Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Retreat?

The eyes of the intentional or unintentional people all sneaked in the direction of He Yiming, but then they headed, as if they knew him for the first time, saying: "Old assassin, I used to misread you, I can’t think of you too. There will be blood."

Jimo Fanshu said coldly: "You don't misunderstand, I am not for what death creatures. "Hey, your predecessors have made a great disaster. It is only natural that you will sin here, and you should do it with the old man."

The face of the film sage and other people are slightly red, and it must be said that among the strongest people who have opened up this channel in the past, they have the predecessors of their major sects.

If it were not for these Shinto people who had enough to eat and did not want to go to any place of life, it would be impossible for such a thing to happen.

Nowadays, the power of the heavens and the earth is absorbed and sealed here, causing humans and spirits to lose strength because they cannot absorb enough power from the heavens and the earth. This may be the strong punishment given by God.

They are the descendants of the martial art, and they are left to replace the elders to redeem their sins. Kyrgyzstan has no such obligation. Liu and his brows wrinkled and sighed: "You said so, then you leave." Ji Mofan's eyes were cold and said: "I stay." Several people looked at each other inexplicably and did not understand this. What the old assassin is thinking.

"The old man traveled the world in his life, just to be able to advance the Shinto. Now this opportunity is in front of him, and the old man will not give up." Gilfan's cold eyes swept away in the faces of everyone: "The purpose of the old man's stay Unlike you, don't confuse it."

Bingxiaotian and others all had a feeling of crying and laughing from the bottom of their hearts. The old assassin clearly made plans to stay, but he just found another reason for his own difference. His thoughts were still It's quite an alternative.

At this moment, everyone has the feeling that there is such a feeling that this old assassin is even more like a different kind than the dragon.

Intentionally or unintentionally, everyone's eyes squinted in the direction of He Yiming, but then they regained their gaze and talked if nothing happened.

The content of conversations from their mouths is nothing more than trivial things that are irrelevant. Compared to Iceland, and their decisions, it is trivial. However, in this Yuan 1, they seem to have expressed a strong interest in these small things, but they will forget He Yiming. "Yimong, let me go back." Yuan Lixun said in a whisper: "This is not your responsibility."

The muscles on He Yiming’s face twitched slightly, and it’s tempting for Yuan Lixun’s proposal to be unmotivated.

In Hejiazhuang, there are still his relatives waiting. If he is trapped here and can no longer go out, then he can't imagine what the future of Hejiazhuang will look like.

He took a long breath and looked at the color of prayer in Yuan Lixun's eyes. He opened his mouth and subconsciously nodded.

Yuan Lixun’s eyes suddenly burst into a look that could not be concealed. In her mind, whether she can be promoted to Shinto and whether she can hold this passage is incomparable with He Yiming’s safety. As long as he can live this life well, then everything is worth it.

As for the death creatures that have not been seen before, is it really so powerful that the dragons say so much, and how they relate to them. This passage will be closed again in a year. The strength of this dragon may not be able to guard for thousands of years, but one year is absolutely nothing to say.

As long as you have passed this year - the next time Iceland appears to be a millennium, then they will all be ancient, and whether these horrible creatures will come out of the passage to harm the world, has nothing to do with them. This is the most real idea in Yuan Lixuan's heart, and she did not hesitate to express it.

Yuan Lixun’s joy was expressed in her face, and Xiao Xiaotian and others were talking on the side, but half of the attention was placed on them. At this time, they could not help but sigh because They already know the decision of He Yiming.

Inexplicable, the people did not blame this decision. Everyone's path was chosen by themselves, and they did not have the right to decide what to do with He Yiming who had the same strength.

Yuan Lixun’s head was abruptly lit up, and a soft light slowly dispersed. The white light snake she used to beam the artifact ice mirror was completely dissolved by the light at this moment. Such strange changes immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

I don't know when, the artifact ice mirror was freed from Yuan Lixun's body, but it did not attack like everyone, but slowly rose to the sky. Within the mirror of the ice mirror, a phoenix fluttering with sparkling crystals flew out.

This is an ice-carved phoenix, but it looks like a living creature, waving long wings in midair and flying in midair.

He Yiming has a double-eyed appearance. There are nine fire dragons in the Kowloon furnace. In the ice mirror, there is an ice phoenix. The strength of the guardian **** beast between the fire and the ice is so powerful. Moreover, he is quite skeptical, whether there is only this ice phoenix in the ice mirror. Or there is a strong existence of its -.

With a loud bang, the ice phoenix burst into the eyes of everyone, and the sky suddenly splashed a large piece of ripples that were constantly spreading. Slowly, when this ripple completely calmed down, there was a picture in the sky. A magical space like a mirror.

He Yiming and others looked at this scene with surprise. Although they did not understand why the ice phoenix made such an action, everyone was faintly refined. All this must be related to the dragon.

The sky suddenly lit up, and a black cloud of black clouds appeared in the mirror-like mid-air. This dark cloud is flowing there and gradually getting closer. Finally, they saw the true face of that dark cloud.

This snail is a kind of horror creature that has never been seen before. This creature has the same body as a monkey, but their necks are covered with a disgusting head like a fly. The long mouthparts Constantly telescopic, a pair of compound eyes flooded with a red glow.

Didn't everyone take a breath of cold air, this moment, even if no one introduced it, they also know what it is. Death creatures, such horrible things, are definitely the dead creatures mentioned in the dragon and the hundred and eight. The scene in the sky suddenly changed, and it seemed that the sudden high was reached.

Below, it is a vibrant, full of trees and flowers, with a valley of flowing waterfalls. Here, there are all kinds of wishful and unmature life, all the things combined, here formed a beautiful Taobao Taobao women's winter jackets like the paradise.

However, the disaster descended from the sky. The dark clouds of dead creatures flew from afar. They came to this paradise. These monsters, who have almost the same human body, opened their mouths and their fierce mouth piercing One by one in life. From the huge beasts to the tiny ants, they didn’t even let go.

After the living things were finished, they pointed the sun marks to the flowers and trees. After the robbers like the robbers, all the trees and flowers disappeared. However, all these disasters have not ended, but have just begun. They were thrown into the waterfall, put into the water, and plunged into the ground.

The water, gradually dried up, was swallowed up by the belly that seemed to be filled forever. The landscape here has changed a lot, and it is still changing quite quickly.

The water in the soil has disappeared, and all the nutrients in it have been taken by the horrible mouthparts. What remains is a dry sand, and it is impossible to breed the sand of life.

These horror creatures came out from the ground, and they continued to move forward. In their eyes at that time, there was no emotion. They were like a group of demons who were born to destroy, and they swallowed everything.

The scenes in the sky slowly become smaller, and the dead creatures can no longer see the individual. But the hearts of the people are hanging high.

Because they saw it, here is a continent, half of the mainland is a place full of life and green. However, the other half of the mainland is full of countless black clouds that are moving forward.

These black clouds are expanding with the visibility of the naked eye, and they are constantly eroding the less and less green. I don't know how long it took. When the last bit of green was completely covered up, the entire continent was full of these horrible death creatures.

Then they spread to the sea, that can accommodate everything, the all-encompassing sea actually began to slowly become f. They are like plagues, spreading the land of deserts to every corner of the world.

They are clustered together, one by one, with a stacking number, and a sharp, shrill-sounding whistling sound like a ghost.

The light in front of the eyes flashed, and the mirror in the sky had disappeared without a trace, revealing the huge dragon body hovering in the sky. No one speaks, and everyone has a hint of fear and dignity in the eyes.

If at first they didn't know much about the dead creatures, then after seeing the scene just now, they have the most intuitive understanding of this thing.

In their ears, even the final screams of the horror guys can be clearly heard. It is a sharp whistling that can make people cry from the bottom of their hearts.

The dragon's voice slowly echoed in the sky: "This is what we saw after we entered the world. They destroyed everything and rushed toward the passage. We were retreating in the past. We abandoned. Everything, holding the entrance to the passage. Are you today... Is there a way out?"

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