Martial God Space

Chapter 3385: Let him know why the flowers are so red

The news was raging in the creation of the gods, and even Ye Xiwen, who was in retreat, heard the news in the Wu Zun Temple.

But no matter what, with the arrival of these people in the outer domain, Ye Xiwen’s retreat is obviously unable to continue.

The arrival of foreign masters means that the road to creation is also close at hand.

Fortunately, Ye Xiwen had already thought of it. Unless there was any accident in the foreign domain, it would be very difficult for him to enter the third territory and then go to the road of creation.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry, and his strength has improved a lot. Together with the help of Senro's Vientiane, it is enough to improve his grasp.

Soon, Ye Xiwen, who has been out of the customs, has also obtained the will of the creation of the gods, let him go to the creation of the Temple of Heaven and prepare to go to the road of creation.

When Ye Xiwen came to the Tiangong Temple, the war lord had already waited there. There was not much decadence in the past. It was not like a defeated person. He just saw Ye Xiwen’s fascinating eyes and could not help but smile. look.

He is still not fully prepared. In the emperor, he is indeed invincible, and he does not have to worry about Heaven, because if there is a foreigner’s Tianzun to shoot at him, it is to provoke the whole rumored dynasty. Then how could there be any good results?

However, once he entered the realm of Tianzun, he changed from invincible to a newcomer in Tianzun. This changed the big scary.

He is able to cultivate to the realm of today. Naturally, his mind is firm, like a rock, and it is difficult to move. A defeat is not enough to make a crack in his heart, but he is so defeated, or he is extremely depressed.

"I must have heard about my business!" War Zun said with a sigh.

"I heard that you have been defeated. Why, is it that some people in the outer domain are bullying, and there are old monsters on you?" Ye Xiwen asked with a smile.

"Not!" Warrior smiled and said.

For him, if it is an old monster to bully him, it is better, lost to a veteran Tianzun, for him, is not something unacceptable.

But it is not.

Although he is older, he is even older than most of his gods. It is not a small one, but from the time of becoming a god, he is a standard small.

However, it is a newcomer who has just achieved the realm of Tianzun.

In this realm, he doesn't count anything.

"Newcomer?" Ye Xiwen said. "Someone in the foreign domain has achieved Tianzun during this time?"

From the words of Zhan Zun, Ye Xiwen can see that there should be a new person who has achieved Tianzun, but he wants to come. If it is a big bully, this is on the site of the creation of the gods. Can you look at this kind of thing?

It’s not that ordinary people can imagine the power of East Tianzun. It’s impossible to let this situation go.

"Yes, we just got the news. Someone in the outer domain blocked the news. Until he was robbed, he was just known to us!" The face of War Zun also showed a bit of unwillingness. When he was robbed, he was Going to the outer domain Tianzun's encirclement and interception.

From this point of view, his counterattack is also a matter of course. If he forcibly shoots, the most unfortunate can also pose a huge threat to the other party.

However, he did not get any news at all, although there was a relationship between the creation of the house and the internal affairs during this period. However, some people have achieved heavenly respect but no one knows it. This still shocks the creation gods.

"Who is it?" Ye Xiwen could not help but ask, if it is a new achievement, then there is no problem of big bullying.

But what makes him feel incredible is that the war lord was already the leader of the emperor as early as the war emperor, plus he accumulated so many years of skill and understanding, although not like Ye Xiwen, even break through The limit, so once you pass the day, it is the first peak.

However, it is far superior to other people. After entering the realm of Tianzun, it will soon be close to the peak of the first world. According to this situation, for another thousand years, it is not difficult to enter the peak of the first world. This is thanks to the past. After years of accumulation, when it was still the realm of Emperor Jun, this accumulation did not show much use.

However, once it has entered the realm of Tianzun, it will be thoroughly reformed for the realm of the realm.

Among the emperors in the first world, he is not a weak person.

And the new emperor of the foreign domain can actually beat him?

So how strong is he?

Is it difficult to break into the peak of the first world?

"It can be regarded as an old rival. The former foreign star of the big day star, the current big day god, has not appeared in some years, his practice of the dojo is not in the outer domain, but in the innocent starry sky, cultivation It’s the way of the sun and the moon, because it doesn’t happen very often in recent years, so you don’t know it’s normal!” said Zhan Zun. “It’s also a young boy’s smugness. It’s been a long time since the practice has entered the realm of Emperor Jun, and later It was out of control, and it was cultivated to the realm of Emperor Fengjun. It was not under me many years ago. I didn’t expect this time to fight, I was not his opponent!"

"It sounds very powerful. What kind of roots he is, it is so powerful!" Ye Xiwen asked.

If at the time of the emperor's emperor, the blood can still have a great influence, when you practice to the emperor, you must step out of your own path. Even in the same family, the same method of practice, there are different ways. The influence of blood on the emperor level is too small.

This person actually practiced to the level of the emperor and was still smooth, how to prevent Ye Xiwen from being shocked.

Although Ye Xiwen seems to be practicing faster, he only knows how much he has suffered in order to reach such a state. How many times he has swam on the edge of life and death, it is not a smooth sailing.

War Zun is also a little bit sloppy now. He glanced at Ye Xiwen. Anyway, if you want to talk about the wind and the enchanting, no one seems to be more exaggerated than you.

Yes, in his view, Ye Xiwen’s speed of promotion is simply not to be described as a normal miracle. It is simply exaggeration, completely beyond expectations.

Compared with Ye Xiwen, that big day is not a big deal.

"That Days of Heaven is the reincarnation of the Sun in the Sun. It is a natural birth, and the roots are extremely good. But when I was born, I was adopted by an old guy in the Outland, and this was added. Outer domain, speaking, he is not the same as those outside the domain!" War Zun said.

"It turns out that the roots are really good!" Ye Xiwen said, related to the sun, it is indeed extremely good. In the heavens and the world, there are also two characters related to the sun, that is, the two emperors, the demon and the demon The emperor is the Sun Yuanling, which has produced three-legged Jinwu, Megatron, and all the legends about them.

And this big day is obviously a powerful role.

However, the face of Zhan Zun is still extremely depressed. The strength of the great day is so great that the roots are extraordinary, but he is also a leisurely generation. How can ordinary people dominate one party? The faint is the first person under Tianzun.

Can only say that the outer hills of Qingshan Building outside the mountains, there are days outside the sky, people outside!

"Hey, my name in this world!" War Zun said, in front of Ye Xiwen, he has nothing to hide.

At the beginning of the big day, the challenge of the day, he did not put it in his heart. In terms of his cultivation, the big day Tianzun couldn’t help him, but he knew that the cultivation of the big day is so deep.

"But even so, he should not be as good as you in terms of skill?" Ye Xiwen said.

Well, the war has been cultivated, and for many years, that year, I also followed the creation of the Tianjun Nanzheng North War, which is the biggest qualification.

"It is reasonable to say that it is not as good as mine, but he is different. He is the reincarnation of the spirit in the sun. Before his formation, he did not know how many great essences he had absorbed in the sun. The accident is the repair of the king of God. When he completely generates his intellect and embarks on the path of practice, he is already a quasi-emperor!" War Zun is also very depressed.

His accumulation is profound and hard to imagine, but this big day is obviously not a leisurely generation.

Ye Xiwen secretly snarled, indeed, he practiced from the beginning, until the realm of the king of the gods did not know how many battles before they were able to cultivate into the king of the gods. This great day is the beginning of the king of God, it really is the love of the heavens and the earth.

This kind of natural spirit is more troublesome and more horrible than the so-called geniuses born of the big people.

Like the legendary monkey, he will practice how many years he can practice, and he will scream for thousands of years. In addition to his talents, he will be absorbed by countless years. The heaven and earth aura, the essence of the sun and the moon.

"You have to be careful. Big Day has heard about your record and told you to challenge you!" War Zun could not help but remind him. "He has achieved a short time in Tianzun, and he is the same generation as you and me. He has to challenge you, even if he is a **** of creation, he can't say anything!"

There was a bit of depression in the discourse of the war, and it was because of this that he had to take over the challenge of the Great Day, and avoiding the battle was even worse than defeat.

The reason why Tianzun is high is not how outstanding the virtues are. The bare point is that the fist is big, and the big fist is the king.

What made him even more depressed was that the people from the foreign countries actually knew the people who made the incident in a short period of time, and made him lose face.

"Don't worry, this hatred I reported for you. If he doesn't come to me, he will forget it. If he dares to come to me, then I will let him know why the flowers are so red!"

Ye Xiwen said with confidence. (To be continued.)

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