Martial God Space

Chapter 3432: Crush them

There seems to be nothing in the chaos, but in fact, there are still many fierce creatures. The sacred masters of the epoch battlefield had to build the city to protect themselves, and part of the reason was to guard against these chaotic creatures. ▼.ww.▲

The four people went all the way, and soon arrived at the first city in the map. The four people were flying very fast. The distance between the two moved to the world. It could have been transmitted directly through the transmission array, but The surrounded city was cut off from the practice around, and even the transmission of the transmission array could not be transmitted directly. In the ancient era, there were also masters of the squad.

Because it is built in chaos, even if it is only the satellite city of Yuecheng, it is actually very majestic. It is no less than the well-known Xiongcheng in the creation of the gods. It is not enough to stand in the chaos.

It was only at this time that this Xiongcheng was under siege by countless masters. It was as dense as the ants attached to the siege, and went on and on, and did not fear death.

These masters have all kinds of people, human beings, but also beasts, and semi-illusive, and more crystals all over the body, not only belong to different ethnic groups, but even their breath and laws are glanced at Ye Xiwen sees through, it should belong to a different era.

There is a huge incomparable slave word on their body. It is a kind of text that Ye Xiwen has never seen before. However, in the current revision of Ye Xiwen, only one look can be used to resolve any words. ▼

Because any text is to express and describe everything in this world, and it will not change from its ancestry. After it has been repaired to a certain extent, what ancient words are no longer a problem, at a glance, and after the Tianzun realm, even the world is shattered. The texts of the ancient epochs can be easily resolved.

With Ye Xiwen's eyesight, it is natural to see that the masters of these various eras are so eager to forget the wall, which is still the slave, which is a ban. If they are not obedient, they will die in an instant.

Instead of this, it is better to fight if you break through this satellite city. It can still be alive, and even more cruel, even if these masters are killed, the ban on the slaves on them will move instantly and form a big bang. Even the sturdy walls must be smashed by many stone fragments. One or two effects may not be large, but the number is too large, and the cracks on the walls of the satellite city will still be cracked.

The way the ants are attached to the siege is too fierce, and these should be just cannon fodder, consuming the defensive power in the city, and the real big head is still behind. In the distance of this satellite city, a large army of Wuyangwuyang is densely packed. . These large forces appear to be more uniform, and the ethnic groups, all in the air, even in the upper arms of the army, form an image of the devil.

In the depths of the army, one war fortress is starting, and a horrible beast with a huge body like a star is crouching in it, with huge eyes, ready to attack. .ww.▼

In the core of the military array, a powerful magician. Holding the law in his hands, and having words in his mouth, the magical power of horror was released from their hands and turned into a terrible weight. Constantly smashing the sky and falling into the defense of the satellite city, every time, the entire satellite city can be shaken.

"It's the Devil's Era!"

Ye Xiwen said with a squint, he had long heard that the ancient eras would also be conquered each other. The masters who plundered each other to be slaves and plunder each other's resources, and especially the era of the cruel law of the Magic Road Era.

This time I saw it, and sure enough, it is extremely cruel!

The three people in Bian Xiaoyue have slightly changed their faces. In terms of their practice, it is difficult for them to move any problems in their personal practice. However, this horrible war mode is very much in the creation of the gods. rare.

Compared with the battles on the battlefield of the epoch, the war inside the sacred gods is not too terrible.

Ye Xiwen directly released the army of the Terran, and millions of the army appeared in chaos, and they were all elite and imposing, and soon attracted the attention of the army of the Devils, and immediately understood that it was the God of the Gods. The reinforcements that came were immediately separated by a million-dollar army. ◆■.ww.▼

The Terran army that just entered the chaos was quite uncomfortable, but immediately let Ye Xiwen protect himself with his own mana. They are no more than the emperor, they can walk in their own flesh, but they will encounter some troubles.

However, Ye Xiwen saw that those who are in the era of the Taoist era can walk freely, and it is not how profound his cultivation is. There must be other means.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiwen opened his eyes and directly saw the big squad of the Devil's Era. He saw the illusion of it and immediately understood it. It turned out that they all had a special trait armor. Walking in chaos, but can not walk for a long time, the army to walk, or rely on specialized instruments can be, of course, also led by such a strong as Ye Xiwen.

After I understood it, Ye Xiwen immediately ritualized on the spot. With his current cultivation, he sacrificed a million armor, but he was idle, and in his inner world, the heavenly treasures he got in his early years piled up like mountains. The rapid advancement of the realm has not been used anymore. Right now, all of them have been made into armor, and when they wave their hands, they are brought to the Terran army.

It is not difficult to give them mana protection with his cultivation, but he came to practice the Terran army, but he did not want to protect it as thoughtful.

At this time, the army of the Magician era has just been opened to block, just to see the improvement of the level of Ye Xiwen. ▼◆◆

Ye Xiwen pointed to the army of the Magic Road era that was opened and blocked, and said to the three sides of the Xiaoxiaoyue: "Do you see the emperor of the Devil's Age inside? You will take him and kill him!" ”

Among this army, a burly body, covered with a number of scales, like the armor of the magical era of the emperor, running in it, a command, the entire Mozu army can not help.

Ye Xiwen does not intend to intervene directly, but is careful to guard against the celestial celestial celestial celestial empire. Now the celestial celestial celestial celestial **** does not know where to go, otherwise the attack of the illusionary army is far more than that.

"Understand!" Bian Xiaoyue nodded and immediately shouted at the Terran army: "Everyone is in the line, attacking, defeating them in one fell swoop to unravel the city! Mill them!"

The Terran army quickly moved, and thousands of horses and horses rushed past the saga of the Magic Road.

The two armies were like two huge waves, and the smashing came together. For a moment, the people who crashed turned over, the bones flew, the blood flowed into the river, and the Terran army fought for the first time with the ancient epoch. However, he soon mastered the embarrassment. After all, it is the elite of the human race. The quality of the people must be stabilized and stabilized by the army of these magical eras. These are not the most elite of the era. section.

Soon, the Terran army completely overpowered the army of this magical era.

Like the huge waves stacked in layers, killing all the recalcitrant.

At this time, a figure smashed out, going upstream, screaming directly, rushing into the army of the Terran, and not rushing to the ordinary Terran martial arts, directly rushing to one of the peaks of the emperor to kill the past, Obviously it is necessary to kill the top players in the Terran army.

However, on the occasion of this millennium, a figure directly smashed out, reciting, turned into a six-round reincarnation, and suppressed the emperor of this magical era.


The Emperor of the Devil's Era immediately felt the power of this attack. He did not dare to continue to chase it. He quickly raised his hand and suddenly felt that a huge force came, and the whole arm was slightly numb, although it was only one. It was expelled in an instant, but his face was still a bit surprised.

Their Devil's Era is known for its physical strength, and there is not much to be able to fight with them.

At this time, I saw a woman wearing a white robes in front of her eyes, five fingers condensed, looking at him with a cold look.

"You are this... Your cultivation is actually the magical power left by my magician era. Hahaha, just right, if my double-decoration exercises absorb the pure magical skills you have cultivated for many years, you will be able to make great progress. At this time, the emperor of the Devil's Era was not angry, but he was overjoyed. In his eyes, the woman opposite was already destined to become his harvesting pot.

"Not self-reliant!"

Bian Xiaoyue sneered, just a jump, culled up, and the Emperor of the Devil's Era, came together, but the Emperor of the Devil's Era was quite deep, and there were more than seven aspects of cultivation, and the side Xiaoyue has a huge difference.

"You don't have to resist, with your strength, it is impossible to escape from my hand!" The emperor of the Devil's Era laughed, and he did not dare to sneak at the attack of Bian Xiaoyue, but the realm of each other was too different. Huge, it is impossible to say what great threat it poses. "You will be obedient to me. You are also practicing the martial arts of the Devil's Era. I am a natural match. You are the most correct choice when you come to our Devil's Era!"

"What is disgusting, it depends on you!"

At this time, a loud voice came, and the emperor directly sneaked to the side, and the thunderous thunder emperor rushed over from the other side.

When the three men joined forces and attacked the Emperor of the Magic Age, he could no longer be as relaxed as he had just been, especially the power of the thundering thunder was only above him, not under him.

For a time, the fighting was flying. (To be continued.)


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