Martial God Space

Chapter 3386: Da Ri Tian Zun's map cannon

The two said, they have already arrived in the heaven.

This time the place of departure is in the depths of the Tiangong Temple. Because it is necessary to create a road to enter the road of creation, the key must be created, and the creation key is placed in the depths of the Tiangong Palace. Confidentiality and defensiveness, even if it is a sneak attack, it is impossible to take it away. The last time the token was taken away is a very heavy lesson.

Not only the creation of the gods, but the entire creation community has been pitted.

I haven’t slowed down until now. Because of this, the sacred dynasty will be strictly guarded against it. For this thing, it seems to be very beneficial, but no one dares to take it in the hands of the gods, otherwise The consequences are simply unimaginable, almost to be against the whole world.

No one can bear the consequences!

On an empty and innocent square, the jade pavilion is made. This jade is not free, and it always takes aura out. Everywhere, if it is not in the fortified palace, it is definitely in other places. The place where the cave is the same.

At this time, there are many people waiting on this square. The most important ones are the emperors. They have gathered a lot of emperors, and there are emperors in the outer domain and emperors in the gods. They are divided into two camps. It’s clear.

Before the two sides had done one thing, although it was cooperation at this time, it is impossible to have a lot of harmonious atmosphere.

On the side of the creation of the gods, there is a leader, but not who is Nanzun and who is there, seeing the two come over. There was a smile on his face.

And in terms of the foreign domain. In addition to a lot of foreign kings, it is the two gods who lead, a **** is a bald old man, looking at the body is quite thin, if you walk down the street, no one will think that this will be a powerful Tianzun It is just a powerful glimpse of his body. It is to tell everyone that this is a powerful person who is strong enough to the extreme.

In addition to him, he is a young man. His body is tall, full of more than three meters, handsome face, sharp eyes, long-awaited, and the power of the world. The whole body is not like wearing clothes, but wearing a group of fire directly on the body. Looking far away, it is a very dazzling figure.

War Zun soon introduced Ye Xiwen, the bald old man is also one of the people who made this trip to the road of creation, named Undead. According to the agreement. There are two people on each side.

The two people who made the gods are naturally Ye Xiwen and Zhan Zun, and the two places in the foreign domain are that there is another youth in this undead.

Without the introduction of War Zun, Ye Xiwen can naturally guess who this other person is, that is, the great day Zun who defeated the war.

However, Ye Xiwen’s gaze was not placed on the body of the great day, but on the body of this undead.

The so-called wrong name, there is no wrong nickname, this immortal evil name is the name of this nickname, Ye Xiwen can also guess some information about the rules he cultivated, about that is the case. About death, some evil.

Ye Xiwen is relatively less involved in this aspect. However, what he really cares about is that he can only draw some conclusions from the nickname, but he can't get the corresponding information from this undead.

This undead evil can be described as unfathomable, and it is a giant in the evil way.

Soon, he got a lot of news from this warrior, and the two gods exchanged, but it was completed in an instant.

Sure enough, as Ye Xiwen expected, this is indeed a giant sect in the evil way. In the creation of the dynasty, he joined the cult in the creation of the dynasty, and soon became a stalwart of the evil, and later became an unintentional Was broken into identity, turned out to be a foreign creature.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the realm of creation. Among the foreign domains, the vast majority of the imperial creatures can't go to their own avenues to rebuild, or some of them have long since rushed to their own avenues, after their own welfare. In the meantime, it is difficult to restore the original repairs.

When this kind of emperor is a very rare case, but at the level of Tianzun, this is a very common thing. The foreign domain creatures are dead, that is, the life of thousands of years, which is not halfway through. The situation has fallen in advance.

Even if you can live to this limit, and use various means to force your life, in normal circumstances, it is not enough time to break through into the realm of Tianzun.

Therefore, the Tianzun of those foreign domains, in fact, the cult of the gods in the dynasty is also almost the same. In addition, the difficulties caused by Tianzun, even if some foreign kings rushed to the realm of Tianzun, they soon reached the limit and finally Fallen.

For many foreign kings forced to sneak into their own avenues and then mixed into the sacred dynasty, this thing, the creation of the sacred high-level is not unknown, but can not be stopped, because it can not be distinguished.

Because the difference between the spiritual practices of the local gods and the spiritual practices of the foreign creatures has disappeared after they have gone to the avenue.

In addition to the night emperor hiding in the high-level of the sacred gods, occupying a high position, leading to the black under the lights, there are more immortal evils such as the super-super-teachers, super heroes, and the creation of the gods are also very Difficult to supervise.

In particular, the undead evil spirits are mixed into the evil path, and become the evil Taoist giants. There are many supporters in many evil schools. The prestige is extremely high. It can be described as a high weight. If it is not accidentally broken, the identity is normal. It is impossible to do anything about it.

In the heart of Ye Xiwen, there was a bit of jealousy. These foreign Tianzuns had a very high level of cultivation in the foreign domain, and they were able to squat their own minds and repair them. In the end, they could still reach such a level.

These people are all the pride of heaven, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine Fuyuan, strength and mind, and means.

Such a person seems to be far more difficult to deal with than Big Day.

However, he did not put the big day in the heart, but it did not mean that the big day and the disregard of him. After seeing the war, he immediately guessed who this person was.

Before Ye Xiwen was able to kill a **** in the body of the emperor, although it was a newcomer who first entered the realm of Tianzun, and there was a dark wound in his body, but in any case, it created a miracle, which also made Ye Xiwen a legendary population. Legends and myths.

After he achieved the Tianzun, he has always been compared with others. The two have a certain degree of similarity, both of which are suddenly rising, and they are young and proud. They are the best among the generations of the creation of the gods and the foreign domain.

Although Zun Zun is also a newcomer, his qualifications are too old. He is older than most Tianzun, but he is a newcomer in strength and realm, but his age is not the scope of this generation.

This also gave him the idea of ​​trying to fight Ye Xiwen.

In addition to easily defeating the warrior before, it also made him feel that these sacred gods are blowing badly, in fact, that is the case.

Ye Xiwen soon felt the gaze of the big day, and the eyes of the red fruit did not hide the war, and even had a few ridiculous expressions in his eyes.

Many emperors who had thought of other things suddenly suddenly got up. The names of these two people have been very loud recently. Ye Xiwen had done the horrific thing of killing Tianzun with the emperor’s body thousands of years ago. After entering the realm of Tianzun, the cultivation is bound to take it to the next level, and it is extremely powerful.

The other side is a big day, although the reputation is slightly weaker, but the fact that he defeated the warrior in the previous period was widely circulated, and many people have known this powerful person from the foreign domain.

Nowadays, the two are going to be right, and they will undoubtedly make everyone excited.

In particular, the warfare in the eyes of the big day is not disguised, even if they are these onlookers, they can still feel this amazing battle suit.

Ye Xiwen’s mouth provoked slightly, then said lightly: “Since people have arrived, can we leave?”

"Well, yes, I will inform them, activate the creation key, and open the crack to the road of creation!" Nan Tianzun nodded.


Daddy, a thick voice came out, everyone looked at it, but not who is the big day?

Many people just saw Ye Xiwen did not fight, but some pity, now see the big day Tianzun take the initiative to attack, suddenly excited again.

"Oh? What do you want to do?" Nan Tianzun said faintly, his expression was obviously cold.

As one of the major masters of the sacred dynasty, he is very uncomfortable with the foreign domain. In addition, he is provocative and provocative, and defeats the war lord, which makes the face of the gods face great damage. People, he naturally will not give a good face.

"Before I came, I heard that you have a genius in the creation of the gods, and killed the gods in the body of the emperor. I don’t think it is, it’s about the fact that you are too weak to make the gods!" Stepping forward, staring at the height, condescending, staring at Ye Xiwen. "The war has become famous for many years, and it is well-known in the foreign domain. But what about it? It is not defeated by me. The Tianzun of the sacred gods is only at such a level. Naturally, there will be some so-called miracles. In fact, it is not worth mentioning!"

The words of Da Ri Tian Zun suddenly changed the face of many emperors in the creation of the gods, and his face showed a bit of indignation. This big day is clearly pointed out and they look down on them. This is not for one of them, but for everyone. All the seats are garbage.

This map cannon is opened, even if some people are also dissatisfied with Ye Xiwen, they can only fight with the enemy!

For a time, the atmosphere stagnate to the extreme. (To be continued.)

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