Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 921: Whistleblowing

Chapter 921

Taoist Qingmu, Liang Tong, and Zhu Lian are all overjoyed in their past, but Han Yu never expected that Han Yu would bear the blame for their past. Being able to climb Han Yu's high branch is something they have always dreamed of.

"Thank you, Young Master!" The three quickly thanked them, and stood up with Han Yu's support.

Han Yu said: "You sincerely submit to Han's command, and Han will certainly not treat you badly."

Taoist Aomu, Liang Tong and Zhu Lian glanced at each other, and they were all joyful in their hearts.

Taoist Aoki clasped his fists and said humbly: "Young Master, if you have anything you want, please tell me, we will all be willing to go up and down the fire."

Han Yu nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You also know that Tian Chan Sect has threatened that my relatives were caught by them. I want you to find out within two days that the news of Tian Chan Sect is true or false. Who was the one caught."

The expressions of the three of them became a little ugly, and the time span of two days was too short. But this is the first thing Han Yu gave them, and they must do it well.

Taoist Aoki solemnly said: "Young Master, rest assured, we will do our best to investigate the matter clearly."

Han Yu said, "Well, please report to me whenever you have news."

After Han Yu told the address of the three of them, they left quietly. After Han Yu left, the three of them also left as soon as possible, using all available power to investigate the authenticity of the news released by Tianchan.

Zhenyuanmen's recognition of the master made Han Yu a little surprised. But this is a good thing for Han Yu. After all, Han Yu is weak, and Zhenyuan Sect is a second-rate sect no matter what. With the power of Zhenyuan Sect, it is naturally much more convenient for matters such as investigating news.

Han Yu was not afraid that the people from the True Yuan Sect turned around and went to join the Heavenly Zen Sect. After all, there was a "Han Yu's Master" who was there to frighten him. As long as Daoist Qingmu and others were not fools, they would not do anything treachery. Moreover, Han Yu still has some good feelings for the short old man and the high old man, and believes that they will not betray him.

Han Yu didn't idle either. After a serious disguise, he shuttled around Phoenix City, observed the terrain, and explored the power of Tianchan and other hostile sects. He will prepare for the worst.

After more than half a day of exploration, Han Yu had a general understanding of several forces.

On the surface, the people in Phoenix are all here for Yin Jinchan, but in fact they are undercurrents.

Needless to say, the Heavenly Zen cultivator took over the four gates of Phoenix City for the first time, firmly grasped the situation of the entire Phoenix City, and brought countless masters.

In addition, the Golden Bell Sect and the Purple Feather Palace have also come to many masters. Although they are not as ostentatious as the Tianchan Sect, they occupy some important places in Phoenix.

Obviously, they had negotiated long ago and waited for Han Yu to catch turtles in the urn.

The people of the three major sects have formed a layer of encirclement network, enclosing Tuxiantai in the center, as long as Han Yu shows up, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

Looking at their meticulous arrangement, it seems that they expected Han Yu to come. This made Han Yu faintly disturbed. Does Tianchan really hold the bargaining chip for Han Yu to show up?

After exploring the Phoenix City, Han Yu finally knew why Tian Chan Sect had chosen to have a showdown with Han Yu here.

The entire Phoenix City, inherited from ancient times, may have come from the hands of saints, and the walls and ground are indestructible. In the battle in Phoenix, the skeleton of the entire city cannot be damaged.

And because of the hard ground and the mysterious power underground, it was impossible to arrange the formation in Phoenix, and Han Yu could not arrange the killing array in advance to slay the Zen cultists. In this way, Han Yu's deterrent power was greatly reduced.

The abacus of the Zen Buddhism is played very well.

In the middle of the night, Han Yu sneaked into the temporary stronghold of Tianchan Sect in Phoenix. After some investigation, he did not get any useful information. The senior officials of the Tianchan Sect have not yet come, and the "Han Yu's Woman" they have caught has not yet entered Phoenix.

Han Yu can only restrain his temper, and only Yin Jinchan will enter Phoenix tomorrow.

Han Yu quietly left the stronghold of Tianchan Sect, and just turned a street, suddenly felt a person following him in secret. Han Yu thought he didn't notice, and went back to the inn.

The person has been following Han Yu, and he seems not afraid that Han Yu will find her. After Han Yu entered the house, she knocked on Han Yu's door directly.

Han Yu opened the door of the room, and outside the door stood a petite girl with two ponytails and big and bright eyes. It was Mo Xiaoxiao.

"What are you doing after me?" Han Yu asked in a deep voice.

He had known that the person following him was Mo Xiaoxiao, otherwise he would not have brought him here.

Mo Xiaoxiao made a silent gesture, walked in by herself, closed the door, and said a little excitedly: "Brother Han, I knew you would go to the base camp of Tianchan Sect. I have been there waiting for you, and finally let I'm waiting for you."

The Phoenix City was overcrowded, even if Mo Xiaoxiao was Qi Tianshi, looking for someone was not much different from finding a needle in a haystack, so she just guarded the stronghold of Tianchan Sect.

"What are you looking for me for?" Han Yu asked indifferently. For Mo Xiaoxiao, he could not talk about good feelings, nor bad feelings.

"Give it back to you!" Mo Xiaoxiao took out the eighth-grade drug and handed it to Han Yu.

Han Yu raised his brows, and it was really rare that the things taken by the thief could be returned. Han Yu took it and put it away.

"Brother Han, this time I'm coming to you, besides returning your medicinal materials, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly became worried.

"What's the matter?" Han Yu asked.

"Hu Lilieie that **** wants to deal with you!" Mo Xiaoxiao said angrily.

"Hu Lilie?" Han Yu was taken aback. He didn't know this person, and the name was too happy.

"It's the forty-ninth place that you could not steal before." Mo Xiaoxiao explained.

Han Yu was relieved, went back to sit down, and said disapprovingly: "How is he going to deal with me? Still stealing me?"

Mo Xiaoxiao also walked over and sat opposite Han Yu, her big eyes shining brightly. Said: "Yes."

Han Yu sneered: "Let him run away last time. If he dared to steal this time, I will make him unable to eat."

Mo Xiaoxiao said, "Brother Han, there is one thing you don't know yet. Hu Lielie's action this time will be quite scary. I'm here to persuade you to leave.

Han Yu raised his brows and asked, "Does he still want to get it? That's the best!"

Mo Xiaoxiao hurriedly shook her head and said, "We can't do things like stealing things that don't have technical content. He is here to steal you this time, but he is not alone. There are many people. Come."

"Oh? How many?" Han Yu frowned slightly.

Not afraid of thief stealing, just afraid of thief thinking, and now at this critical juncture, Han Yu doesn't want to be out of touch. And being watched by too many people, he is easy to reveal his identity in advance, and the situation will be extremely disadvantageous for him.

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