Martial God Space

Chapter 3435: The stronger the Vietnam War

Although the Terran has only a million people, but Ye Xiwen is behind the scenes, but the millions of people will kill the hearty, the army of those who killed the Magic era will be defeated, they will not be able to organize a decent defense, the entire military soul Was defeated.

At this time, on the satellite city, a million troops were quickly assembled and rushed out. The army of the Terran and the Terran army smashed the army of the Devil's Era. Although they were not as good as the Terran army, they were fundamentally at this time. They have lost their souls, and even they can't stop it, and they are defeated.

The slave masters who were originally in the various eras of the ants attached to the siege have stopped. At this time, those who control them are self-concerned, and they naturally do not need to go up one by one, but they There is no trouble to escape, because the body has been banned by slaves, even if it is useful to escape to the ends of the earth, as long as there are people living in the magic era, they will die just under one thought.

What is even more cruel is that if some of the demons who led the team in the Devil's Era died, they would have to die together and be buried together.

This is similar to the seal of Ye Xiwen who was on the thunderous thunder, but it was even more intense.

Anyway, it’s all dead, so they don’t matter at all!

At the time when the army of the Terran and the Satellite City smashed the Devil's Day, the army was defeated. In the satellite city, a figure flew out. It was an emperor who went straight to Ye Xiwen and gave a big gift.

"Seeing the respect, the younger generation of the wooden emperor of the whole city up and down, thank you for coming to the rescue!"

This is an emperor with a whole body surrounded by a green law, like an old tree.

At a glance, it can be seen that the rules of wood are cultivated.

"Get up, no thanks, I am also ordered to come to the rescue!" Ye Xiwen said with a hand.

The wooden emperor got up and took a look at Ye Xiwen. Then I couldn't help but ask: "Please forgive the younger generation, don't know the name of the high name!"

"I came from the **** of creation, Wu Zun, it is normal for you not to know me. This time, when the gods heard that the moon fell, they led the army to support. I am just one of them. Now I am Lu Dajun has gone to different places to rescue!" Ye Xiwen said faintly.

"Yes, that's great!" said the wooden emperor.

Since this time, they have experienced unprecedented changes. The moon city, which claims to have never fallen into the eternal city of God, has fallen. They are around the city of Yuecheng. He knows that there will be an army of the ancient epoch to come to the conquest. It will not be all day long and has been waiting for other gods. The rescue, now directly waiting for the reinforcements of the sacred dynasty, suddenly set in the heart.

"Is there only one emperor in your city?" Ye Xiwen looked at the wooden emperor. This wooden emperor's skill is also profound, and there is also an eighth-level cultivation. No less than the thunder of the thunder, but just feel that guarding a large satellite city, or a little insufficient.

"There were two other friends, but in the past, the magical sage of the Devil's Era had been shot. The two friends were also killed in the battle, and I was seriously injured. In the end, we could only passively defend. If you don’t come with the army to support, I am afraid that we will be like other cities here, and it will not be long before it will fall!” The face of Muhuang’s face will inevitably reveal a bit of sadness.

The fallen friends in the two wars were all comrades who had been with him for many years. The priests like the emperor are not ruthless, long-lasting friendships, and there is no pain in the truth.

"Is there a **** in the Magic Age? Why didn't I see it?" Ye Xiwen asked.

"The magic demon of the Devil's Era is also participating in the siege, but then it seems that I got the news, I left, leaving only the army to continue the siege, and later, I will honor you to rescue!" Said.

Ye Xiwen’s brows are slight. If there is a demon statue in the army of the Devils, then the situation is another matter, but it doesn’t matter. When that demon statue comes back, he also wants to go to heaven.

Although these satellite cities are not as majestic as the Ten Great Gods, it is impossible for a Tianzun to break through the power of oneself. Because these cities were built, they were all built by the Goddess of Heaven, and also have the respect for Heaven. Countermeasure.

Otherwise, why should the army be dispatched, and only those who worship one by one will swept the past.

Ye Xiwen said that the three cities he was responsible for had been told by the emperor. Now the city has been saved by him, and the other has been degraded. Only one is still unclear and needs to be asked.

"Returning to the respect, as far as I know, this area is under the control of the army of the Devil's Era, and now the army of the Devil's Era is all here, and it should not be able to get to another city. !"

Wood Huang Dunton, said.

"That's good!" Ye Xiwen nodded and attacked a satellite city. He was bound to be able to plunder a lot of resources and wealth. It is no wonder that those ancient eras were to be divided into batches and swept in sub-regions. .

"Respect, now look at the hardships of your other friends, ask me to help?" Muhuang said, with his strength, a shot, naturally can greatly improve their situation.

"No, I am here to hone them. Otherwise, the magician of these magical eras can be destroyed by my backhand!" Ye Xiwen shook his head.

The emperor finally realized the intention of Ye Xiwen. He couldn’t help but feel shocked. The great handwriting used these emperors as the stepping stones to hone their shackles. Such a big hand, only Tianzun can do it.

Knowing that the other side of the city is safe and sound, Ye Xiwen can breathe a sigh of relief, instead of rushing to end the battle here and rushing to the other side to support, you can watch a few people fight.

Although Ye Xiwen has already suppressed his ability, he has been inspired by the fierceness of his life from the source of his life. Moreover, in their view, this may be their only chance to escape.

Therefore, a few people in Bian Xiaoyue are very hard to play, especially Bian Xiaoyue. Her skill is the weakest, and the realm is the weakest. Now I have to face two old monsters that have been suppressed by Ye Xiwen to the same realm.

At this time, it was also forced out of the full potential. She had not thought about Ye Xiwen’s rushing around, only a life-and-death battle.

At this time, the fortified Xuan Dan under the swallowing was also madly refining in this case. It was impossible to refine and refine it with her skill. It was only slightly refining, just a little. Refining a few, it helped him to stabilize the realm, and now, in this case of life and death, the drug power in the creation of Xuan Dan began to spread.

I only feel that the stronger the Vietnam War, the more powerful the skills, the more the Vietnam War has become more and more smooth, and gradually less so uncomfortable. From the incomprehensible offensives of the two masters, they gradually played their own rhythm and played their own advantages.

The other two are also the same, as the core of the core of the Terran camp, they naturally have been conquered by Ye Xiwen. After all, the trip to the gods, Ye Xiwen still fished in the water, and got a lot of creations. .

For him who has already entered the realm of Tianzun, the effect of the creation of Xuandan has not been so remarkable, but for these emperors, there is still a miraculous effect.

At this time, they have gradually played their own role, not completely passively beaten, and even stronger as time goes by, the battle between the two sides has become more and more fierce, and the entire chaos that has been directly hit has violently exploded and rolled up.

On the other side, there is no military soul, and it is the army of the magical era of the dragons. However, after a long period of encirclement, the army has finally been completely annihilated. Until the end, there is no one. Escape, all war dead, can also be seen, although this is not the most elite force of the Magic Road era, but it can be regarded as a **** army.

But still useless, all are annihilated.

Ye Xiwen grabbed a big hand and blew the flesh and blood of the more than 20 million Demon squadrons. He was made on the spot, and the medicinal herbs were distributed to the Terran army. These medicinal herbs are not useful to him. Big, but for these elites, it is enough to make their realm rise to a small realm.

As for the support of the satellite city of the army, everyone is also a share, Ye Xiwen is not stingy, and immediately let these people grateful to Ye Xiwen, and the unarmed army on the wall are also looking at the envy. I have encountered such a big and generous Tianzun, but it is rare once in a million years.

At this time, Ye Xiwen can observe the battle of several people in the side of the whole heart. Among these three, the strength of Bian Xiaoyue is the weakest, but the progress is the fastest, and the refinement of the transformation of Xuan Dan, It is almost equivalent to 100,000 years of skill in the air. In a short period of time, she has been hit by the skills of the first peak, and thus has the qualification to compete with the masters of the two major eras. Any one of them will not fall to the wind, and even can not get the upper hand, even if they face the two together, it is not a problem.

The other two people are a little bit slower. They have become emperors for many years, and their skills are stronger, but the plasticity is also very poor, so it is difficult to have such amazing changes.

However, they are all under the pressure of the enemy, and they have broken through to the peak of this realm. The more masters of these magical eras are desperate, the more they want to break free, but the more they become the nutrients and stepping stones for the three people, let them continue to break through. . (To be continued.)

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