Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 852: Obsessed with creatures

Chapter 852

Han Yu's voice resounded in this empty, silent environment, and it seemed unusually abrupt.

He grabbed the bark with one hand, leaned against the trunk, and swept around sharply with red eyes, like a lion waiting to catch its prey. Once the prey appeared, it would inevitably deliver a fatal blow.

Han Yu was panting heavily and was already wet with cold sweat.

Suddenly, a cold breath emanated from the little beast's teeth, which quickly suppressed the restlessness in Han Yu's body, and Han Yu's mood gradually calmed down.

"Nothing can appear out of thin air, invisible to the eyes, and invisible to the power of the soul, does not mean that he does not exist."

Han Yu closed his eyes and sensed it carefully.

Unconsciously, Han Yu reached a state of physical and mental emptiness, and his whole person seemed to be in this world. In the void, he sensed three forces.

One power is the power of the void, the other power is the mysterious power, and the other power is the abnormally weak of the three powers. It looks ethereal, like a light smoke floating in the clouds, it is difficult to distinguish it. The presence.

The singing sounded again, and this song came from that illusory power.

Although the situation at this time is still very weird, Han Yu still breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing is scarier than the unknown. Now that the root of the problem has been discovered, it is not so scary.

He felt a little bit, and fumbled, and found that the power came from the grave that Yin Chang had dug up, and the singing came from that grave.

Han Yu knew that there was definitely not a good place in the tomb, which was undoubtedly revealed at this moment. Now the tomb has not been completely pried open, if it is completely pried open, I don't know what will happen.

Han Yu climbed up again, and that hand appeared again. It was a hand formed by that force.

Every time Han Yu turned around and turned his back to the grave, that power would form a hand to grab Han Yu, and when Han Yu turned around, that hand disappeared.

Han Yu simply turned his back to the trunk and began to climb upward. Sure enough, the power lingered around Han Yu, but did not form a hand to hold Han Yu.

Han Yu got further and further away from the ground, the tomb gradually became blurred in sight, and the flame of the ever-bright lamp began to blur. The unpredictable power will no longer rise after reaching a certain height.

Han Yu let out a long suffocation, and finally got rid of the claws.

"Kang Dang!"

At this moment, a sound like a bronze handover came from below, like the sound of a coffin lid opening.

Han Yu's hair was suddenly terrified, and he hurriedly turned around and used his greatest strength to climb away, faster than the speed of an ape.


Suddenly, the sound of wind came from below.

But this was not the wind, it was the sound that the weird power became stronger, forming a whirlpool, and rushing towards Han Yu.

"Damn it!"

Han Yu rushed for another distance, and the force had already chased Han Yu, swallowed Han Yu, and took Han Yu down quickly. At this moment, Han Yu seemed to be caught in the center of a tornado, unable to help himself.

"Boom bang bang..."

Han Yu blasted out from palm to palm, no matter how powerful he was. At this time, he was like a fallen leaf in a violent wind, and he could only be slaughtered.

Not long after, Han Yu's eyes suddenly went dark, and he was dragged into the tomb by the big hole dug by the force.

"Damn Yin Chang hurt me!" Han Yu was cold from head to toe, becoming Liushen without master.


Han Yu was smashed to the ground, smashed into pieces.

Here is a square stone room, densely engraved with mysterious spells on the wall, and a bronze coffin is placed in the middle. The lid of the coffin is now opened. Above the coffin, there was a cloud of black gas floating, and the gas kept squirming, making the scalp numb.

The singing sounded again, it was from the black gas.

"Undead resentment?" Han Yu exclaimed. The mass of gas in front of him was like undead resentment. It's just that this group of undead resentment gave him an unfathomable feeling.


The black gas turned into a flood and rushed towards Han Yu. This was to take away Han Yu.

Han Yu immediately arranged a formation to trap the undead's grievances. However, his formation was only slightly touched by the undead's resentment before breaking through.

This undead resentment was so powerful that Han Yu could not handle it at all. But what makes Han Yu puzzled is why such a powerful undead resentment is still in a state of ignorance and has not formed a sense of autonomy?

But Han Yu didn't have time to think about it. The undead resentment rushed into his body for the first time, rushed to his Niwan Palace, and wanted to seize him.


The black hole suddenly erupted with unprecedented horrific swallowing power, and that black energy was involuntarily pulled into the dantian and was swallowed by the black hole.

Suddenly, a shrill cry made Han Yu's scalp numb, how could he think of it with the sweet and beautiful singing just now.

"Not the undead resentment?" Han Yu was a little startled.

Black holes can only actively swallow two kinds of matter, one is heaven and earth treasure, and the other is pure energy. This group of black energy cannot be a treasure of heaven and earth, it is a group of energy.


From within the black hole, an incomparably terrifying aura gushes out like a flood. The black hole feeds back, which confirms Han Yu's guess that this black gas is not the undead resentment, but a mass of energy.

This also explains why it has not formed an autonomous consciousness.

Han Yu was extremely surprised, what powerful existence was buried in this tomb, and the energy transformed after death would have formed such a powerful creature.

Han Yu suddenly thought of the word obsession. It is rumored that after death, a very powerful existence will form a special biological form because the obsession exists. It will not dissipate until he completes his obsession. For obsession with beings.

Persistence is different from undead resentment. The former is attached to the obsession before death, which is equivalent to a part of the thought, which is a creature formed by that part of the thought controlling its own residual energy; the latter is a completely evolved creature that has a new thought after it has an autonomous consciousness. One is the continuation of the thinking of the deceased, and the other is the rebirth after death. There are essential differences.

The formation of obsessive spirits is much more difficult than the formation of undead resentments. Han Yu had seen relevant descriptions in some ancient books before, but he did not expect to see the truth today.

Fortunately, this is an obsessive creature, not an undead resentment. If it is the latter, the black hole cannot swallow it by itself, and today Han Yu has only the fate of being seized.

Han Yu retracted his mind and hurriedly sat cross-legged. This obsessive creature possessed incomparable terrifying energy. After being refined by the black hole, it was enough for Han Yu to use it for the pass. Han Yu looked forward to it, hoping to break through to the realm of King Wu in one fell swoop.

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