Martial God Space

Chapter 1551: Heaven and Earth

Among these people, perhaps Ye Hao is the most unconcerned. She is so cold in her own way. It seems that it is difficult for the world to really attract his attention. It is like a nine-day mysterious woman. Only Ye Xiwen can make her In the eyes, he only cares about Ye Xiwen.

"Haha, my brother is a good eye!" Ye Xiwen's face showed a bit of joy, and he was about to break through. His heart was also extremely happy. Once he entered the four heavens of heaven and earth, his fighting power was only able to rival the heavens and the humanity. Master of the day.

Whether it is the four heavens or the seven heavens, it is a watershed, especially the seven heavens of the heavens, and it is the watershed in the watershed. Once he shows such combat power, among the Yejia high-rises, those Those who are not friendly to him must have a good amount of money. Even if they want to deal with Ye Xiwen, it is not something that everyone can do.

"The younger brother has a good chance, I see, although the talent of the younger brother is not too shocking, although it is far more than ordinary people, but the opportunity of the younger brother is the real as a natural person, I have read the classics, but where so Without exception, they are all people who will accomplish great things in the future!" Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiwen at a glance. Counting, over the years, Ye Xiwen’s talents have gradually improved with the deepening of cultivation. I didn’t know how strong I was at the beginning, but I was able to step into the natural scriptures. Every one of them was a peerless genius among the hundreds of millions of people. Among these people, Ye Xiwen seemed ordinary. Therefore, in his view, Ye Xiwen can make such rapid progress, and there is no explanation other than the explanation.

Such people, also known as those who have the atmosphere, are naturally not bad. However, compared with Ye Xiwen, there are still some gaps.

Ye Xiwen can only smile at this time, and can't explain more, because the mysterious space in his body is a secret that no one can reveal, and one day will be brought into the coffin.

"Okay, then I don't have much to say. This unicorn meat is also a big supplement. If you have a lot of herbs to make a medicated diet, the effect is better. If you eat a few, it will be of great benefit. A wind unicorn, I also went to check some classics. I got an ancient recipe, the ancient human stewed unicorn meat, the ancients left behind, can maximize the advantages of unicorn meat!" Ye Hao grabbed from the void An ancient party, handed it to Ye Xiwen.

Ye Xiwen could not help but secretly swear, this ancient man is really not a general fierce, actually eating unicorn. In the end, which kind of murderer can be so ferocious.

You must know that although in ancient times, Qilin was far less rare than it is now, and it is almost a grandson. But the pure blood of the unicorn, adulthood is the strength of the heavens and the human world, and the strong ones, the easy ones can break through to the cultivation of heaven and earth. In the face of such a terrible existence, some people dare to eat with Kirin. And most importantly, I have also developed a recipe, Nima, which has to be eaten before I can learn something.

The person who left this ancient party is definitely a generation of strong people! No, it should be said that it is also a generation of peerless murderers. It is too ferocious. Ye Xiwen can only say that it is too ferocious.

Ye Xiwen glanced at the records on the ancient side. In addition to the hard-to-find unicorn meat, other herbs are rare and rare herbs. However, Ye Xiwen’s Tianyuan Mirror also has a lot of elixir, many of which are looking for Not enough, but can be replaced by others.

Immediately he did not hesitate, he had already burned the two crystals of the small Lingjing vein, which means that in such a short period of time, 20 billion Lingjing was consumed by him, although he already felt the distance. The breakthrough is not far, but the difference is so close, and he can feel that the opportunity is in this pot of unicorn meat.

Ye Hao took the unicorn heart to the side of the mountain wall, and dug out a cave into the state of retreat, and Ye Xiwen and Ye Xukong also began to strip the unicorn, which is as big as a hill. Such a huge beast, even the pot can not be found, Ye Xiwen simply used the Eight Treasures of Kunming Ding, although there are some cracks in the Eight Treasures, the Ye Xiwen has not had time to repair, but the cooking of this wind unicorn Still more than enough.

It was a small half-day effort. This wind unicorn was finally cooked and cooked. The laws of countless wind properties began to manifest itself. It was entangled in the valley, and a very fragrant meat flavor mixed with medicine. Floating in the entire valley, surrounded by Ye Xiwen set up the law, even if these medicinal and meaty tastes have not let go a little.

You must know that this is the essence of this wind unicorn. If it is a mortal, even if it smells a bite, it can easily penetrate the Tiandi Bridge directly, and it will enter the innate state from the day after tomorrow.

It can be seen how effective the drug is!

Ye Xiwen smelled the scent of the air, and suddenly felt that the pores of the body had to be opened, and the real elements in the body began to move, almost in the mobilization of this medicinal and meaty. The automatic impact has been a four-day world.

"Oh, I didn't expect it, this is actually the authentic heaven and earth, and it is much stronger than any dragon that I have eaten before!" Ye Xiwen said with a wink.

In the past, Ye Xiwen had eaten some **** dragons, thinking that it was already a human taste, but compared with this authentic unicorn, it is still far worse. Rao is not a slut, but he still can't stop drooling. .

And next to it, Ye Xukong can't take care of the shelf of the Son of God. Looking at the unicorn meat, the eyes can't help but straighten up!

This is the unicorn. The real unicorn that can only be seen in the classics in the past is not the kind of unicorn beast. The adult unicorn is the terrible strong man of the heaven and the earth. If you want to kill them, you have to pay the price of your life. Moreover, even if you want to hunt, you have to find the existence of the current Kirin.

"Hurry to eat, I can't help it!" Ye Xiwen immediately grabbed the eight treasures of the ultra-large pot, and directly tore a large piece of meat, bite it down, and suddenly felt delicious. The body is full of light.

He only felt that the real element in his body actually climbed up little by little. Since his cultivation, his demand for food was only limited to his appetite. Under normal circumstances, he would not touch the food. It is difficult for him to raise interest in leisurely food, but today's unicorn is different, the authentic ancient ruins.

And if you eat it, you can still repair it!

"Sure enough, it must be like a human!" Ye Xiwen said with emotion, if it is not Ye Hao, he is estimated to directly crush the body of the Kirin beast on the spot, and the blood is directly absorbed. This method is more direct, but how is it better than Have to cook like this.

And that's too ruthless!

The two leaves next to the void and the leafhopper are also full of mouthfuls of oil, and the body's breath can't be controlled, and the circle is swept open.

Ye Xiwen has already entered the triple peak of Heaven and Humanity. It can be said that it is already capped, so his cultivation is very limited, but the two are not the same. They have just entered the Sixth Heaven of Heaven and Humanity. There is a lot of room for improvement.

I didn’t know how much time to consume, and how much time it took. Now, under the effect of Qilin’s meat, it’s a huge ups and downs. It can be said that it has saved a lot of effort.

At the end of the two people's eating, I only felt that I couldn't eat anymore in my body. I had to support it. I just took a break and sat down cross-legged, and then began to refine this huge skill.

This is not an ordinary unicorn. This is a strong presence of a heavenly world. If it is normal, they can't be the opponent of this unicorn. It is alive and not knowing how many years. The skill is profound and terrible. After Ye Xiwen's cooking, all of them are scattered into the flesh, and the ordinary people can't bear it. It is because of their own tyrannical strength that they can refine.

Even so, they only swallowed less than a quarter of the meat of this unicorn. They couldn’t eat it anymore. The soaring real elements were constantly spewed through their pores, they wanted to control Can't control it, now it feels like it's in the clouds.

After refining this force, they are afraid that they will be able to enter the six-day peak of the heavens and the human world, and even hope to rush to the seven heavens in heaven.

On the other side, Ye Xiwen swallowed another quarter of the unicorn's share. He swallowed the weight of Ye Xukong and Ye Hao alone. I can imagine what kind of state he is now. He is simply I feel that the power in my body is bursting, tearing up every cell of his body, as if to blast his whole body and then escape.

Even his hegemony, constantly flowing out of blood, was smashed into blood vessels, and these blood is full of medicine.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to practice. He had already entered the three-day peak of Heaven and Humanity, and swallowed two small Lingjing veins. Two billions of Lingjing can be said to be extremely rich in accumulation. The difference is that it is so close. One foot, and this unicorn diet is such an opportunity.




Ye Xiwen's whole body is also a burst of breath, and every time he blasts open, it seems to be a crack in the barrier of the realm.

I don't know how long it has been. Ye Xiwen finally no longer emits a horrible atmosphere. It is not because he stopped, but because he broke through.

Heaven and Man are four heavens!

He finally entered the four heavens of heaven and earth!

"I used to hide here, but let me find it!"

Ps: The fourth is even more!

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