Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 920: Find the truth

Chapter 920

"Uh..." Old man Gao was taken aback, and he couldn't help but cast his gaze at the short old man aside with Taoist Qingmu.

The short old man sighed: "At that time, I saw that Han Shaoxia was not in the pool. His growth rate far exceeded my expectations. He is the only one I have seen in my life comparable to Fairy Jin Chan. Character."

Old man Gao said: "Han Shaoxia and Fairy Jin Chan can be said to be a pair of golden boys and jade girls, a couple of gods and immortals, but unfortunately they have become enemies."

The short old man said: "One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and one life cannot tolerate two great arrogances. Even if they have no grievances before, they will eventually face the opposite."

Taoist Qingmu sighed: "The two great arrogances cannot live together for the same life. This is a pity in the cultivation world."

Old man Gao suddenly said with a bit of resentment: "Jia Zhengjing's old foolishness has ruined my chance to establish a friendship with Han Shaoxia!"

The short old man said: "Don't mention this matter again. If it is known to outsiders, not only will our Zhenyuan Sect be destroyed, it will also be extremely detrimental to Han Shaoxia."

Dao Qingmu said humanely: "The second elder said that it would be better not to discuss this matter in the future. Although the master of Han Shaoxia is not a waiter, but the dispute of that level is not something we can get in.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Taoist Aoki, Old Man Short and Old Man Gao immediately shut up, and Taoist Aoki said lightly: "Please come in!"


The door opened, and a rough-dressed and wildly dressed young man entered the sight of the three of them, none of them knew the young man.

"Who are you?" Old Man Gao asked vigilantly.

The young man did not speak, and closed the door.

Old man Gao jumped to his feet, trying to get angry, but was held back by the short old man. The short old man stared at the young man, the outline of this young man gave him a familiar feeling.

"Two seniors, it's been a long time!" The young man walked over and said, looking at the short old man and the high old man.

Daoist Qingmu also stood and looked at Han Yu, then at the short old man and Gao old man.

Old Man Gao was astonished. He didn't know the young man. Why did the young man say that?

It was the short old man, who seemed to see something, a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face, and he asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you Han Shaoxia?"

The young man nodded and said, "I'm Han Yu!"

"Really you?" The short old man was a little excited, strode towards Han Yu, and looked at Han Yu up and down.

Back then, the short old man had high hopes for Han Yu. To a certain extent, he regarded Han Yu as his descendant. He made a decision the moment he found Han Yu, and once Han Yu qualified, he would train Han Yu well.

It's just that Han Yu's growth rate is far beyond his expectations. At this moment, he is no longer qualified to mention those, but the short old man is really happy and excited.

Originally, Han Yu wanted to go directly to Zhenyuanmen to find the short old man. He met people from Zhenyuanmen before he left the city, so he followed, but he didn't expect that they were also in Phoenix.

Old man Gao looked at Han Yu in a daze. I think that when they met Han Yu, Han Yu was just a hairy boy. Who would have thought that in just a few years, Han Yu came to Wuzhou from the corner of Jingzhou, and it stirred the boundless. The **** wind made them all amazed.

Han Yu exchanged a greeting with the short old man before sitting down under the warm reception of the short old man. Taoist Aoki and Old Man Gao are also extremely enthusiastic towards Han Yu.

They have not forgotten the promise they made to "Master Han Yu" and regard Han Yu as the master.

"Come today, I have something to ask seniors." Han Yu said straightforwardly.

Seeing Han Yu's serious expression, the short old man couldn't help but trembled when he saw Han Yu's expression.

Han Yu asked, "Apart from the three of Zhenyuanmen who know my origin, are there anyone else?"

The short old man hurriedly said: "Except for the three of us, no one knows your origin."

Han Yu continued to ask: "Then Heaven Zen Buddhism ever asked you about my origin?"

The short old man, Taoist Qingmu, and old man Gao looked at each other and shook their heads. The short old man was very thoughtful, he heard something wrong from Han Yu's words, and asked, "Han Shaoxia, has something happened?"

Han Yu said in a low voice, "Tian Chan Sect has spread the news that my relatives were caught by them."

"What?" The short old man and others were shocked.

Old man Gao quickly said: "Han Shaoxia, we can swear to God that we haven't said anything about you to the fourth person. And we only came back from Jingzhou six months ago, and your relatives are all very well."

The short old man continued: "We really haven't talked about your origins with other people, and Tianchan doesn't know that you and I are related. In Wuzhou, does Han Shaoxia have relatives?"

Han Yu shook his head.

Daoist Qingmu, who has not spoken all the time, suddenly said, "Han Shaoxia, is this a deceit from the Heavenly Chan Sect and wants to trick you into showing up?"

Han Yu chose to remain silent, this is not impossible. But if it was true, it would be bad. He did not dare to be careless. Looking at the short old man and asking, "Does senior know Narcissus and Masu?"

The short old man nodded and said: "The two are both immortal couples of Shaoxia Han. I heard about it when I went to Jingzhou with Old Man Gao. We also met with them and they were all very good."

Hearing this, Han Yu relaxed. His women are Shuixian'er and Masu. As long as they are fine, this shows that Tianchan is really fraudulent.

The short old man and the high old man only came back half a year ago, and time did not allow the people of Tianchan to do anything unfavorable to Narcissus and Masu.

Han Yu stared into the eyes of the short old man, and solemnly said: "Senior, the relationship between you and me, and my origins, for the good of you and me, I hope to rot in your stomach from now on."

The short old man said: "Han Shaoxia can rest assured, even if this old fate is not, we shouldn't say anything, we will never reveal a word."

Old man Gao and Taoist Aoki also expressed their hearts.

Taoist Qingmu said again: "Han Shaoxia, in fact, our Zhenyuanmen has long been your subordinates. You told us to face east, how dare we face west."

Han Yu raised his brows and asked, "How to say?"

Dao Qingmu said humanely: "In the past, we have already expressed our intentions with the teacher, and since then we regard Han Shaoxia as the master."

Taoist Aomu finished speaking, and winked at the old man and the old man Gao. The three stood up, then knelt down on one knee, clasped fists and shouted: "Aomu (Liang Tong, Zhu Lian) see the young master!"

The short old man is named Liang Tong, and the high old man is named Zhu Lian. The three people's actions made Han Yu a little surprised.

Han Yu's master was Han Yu himself, and Han Yu naturally knew what had happened. After thinking for a while, he said, "The three, please, if that's the case, then we will be a family!"

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