Martial God Space

Chapter 3434: a battlefield dominated by one person

This Emperor of the Magic Age is obviously also a veteran. Although he seems to be in a hurry under the three-person offensive, he is still very stable. He is not the first time to play against the masters of the gods. The martial arts of this era are no strangers and relatively easy. Look at the book

The three people of Bian Xiaoyue, although suppressing him, have the upper hand, but since they have never played against the emperors of the Devils era, the rules they have applied are different from those of the previous ones.

For a time, although it has the upper hand, it is impossible to turn this advantage into a chance to kill the Emperor of the Magic Age.

However, because the Emperor's master of the Devil's Era was dragged down, the army he led could no longer stop the Terran army. The scale is almost the same as that of the Terran, which is not small. When the gap is turned into a million base, it leads to qualitative change. Soon, the army of these magical eras is defeated and defeated. It is not an opponent at all.

In this chaos, once injured, in terms of their strength, it is almost a dead end, but it is a moment of effort, the film is not killed, but compared to the army of the Terran Ye Xiwen stood an incarnation, from time to time for the injured person to heal, instantly resurrected in full state, a phoenix squatting above the army, where all the injuries were instantly repaired, and the spirits were involved in the war.

In this almost cheating situation, they are not opponents at all. I want to see the book 1kanshu.┞

At this time, the people in the satellite cities on the city walls have also noticed the situation here. They were attacked and they are desperate. They are like seeing the straw. The gods finally came to the reinforcements.

Although this support army has never seen them, their race seems to have never been seen before, but it is enough to see the breath, it is indeed the creation of the gods, this is enough.

Not to mention that they are still so fierce. Almost in a short period of time, the Million Army of the Magic Age was defeated.

The rout here, naturally, also attracted the attention of the army of the Magician era, in which the emperors of the four magical eras were so violent. While urging the army to turn toward the Terran army, they rushed over.

And they themselves rushed out to support the emperor who was completely dragged by Bian Xiaoyue.

At this time, they have already wanted to understand. If they go on like this, they will not be able to eliminate the army that has supported this kind of support, and it will cause great threat to them.

What's more, the army of millions of people in the district. Actually equipped with three emperors, this is a huge threat. Moreover, the fighting power of the Terran army has just been seen. It is almost a huge threat to kill the same number of Devils era army. It is a huge threat. Do not solve it first. I want to see the book.ww.1ka┠

After the emperors of these magical eras joined, they soon caused a huge threat to the three sides of the Xiaoxiaoyue. The emperors of these magical eras were all masters, and they were all masters of the eighth world. Survived for countless years. It has survived from this time before the destruction of the heavens and the earth, and the skill is so deep that it is terrible. It is very difficult for several people in the same realm to meet the situation, not to mention the fact that the realm is still high and the number is still high.

Only the thunder and the thunder can barely confront each other. As for the side Xiaoyue and the emperor, they immediately fell into a crisis.

When Ye Xiwen looked at Xiaoxiaoyue, they were about to hold on. Ye Xiwen finally took out, and turned out a big hand formed by chaos, and suddenly took it down.

"Not good. It is Tianzun!"

The emperors of these magical eras felt it instantly. This big hand was accompanied by a terrible will that was difficult to confront, just as the heavens wanted to kill them.

They feel that they are no strangers, and they feel like this when they face the gods of their own era. These old fritters reacted almost immediately, but they didn't work at all. Under this power, they burst out of the power of the whole body, and they could only be a little confrontation.

Then they were photographed without suspense, and when they thought they were dead. I want to see the book 1; they are not dead, but they are very soon, their cultivation is actually restricted, and they are directly divided into three battlefields. Two people were dealt with separately, and the emperor was alone.

And their cultivation is limited to the same state as the other side.

They didn’t kill them, but they blocked their skill. It was almost an instant. They wanted to understand. This is why, they suddenly felt a sense of extreme humiliation, because they instantly understood why this is the other’s Tianzun. It is to use them as stepping stones and become a sharpening stone for honing these three emperors.

Suddenly, the heart was furious, and the cruel character suddenly burst out and rushed straight up to kill each other, perhaps with a trace of vitality.

If you knew at the outset that there was a Tianzun in this million-strong army, they might escape immediately. They didn’t dare to go forward and make jokes. Although they were strong, they had a lot of hidden cards, but they were against the last one. There is no chance of winning, let alone they are not even the emperor.

It’s just that there is no way at the moment. Only those who kill their opponents will have some chances of surviving.

They don't know how many years they have lived, and they definitely don't want to die here.

And Xiao Xiaoyue naturally understood Ye Xiwen’s intentions immediately, and understood that Ye Xiwen wanted to hone their thoughts, but at this time there was too much time to say anything. The emperor of the opposite era of the Taoist era was like crazy. I rushed up. I want even if it is transferred to the same realm, but they have to face the old monsters of these years, they still seem very difficult, but at this time the heavens are still in the creation of the gods, they are still In the same realm, the old monsters of the ancient era often occupy the skill accumulated over the years. Once they lose this advantage, they will soon be weak.

After Ye Xiwen got this thing, he looked at the battlefield again. At this time, the tens of millions of troops of the Magic Road squad culled over. For millions of Terran troops, it is undoubtedly extremely shocking. If they are not human. The elite in the elite, seeing such a battle, is going crazy.

It is only in chaos that there is space up and down, and it is easy to launch such a terrible army.

Ye Xiwen shot again, and the nose sword appeared in the hand, and then just a wave of light, like nothing, but the illusion of the horror of the horror of the genius above the army of the magician era is like It was broken by something, and it was broken in an instant.




In an instant, countless Devils era army collectively vomited blood, the military soul is the cohesion of the will of all of them, the military soul is not broken, their combat power will also increase greatly, but once the military soul is broken, all of their own spirits are integrated All of them will be seriously injured.

The military spirit that has been condensed by this army of the Taoist era, even if the emperor does not dare to shoot it, otherwise it will suffer a serious counter-attack, and the emperor will be seriously injured.

Therefore, the masters of the emperor level can only face this level of the army, but they can only be arrogant, but it is impossible to use one enemy, and the individual soldiers are not enough for them to slash, but they are condensed. After becoming a military soul, it became extremely terrible.

However, with the strength of Ye Xiwen, there is no problem naturally, and those anti-phasing forces can not even break the defense of Ye Xiwen.

After the collective vomiting of blood, this army suddenly paused. This time it was really heavy, and even the complete battle was no longer assembled. Even the military souls were let out, let alone them.

However, it is almost the effort of the front and rear feet. The Terran army has stepped on the light, like a steel knife inserted into it. The place where it passes is invincible. Because the military soul is destroyed, they can't even organize anything decent. Counterattack, many weak people, simply turned into a fool.

Only some masters can react quickly. They have deeper skills and faster recovery. However, the rushing of these three or fifty scattered people is simply a slap in the arm and can't stop the Terran army.

In a short period of time, the Terran army killed a few round trips in it. Wherever they passed, all the army of the Devil's Era were destroyed, and they killed them.

There are millions of people who are directly killed or killed in self-destruction.

The emperor of the Devil's Era, who fought with the three sides of the side, saw this scene, and both of them shed tears of blood. These are the deployments and elites that they brought out from the destruction of the heavens and the earth. Now they are like people. The dog-like slaughter is clean.

They know in their hearts that they must be the sacred gods of the sacred dynasty. Otherwise, in terms of the fighting power of the army of the magical era, even if the overall combat power is different, but with the huge amount, the Terran army can block it. It’s very hard, it’s been a long time, and it may even be swallowed up.

They have absolute advantages in quantity, but they can't resist the other person's possession. This is the perfect confrontation between quantity and quality. The quality of the Terran army is dominant, but the quantity is not dominant, but it depends on Ye Xiwen. One person completely pulled the advantage back, so it is hard to say that it is even more powerful.

"Spell, kill them!" These magical era emperors are very magical, have entered the state of enemies, and began to attack wildly. (To be continued.)

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