Martial God Space

Chapter 3418: Transfer the troops, the crisis will eventually

From the division of the scene, we can see that some of the conspirators' so-called good-going divine lost control of the creation community is just a self-righteous speculation.

As long as this group of Tianzun is not dead, then the control of the local government will not be weakened.

However, Ye Xiwen also found that the last time the actions were rescued, the Tianzuns were basically excluded, except for the grandiose excuses because their strength was not restored. The most important thing is this action. It is a dialogue between several super-big brothers who are interested in Zhongtianzun. No one wants to join in to take advantage of this great day, so those gods are excluded.

Those Tianzuns want to oppose and can't oppose it, because this is indeed a reality. If their strength has not recovered, what can be used? The situation of the epoch battlefield is not so bad that it is necessary for these people to go together.

Moreover, there must be someone stationed in the sacred dynasty. Otherwise, those outside the field will make something. No one knows it. It is not necessarily to help the ancient era to occupy the realm of creation. It is only enough to expand the territory, so that it is enough for the gods to drink a pot.

So although you can be assured, you can't help it.

In addition, they have been trapped for many years, not only their own strength retreats, but even the ethnic groups and the great religions they can rely on are not as brilliant as when they left. At this time, they can only be squatting for the opportunity to rise.

In addition to these distributions, every Tianzun who wants to go to the epoch battlefield must go to the army together, and the attacking city can not rely solely on them.

Ye Xiwen thought about it, and it is the same. Nowadays, the Terran Raiders may not be too full, but it is only a solid, but it is already impregnable. With the existence of Jianzun, it is almost impossible for outsiders to succeed.

At that time, the elite army was the time to temper the battlefield. Just be careful, don't let the army annihilate the whole army, then this trip will not only suffer, but will become a sharpening stone for honing the army.

The era battlefield is by far the most tragic battlefield. Its tragic degree is many times more violent than the battle between the foreign countries.

But such a place is also a place for the most honed people.

After a fierce discussion, the army was finally set aside after one year, and everyone returned. It takes time to dispatch the army. After one year, come to the gods of the gods, and then transfer them to the battlefield of the era through the transmission matrix in the gods. If you want to cross the chaos, it is not for Tianzun. It’s easy, let alone the emperors and the army, and accidentally the whole army is covered.

At this time, Ye Xiwen listened to the discussion of the people. From time to time, I raised my own questions on some things. On the other hand, I stared at the fruits of the world. Finally, when I heard that Dong Tianzun announced the meeting, the world tree was ripe.

"I finally matured!" Ye Xiwen grinned, not only the world tree fruit matured, but the time to kill the Tianhuo Shenzun was mature.

Ye Xiwen handed the world tree fruit into the bag, and then left the creation **** with the Tianzun.

Soon, he returned to the mountains of the Zhou Dynasty and immediately gathered the high-ranking emperors of the Terran. A mobilization order from the cult of the gods was announced to them.

They are still somewhat puzzled. Things like the battlefield of the era, except for the long-awaited Feng Yishi, are heard outside the distant heavens. There is a huge horrible battlefield, and others have never heard of it.

The last time I changed the defense, it was a long time ago. They didn't know about the battlefield of the epoch. Moreover, the original Terran did not have the existence of Tianzun, so the matter of the epoch battlefield was for them. It is a huge secret.

Everyone suddenly heard that, in the fortune of the gods, in addition to the battlefield with the outer domain, there is also a battlefield between the ancient era and some feel incredible.

This is beyond their cognition, especially with regard to the destruction of heaven and earth, which is even more incredible for them.

The world is infinitely endless to them. Because of this, they are also immortal, and now they know that the so-called long-lasting and sometimes long-lasting, it is impossible to live forever.

In particular, it is heard that in the situation where the heavens and the earth are shattered, the emperors will also be in large numbers of fallen. Under the emperor, almost 100% will die, unless they can be blessed by Heaven.

It is possible to survive in the great destruction of heaven and earth, and now think about it, they also feel very lucky, because among the human race, there is already a guardian of Ye Xiwen, so they can get the protection of Ye Xiwen, even in countless After the year, the heavens and the earth are shattered, and they can survive. There is no need to worry about the death of the heavens and the earth.

"Master, since the epoch battlefield is so dangerous, then if we go, will there be a huge danger!" Bian Xiaoyue said, at this time he is already the Lord of the Court, and many ways of thinking about the problem have been categorized with the average person. Different.

At this time, it is also a huge crisis for the creation community. However, what can the Terran get from it?

"The danger is definitely there. I don't know the situation of the epoch battlefield, but since the moon city, one of the ten indestructible cities, has fallen, the ancient era must have been sent to the army, but in me. It seems that this is also a sharpening stone for honing my humanity!" Ye Xiwen said with his hands on his back, confidently saying, "A group wants to be the general existence of Optimus Prime. I have to bear the responsibility that he should bear. Since my family has become a big country in the East, the battle to expel the ancient era is inevitable!"

In Ye Xiwen's plan, the Terran should not be just an ordinary ethnic group, but if you want to become a super-like group like the pillars of the heavens, you can't avoid the war. No one can become the world's supreme by cheap.

This is true in personal practice and in the development of ethnic groups.

When the heavens and the world were about to fall into the hands of the heavenly people, the Terran stood up and formed a coalition with other ethnic groups. It became the pillar of the coalition. After the war, the status of the super strong family was not dependent on who gave it. And got it, but it was shot by one by one.

In the realm of creation, the leaders of the gods of the dynasty are not relying on the charity of the people, but in the leadership of the creation of Tianjun.

If the Terran in the realm of creation wants to rise, it is impossible to rely on its own sanctuary. Without a real record, who can serve the public.

"But this is also a good opportunity to hone my family, so I thought about it. After I finally decided to draw the most elite army to go to war, this time I will also have three emperors to serve as the head of the army. First of all The emperor, the emperor, the thunderous thunder, the three of you went to the epoch battlefield with me, and the rest stayed!"

Ye Xiwen quickly made a decision, and other people immediately succumbed to it. This is the first time that the Terran and the Terran-based forces alliance participated in the battle of the epoch, and they have little experience.

Ye Xiwen naturally has his own considerations. This is in the name of the Terran. In addition to his strongest human race, the Emperor is the leader of the Terran. Naturally, he is inevitably involved in the war. Bian Xiaoyue has just entered the realm of Emperor. It takes time to stabilize the realm, but this time the opportunity is rare, and it is also an opportunity for her to broaden her horizons and hone her body.

Then there is the thunderous thunder, his life is in the hands of Ye Xiwen, naturally he is loyal to him, can be placed in the elite of the human core camp, this time, also need to remove him The emperor outside the town sits on the town.

Bian Xiaoyue has just entered the realm of the emperor, and he has more than enough to lead the army. But if you want to keep other people, it is not enough.

The Emperor is the representative of the Terran. However, his own strength is only the peak of the fourth world. If he is still able to step into the fifth world, Ye Xiwen will take him to go and hope that he can go further in the epoch battlefield and enter the fifth territory.

The strength of both is low, so they need a person who can live in the town. Although the earthquake is still a little lacking, there is also an eighth-order cultivation. Only one step can be able to enter the ninth territory. Can take this responsibility.

This is also to make the camp of the people not so ugly, but also helpless, the foundation of the Terran is too much, otherwise it is possible to transfer two or three ninth-level emperors.

However, this is enough. The most important thing is to look at his performance. As for the thunder and thunder, the emperor and the side Xiaoyue, they are only secondary.

"Master, this time we are going, is it the main force?" Bian Xiaoyue asked.

"As a part of the main force, in addition to us, the masters of other cities that were originally stationed on the epoch battlefield will also send a large number of masters. The entire line of defense is related to the security of the creation community, and there is no tolerance, but the entire line of defense. The focus of safety is on the ten **** cities, so we must take it back!" Ye Xiwen nodded and said.

Everyone has nodded. They are all talented wizards. They are unforgettable. They are very familiar with the way of arranging troops. They all have a very strategic vision. They naturally understand that there are loopholes in the defense line, and what kind of dangerous things are meant.

"Okay, you all go down and dispatch troops. I am only responsible for deciding who to go to the emperor. As for other people, you must choose the most elite troops!" Ye Xiwen said that he has never interfered with the following things. .


Daddy, at this time, the entire Terran is not covered in a horrible pressure, and everyone has stunned their own knowledge. (.)

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