Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 23: 8 suggestions

The twenty-third chapter of the proposal of the hundred and eight is as if the heart is in the spirit, and everyone's eyes have moved to He Yiming's body.

After seeing the scene in the sky, they all understood that this is the dragon's intention to display the incredible magical power after seeing He Yiming's attitude.

Although they do not understand how this dragon is doing this kind of god, it does not affect their judgment.

However, what makes them puzzled is why this dragon is so worthy of He Yiming, and his desire for him seems to be much stronger than the sum of people.

The smile on Yuan Li Xun's face was long gone. After seeing the scene in midair and hearing the words of the dragon, she naturally understood the meaning.

"No, it's not fair..." Yuan Lixun's voice was crisp and loud, with a strong excitement: "He is still young, even if he is not advanced, there are still hundreds of years of life." Her eyes swept At the moment, the peak of humanity and the dragon in heaven, at this moment, she is not afraid of the pressure of anyone: "He is different from you."

Bing Futian and others suddenly sinked. For He Yiming, this is indeed quite unfair.

A human being who is less than 30 years old, he has the power to choose different roads.

Contrary to this, Gimovandus and others, if they can't be promoted to Shinto here, then for up to a hundred years, they will die because of the coming of the Yuanshou limit.

Instead of waiting for the death of the outside, it is better to let go here, if it is finally able to advance the Shinto, for them, it is more than double the life.

Yuan Lixun has said the most important reason for a shot. If He Yiming is left behind, it is really unfair.

The sound of the dragon rang again: "Little girl, you also saw the terrible creatures of the dead, now the passage can not be closed, every new century will have new powerful death creatures. In these horrible guys There is also the strength of the strength. One of the golden creatures of death has the power to be compared with the ordinary Shinto. In these hundreds of years, if there are not many human beings who have succeeded in the emergence of pseudo-deity, I am afraid that we can't keep this passage. But..." The dragon's voice has been low for the first time: "Those people are old, they can't keep going forever, so we hope to have new blood to join. Only the more false gods can only keep this passage forever.

Yuan Lixun's eyebrows are slightly raised, and her supple temperament has changed dramatically at this moment. She seems to have released the courage of her life at this time.

"Shenlong adults, there are already seven people who are willing to stay."

"Their age is not small, even if they can be promoted to Shinto in this place, but most of them can only remain in a virtual state in their lifetime, and it is difficult to promote a pseudo-deity. But this is around you. The young man is different. He has the most powerful cultivation talent and is the most promising person to promote the pseudo-deity." The dragon's voice is slightly depressed, saying: "Our world needs his strength."

Bingxiaotian and others looked at He Yiming’s eyes and faintly screamed with a burning spark.

Although they no longer doubt whether He Yiming can be promoted to Shinto, but after hearing the evaluation of the dragon, he was still shocked.

Yuan Li Xun took He Yiming's hand tighter, and she looked at him intently.

He Yiming's face is unpredictable, and anyone can see that it is difficult to make a choice in his heart.

One hundred and eight slowly came over. He came to the side of He Yiming and Yuan Lixun, and slowly said in a subtle voice: "Promise him."

He Yiming suddenly looked up and looked at the hundred and eight. This person never knew where to come. At least the old guy who had lived for thousands of years solemnly nodded.

He Yiming split open and nodded. At this moment, he gave his trust to the hundred and eight without reservation.

"Yimong, I will stay with you." Yuan Lixun's face has completely restored calm, the original excitement with the decision of He Yiming has become smoky.

"No." He Yiming said without hesitation: "You must go out."

Yuan Lixun euphemistically smiled and said: "I have never violated anything, I am now letting me be willful once."

He Yiming’s face became extremely ugly, and his heart was once again ready to move.

"Yimong, I am tired, chasing your footsteps, has made me too tired. So I want to rest." Yuan Lixun smiled on the face, at this moment, her eyes flashed, but It’s a true feeling: “I’m going to go out now and I will regret it for a lifetime.”

He Yiming gave a wry smile and said: "But if you don't go out, I will regret it for a lifetime.

After hearing the dragon's evaluation of the dead creatures, He Yiming did not have the absolute certainty to protect the safety of the land in the biota that poured down.

One hundred and eight again made a little bit forward, he said a word gently in Yuan Lixun's ear.

Yuan Lixun’s eyes immediately became fierce. She was like a re-explosion, and the temperament of the whole person was changed.

"You didn't lie to me?"

One hundred and eight indifferent words: "Do you think I lied to people?"

Yuan Li Xun Shen was half-sounding, she slowly shook her head, her eyes immediately fluttered, full of hopes, o "OK, I went out." Her heavy amount, the word of a word.

He Yiming’s eyes reveal a strange color, and he has already felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the night prince, the **** of the gods, the throne Seeking the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the strongest Abandoning the determination of the Queen of the Zhou Dynasty to Yuan Lixun, it is a determination to die with him. And it is still very strong, and it will not shake the determination at all.

However, I didn't know what was said in her ear, and suddenly let her attitude come to a 180-degree turn, and actually asked to go out.

The mind was slightly moved, and He Yiming immediately thought of a possibility. However, this may be too illusory.

One hundred and eight reached out and gestured. He Yiming inexplicably extended his arm and held it with him. However, his face returned to normal after a slight change. Because in his hand, there is already a finger. Later, he heard a hundred and eight whispers: "Put it with the tracker and do it."

He Yiming slowly nodded. When he took back his hand, the finger with metal color entered the world of the Five Elements.

On the other hand, one hundred and eight hands have already grown another finger. The communication between them is calm and quiet, and they are silently finished without disturbing others.

One hundred and eight in the ear of Bao pig, white horse lightning is the same -e! j sighed, the two top sacred beasts quieted down. For the hundred and eight, they also have unparalleled confidence.

Only the unicorn beast will not leave, no matter whether it is threatened by the sacred lord of the unicorn, it is unwilling to leave.

However, after half an hour, the dragon showed its incomparable power, so it stretched out the huge claws that could cover the heavens and the earth, and gently pushed it on the body of the unicorn beast. The top sacred beast flew off the ground and fell into a piece of sand behind him.

However, just as its body touched the sand, there was a burst of energy fluctuations that disappeared instantly.

"How did you get in, how did it go out?" The dragon introduced slowly.

He Yiming’s heart smiled. After seeing the strength of the dragon, he also secretly admired it, and he understood that if the dragon did not intend to let himself leave from the beginning, then he had no room for resistance.

Then, the dragon waved his paws at random. Every time he waved, one person would fly out. Yuan Lixun, Baima Leidian and Bao pig left. In the end, it seemed to hesitate a moment, and finally flicked out with a paw, and lost the hundred and eight.

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly jumped a few times. Others did not see any clues, but He Yiming clearly knew that this dragon was really different from each other. They had never seen each other before.

However, Bai Ba 8 has resolutely denied it, which makes He Yiming somewhat unpredictable.

"Since you have stayed, try to cultivate. Soon, the number of those **** guys will increase. If you have not succeeded in advance before the massive death creatures come, then wait for your destiny. Death." After the dragon fascinated all the unrelated people, its voice slowed down a bit. "The best way to break through is to fight. I can use space power to send you to the sporadic death creatures." Although it is a bit risky, the possibility of doing so can be undoubtedly the biggest."

Ice laughs and whispers, said: "The gods and dragons, have they already appeared?"

"It can be said that they are the pioneers of the Pakistani army. If you can't even deal with these sporadic guys, then there is no qualification for promotion."

Bingxiaotian and others looked at each They nodded at the same time.

As long as they can advance to Shinto as soon as possible, they are certainly willing to take risks.

The dragon smiled with satisfaction and waited until it stopped. Everyone was staring at Venus and was crumbling. If it is not certain that the dragon is a member of his own side, they are even wondering if this guy is undercover.

"Remember, you need to fight, you can't escape if you die, or you will be promoted to Shinto within six months."

With the roar of the dragon, a huge indescribable claw emerged from the sky, and the claw suddenly saw a pinch.

The air flashed nine equally dazzling brilliance. They circling in the air. After half a ring, they finally landed. Every light shone in one of them. Even the Shinto coagulation was wrapped in Inside.

Then, the more radiant the light, and the slight blasting sound.

When everything is over, the light dissipates, and there are only He Yiming and Shinto coagulation, but the rest of the crowd has disappeared.

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