did not see the singing person, nor did he get a response. Two substantial beams of light shot out from Han Yu's eyes, sweeping around, but nothing was seen except the void of the black hole.

As time passed, Han Yu could hear his heartbeat. After waiting for a few minutes, there was no change. Han Yu continued to climb up without going far. Suddenly, it seemed that a hand was pressing Han Yu's left shoulder from behind.

It seems like it is because Han Yuming felt that he was pressing a hand on his shoulder, but he could not see anything.

Han Yu is about to collapse, he has never been so helpless at this moment. Even if Yin Chang had been forced to a dead end before, he was thinking of various ways to deal with it.

Han Yu slapped his back without hitting anything. He slapped him empty and the hand on his shoulder disappeared, but when he was about to continue climbing, the hand appeared and pressed on his shoulder again.

There is nothing more terrible than the unknown. And what Han Yu encountered now was something unknown. He couldn't see it with the eyes, the power of the soul couldn't perceive it, and Han Yu couldn't imagine that there would be such a thing in this world.

"What kind of monsters are you, there is something to show the young master?" Han Yu approached the edge of collapse, shouting with courage.

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