Martial God Space

Chapter 1550: Break through

These masters are chasing after each other, almost in the front and rear of the foot, the two sides directly flew out of this chaotic space, into the wild continent. ¤本站网站:¤

Around the space of this cave, the space is completely chaotic!

"Ye Xiwen, you are dead, you dare to play us!"

"Asshole, Ye Xiwen, give me a die!"

"Go to death!"

At this time, many loud roars came from behind, and then Ye Xiwen clearly felt that a sturdy atmosphere began to erupt. Those who were originally in Dongfu could only choose to be self-sufficient. These powerful giants have resumed their cultivation, and there are more than a dozen figures chasing the past toward Ye Xiwen.

The most powerful one, no doubt, is absolutely leaf mad, Ye Xiwen remembers the rumors he heard before, Ye mad in the retreat to break through the heavens and the seven heavens, now think about it, it is a ridiculous joke, this time, leaf mad Should be thinking of ways to enter the heavens and humanities eight talents.

Heaven and Man, one step at a time, one world, one world, unless the enchanting like Ye Xiwen, ordinary people simply can not be able to fight.

But even Ye Xiwen, there is no way to face these powerful and chasing afterwards.

He can only slap the pair of wind and thunder wings behind him, and then squat in the direction of Ye Family. At this time, only Ye Jia is the safest.

In a blink of an eye, the time is like sand, and the day and night are fleeting. In a blink of an eye, Ye Xiwen has already escaped day and night.

The top players in the heavens and the seven heavens behind him are all depressed. This Ye Xiwen’s speed is too fast, and it’s coming soon, even if they are far better than Ye Xiwen’s strength. Actually, I have not been able to catch up with it in a short time.

The wing of the wind and thunder, the wing of the thunder is unparalleled, and the wing of the wind, long-term flight is also unparalleled in the world.

The wing of the wind and the wing of the thunder have been trained to the extreme by Ye Xiwen, so no matter how accelerated they will find that Ye Xiwen is still in the same place, there is no way to catch up with the distance.

As for those who are under the seven heavens of heaven and earth. Even more, I couldn’t help myself. I have already given up and continued to chase Ye Xiwen. Only those top players who are in the seven-day level of the heavens can continue to pursue it.

Even in the masters of Heaven and Heaven, there are different echelons. Many people have already fallen behind, and they have been slowly chased by Ye Xiwen. The reason why they are still chasing them is because they are not reconciled. They also want to see if there is any turning point. The typical one is not to die.

And when they didn't know, Ye Xiwen's breath was subtly changing. In his Tianyuan Mirror, a terrible force swayed in it, and a small Lingjing vein was burning wildly. The aura that disintegrated after burning is like a sea of ​​oceans, instilled into the body of Ye Xiwen.

For ordinary people, in such a fierce escape. It is impossible to practice, but for Ye Xiwen who has a clear old tree. There is no problem at all. At any moment, he can keep the water in the mirror, the mind will not have a slight fluctuation, so he can even break through in the battle, which is very dangerous for others. The thing that can be successful once is already very difficult, but for Ye Xiwen, it is just like a regular meal, eating and drinking as usual, there is no too dangerous state, let alone such a crazy escape.

His current cultivation has already entered the triple peak of Heaven and Humanity. It is only a matter of watermilling. It will be repaired as a breakthrough to the four heavens. The difference is time, but Ye Xiwen is now The most lacking is time. He doesn't have so much time to waste.

Therefore, we can only choose the most extreme method, that is, use countless auras to force the customs. What he lacks now is accumulation. The foundation that others have used for countless years, he has to break through in a short period of time, he has to consume more than others. More, he always knows this truth, but he has always lacked enough Lingjing. He wanted to go back to the law enforcement hall and apply for a batch of Lingjing. But now, there is no need for hundreds of Lingjing veins. The trillions of Lingjing made him rich overnight.

Therefore, he is now burning a small Lingjing vein, a small Lingjing vein burning like this, full of billions of spirit crystals are burned by raging, and then all infused into Ye Xiwen's body, so a huge force can be I want to know what effect it can produce.

Now the boundary barrier in Ye Xiwen's body is like the mad dam that has been hit by the torrent of thousands of years. His body is constantly sweating, and the whole person is like fishing out of the water.

Countless shares of powerful forces are smashing in his body. If there is no clear-hearted tree to hold his mind, he may be hurting now, let alone keep calm, and command this force to constantly impact the four heavens. The realm of heaven.

He knows that only when he has entered the four heavens of heaven and humanity, he has hope and a fight with those behind him. At least he has the strength to be on an equal footing with them. They are forced to escape such awkward escape, like the dog of the family, his heart is also Holding a raging fire.

Perhaps it is difficult to know that it is difficult to continue to live in Ye Xiwen, so these people have gradually given up, and slowly, Ye Xiwen also can not feel the pursuit of the figure behind, and then slowly relieved.

At this time, all the power of Ye Xiwen began to surge. Ye Xiwen knew that he was not far from the breakthrough, and immediately flew away directly toward the front.

Soon, Ye Xiwen, who got rid of these people, also got a reply from Ye Hao and others. They didn’t rush back to Ye’s home in the first place, but they were not far from where they were waiting. At that time, if Ye Xiwen needs help, then they can help.

Ye Xiwen rushed to meet them, in a valley.

"Are you okay?" Ye Hao came forward and asked with concern. A pair of beautiful women, in Ye Xiwen's body, never opened.

"Nothing!" Ye Xiwen said with a smile. "But it is really thrilling. I almost caught up with them. If they are caught up, they are really in trouble!"

"Nothing is fine, nothing is fine!" Ye Hao said with gratification, these are the pillars of Yejia, and it is a loss of any one of them.

At this time, Ye Xiwen took out the unicorn of the corpse, found the unicorn heart from it, and handed it to Ye Hao: "Brother, this is the unicorn you need!"

"This is still your collection. If it is not for you, this wind and unicorn, most of them will fall into the hands of other people, and you are also in danger. I really have no face!" Said, a serious and serious statement, he is very clear, Ye Hao is a kind of personality, saying that it is not wrong to report, if he said that Ye Hao will never let Ye Hao get the Qilin heart, then it will certainly not let him Obtained, according to the situation at the time, there was a leaf madness dragging him, he could not get this unicorn heart, so it can almost be said that relying on the power of Ye Xiwen alone to get this wind unicorn body, he is naturally embarrassed.

"Senior brothers and us have any kind of politeness. Speaking of it, have we not had the same place for the brothers to help?" Ye Xiwen said, "The wind unicorn may be a good thing for us, but for the help of the brothers." Bigger, when you enter the Seventh Heaven of Heaven and Humanity, you can really compete with Ye Mania. At that time, for us, there is an extra layer of protection!"

After this incident, Ye Xiwen counted clearly, what protection is useless, it is better to be more effective and more secure.

"Yeah, that's right!" Ye Hao also nodded, said coldly.

"Yes, compared to us, the brothers are more in need of a unicorn!" Ye Xukong said.

"Why, we still have the corpse of the wind and unicorn. Although it is not the essence of the whole body, it is the best medicine for us. It is definitely good, and it has a lot of benefits!" Ye Xiwen haha ​​said with a smile.

From the Tianyuan mirror, the corpse of the wind unicorn was taken out, and the corpses of the hill were piled up.

"Well, I am not ruthless. If there is anything in the future, I will not go to the fire!" Ye Hao did not continue to do so because he knew that he really needed a unicorn.

"But you are about to break through. If you eat this unicorn meat, you will be able to really break through!" Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiwen again, and said meaningfully. With his cultivation, it is easy to see it. Ye Xiwen, already at the critical point of the breakthrough, not even him, Ye Hao and Ye Xukong have also seen it, Ye Xiwen’s constantly leaking air and the looming rules of heaven and humanity can only be touched. It is also constantly manifesting, and it is obvious that it is about to break through.

It’s just that Ye Xiwen, who is a trio of heaven and earth, will kill half of the masters of the six heavens. Once he breaks through the four heavens, how cruel is it?

It looks very interesting!

Ye Xukong is also looking at Ye Xiwen with some complex complexities. It is a slower step and feels slower than Ye Xiwen. Although his realm is superior to Ye Xiwen, he is very clear that he is fighting on combat power. He has been left behind by Ye Xiwen, and his heart is somewhat reluctant, and his fighting spirit is burning.

Ps: The third is more, ask everyone's monthly ticket support, there are two more in the future, ask everyone to pay the bottom of the monthly vote, it is a waste!

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