Martial God Space

Chapter 3417: Raising troops for a thousand days


Seeing that several Lords have arrived, everyone has returned to their position, and everyone understands that the real assembly is about to begin. (ad). Update is fast.

Ye Xiwen glanced at the Tianzun who sat on his throne, and soon he became stunned. The entire conference was divided into five blocks according to different regions, and everyone was separated according to their respective distances. It's different.

Because there is no leader in the sacred dynasty that can absolutely serve the people, the scene is basically the four major celestial sects in the southeast and the northwest, who are presiding over the meeting. Even in the time and space, the place where the old qualifications are born is not so big. The right to speak.

Strength is very important, but qualifications are also very important to some extent, let alone the realities of time and space. It is not necessarily the advantage of facing Tianzun.

Among the four great gods, he has seen Nantianzun and Dongtianzun. Naturally, it is not necessary to say that Beitianzun is a middle-aged man who looks strong and slender, with a few cold frost on his face. Cold.

And Xi Tianzun out of Ye Xiwen unexpectedly, is actually a 'female', a purple 'color' robes, slender figure, bumpy, five senses 'fine', just like a pair of gems, and the general The eyes are not the same.

Xi Tian Zun’s face has a smile on his face and smiles like a neighbor’s female child, but no one dares to look down on her. Everyone knows very well. This is a strong character.

The Western Region is also directly facing the attack of one side of the foreign domain. If the West Tianzun is not strong enough, how can it be safe to protect one side, and her strength is also one of the best in many Tianzun.

These four people are above the many heavenly statues. Nowadays, the four most powerful people in the creation of the gods are also true masters.

"You, this time, we are convening everyone's purpose. I think everyone should have more points in their hearts!"

At this time, Nan Tian Zun paused and immediately said.

"We have heard a lot about the big things, but I want to know what kind of things are, let us all concentrate!" At this time, there is a **** who spoke up and asked directly what everyone wants to know. come out.

"Yeah, as far as I know, isn’t there always a lot of masters stationed on the battlefield of the epoch? It’s not yet in the rotation!” someone asked. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to]

Ye Xiwen nodded slightly. During this time, he also inquired a lot about the battlefield on the battlefield from the war.

The epoch battlefield was a battlefield that was created by the sacred Tianjun in the past. It was the first line against the invasion of ancient times. The creation of the dynasty and many worlds were able to preserve peace. It was because the ancient era could not break through the blockade of the epoch battlefield and invade the realm.

However, this situation is not absolute. After the disappearance of the creation of Tianjun, the ancient era of the news has planned a raid and directly killed the **** of creation. The blood that was killed immediately became a river. These ancient eras were not divided into the gods or the outer regions. Wherever they passed, the ‘chicken’ dogs did not stay.

Because they want to occupy the nest. Occupy the world of this era, so whether it is the creation of the gods or the foreign domain, for them, it is a hindrance. It is most beneficial to kill all of them.

After all, it still failed to completely swallow the sacred gods, because even the Tianzun of the outer domain had helped each other, plus the suppression of heaven. Finally, those ancient eras were hit back.

But that time, it completely shocked the creation community and made everyone know that even if there is still room for compromise between the creatures of the gods and the creatures of the outer world, there is no room for compromise with the ancient era, because this is your life and death. Wars, and some people with more long-term visions, have even thought about where they will go after this era is broken. The stronger the accumulated strength at this time, the higher the probability of finally escaping from the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

Although those foreign creatures have the blood of the ancient era, they will not think that they are one, especially those who respect the heavens. They have already taken the road of the past era and chose to embrace the era. For them, those Compatriots with the same blood are also relatives of life and death.

This is also why Dong Tianzun said that you don't have to worry about the work of foreign creatures, unless they want to be taken by the old nest, otherwise it is impossible.

In some cases, some people have some different ideas. In general, the realm of creation on this issue is relatively consistent.

After that, the rotation system of the epoch battlefield was established. Every long period of time, the Tianzun will rotate a batch. Otherwise, no one will be willing to keep on the battlefield for the eternal battlefield. There must be a limit.

And now it is not time to change defense.

“Is there a crisis in the defense line of the city?” someone asked.

On the battlefield of the epoch, the sacred gods relied on ten giant cities to form a line that blocked the entire epoch battlefield, so that the strongest of the ancient epoch could not break through, even if some strong people suddenly broke into, they did not dare to enter the creation. The gods are 'chaotic', joking, there are a large number of good players in the realm of the realm of the realm, the masters of the ancient era dare to come in, that is the way to kill themselves.

"It’s even worse than this!"

Dong Tian Zun got up and glanced at the crowd and said: "The moon city has fallen, and the Tianzun in it has not escaped!"

The words of the East Tianzun immediately aroused the attention of all people, and everyone looked solemn. Everyone understood what the words of Dong Tianzun said.

The balance of the sacred dynasty in the epoch battlefield and the ancient epoch was based on ten giant cities. The ten giant cities were personally arranged by the sacred Tianjun, and the ten cities and towns were filled with the heavens and the earth. Naming is also the focus of supporting the entire line of defense.

Behind every giant city is the existence of a large line of defense. Now it has fallen. This means that there is a huge leak in the entire battlefield of the era. It may even be seized by the ancient era. In one fell swoop, this gap was swept across the entire line of defense.

Once the entire line of defense collapses, the consequences are unimaginable. I am afraid that it will be ‘wave’ and to the entire creation, even more than the ‘wave’ movement of that year.

When I think of this, everyone is suddenly in a state of utter disappointment. This situation is indeed extremely bad. It is no wonder that the masters of the sacred gods are going to bring them together.

"Because of the fall of the Moon City, we also received information on the battlefield for help. After a preliminary discussion with several of us, we have developed a plan to recover the Moon City, which is one of the core points of our entire line of defense. We must not lose it. Once we lose it, our defense line will be torn apart by the enemy. We must not bear the consequences!” Bei Tianzun said, the voice is thick and extremely majestic.

The presenters are all smart people, and can even be said to be the best among the sentient beings. They all understand that in such a level of power collision, the use of 'yin' tricks is not great. To put it bluntly, it depends on comprehensive The collision of strength.

"According to the information we have obtained, now Yuecheng has become the base camp of the ancient era. Their masters and army have been continually mobilized there, and they are still trying to repair the big array of the Tianjun who stayed in the same year. Made the strongest stronghold!" At this time, Xi Tianzun finally spoke up, and the smile on his face completely converged. Her voice was good, like a silver bell, but the words were powerful. "Once they succeed, then we want to recover the Moon City, the difficulty is big, you can imagine, so we must drive them out before they stand still, and to do this, just rely on the era Those on the battlefield are still not enough, so they ask for help from us. After our deliberation, except for some people staying behind, everyone else must point to the army of your own, the army of the teaching. This matter is related to No one is allowed to shirk my big things in the realm of creation!"

Ye Xiwen heard the words of Xi Tianzun into his ears. He understood in his heart that it was time for the soldiers to raise their troops for a thousand days. On weekdays, there were some small movements, and the creation of the gods would close one eye and endure. But if you dare to make a moth on this issue, there are only a few words to describe it.

The world is awesome!

Many Tianzun obviously understand this truth, so no one raises an objection on this issue.

Just for those who stayed and who went, this issue has produced some differences.

However, these differences are nothing at all. If they are in peacetime, they may be shoving each other. However, this time, it is even more difficult for several Tianzun to dominate each other and compete for Zhongtian Zun.

In order to gain the overwhelming 'sexual' advantage in this battle, and undoubtedly become Zhongtianzun, several Tianzun will bring their own camp and team to go, even the time and space will also go with several allies. The era battlefield is not only the four great heavens in the southeast and northwest, but also the position of Zhongtianzun in time and space.

For Ye Xiwen, through such an opportunity, it is possible to distinguish the lines of the great Tianzun, and who is the party that is close to the creation of the gods, who is the more one, can see at a glance reading;

This time, he will understand why Tiandao teaches that the world’s largest teaching, the world’s great teachings, is still breathless.

Because in the creation of the gods, there are many more or less powerful and powerful, the great religion is more close to the creation of the gods, which makes the strength of the creation of the gods to a point of crushing ‘sex.

At a glance! .


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