Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 24: Shinto 3 boundaries

The twenty-fourth chapter of the Shinto Sanjing He Yiming looked at the next four weeks in amazement. Although it was just shining, it was dazzling. But He Yiming is such an eyesight. Although he can't see through the light, he can see that the light does not really spread to the outside.

That is to say, this dragon is not using the light of the gods to wrap the crowds away from the crowd, but uses the legendary space power to send seven human peaks like Ice Laughing. Unknown territory.

However, the only thing that surprised him was that the dragon had left himself behind. He knows that the dragon has left himself alone in this way, and there must be something to be privately accounted for.

Deeply facing the dragon, He Yiming's performance is polite and courteous. Under the huge power gap, He Yiming does not mind using his thoughtful ritual to express his respect for the dragon.

"Dear God Dragon, you still have - what to order?"

"Hey, I will stay with you, just to ask and explain a few things." The face of the dragon slowly screamed slightly, his heart screamed, and of course, his face did not dare to leave in most people. After that, the dragon talked and the voice became like the normal human size. That is to say, it could have been the same as a normal person, but it was like a screaming roar. , suffering from a strong sonic shock.

It seems that he saw his mind. The dragon snorted and said: "If you can't bear the attack of my sonic wave, then you will not even have the qualification to stay."

He Yiming’s heart sighed and quickly said: “Yes.”

"Okay, let's talk about business. Your physique is quite special. It seems that you have cultivated many different kinds of exercises. The Five Elements of the East, the darkness of the West, how much have you cultivated?" The dragon suddenly paused and said: "Your There is also a rough embryo with five rows of rings on hand. Well, there seems to be some tricks inside.

He Yiming sighed in his heart, and under the huge gap of power, his secret seems to be ignorant of each other. Fortunately, although the other party is a beast, it is not the omnipotent god, so some things are still invisible. At least, the Kowloon furnace within the five-line ring will not be seen.

"Dragons and dragons, the Eastern Five Elements and the Western Lights are in harmony with each other, and the younger generations have studied it." He said very politely, but he did not mention the five elements.

"Do you have mastered the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation and the light and dark?" The dragon was incredibly asked, after he got the answer, he even forgot the anomaly of the five elements. He Yiming Shen Sheng: "Slightly small." The dragon sank a half-sound, seems to be thinking about something, faint, He Yiming's spine has a hint of chill, he is suddenly awkward I gave birth to a feeling of being seen through. Inexplicable, he immediately understood that this dragon was staring at himself in the air.

After half a ring, this feeling finally disappeared.

The sound of the dragon sounded again: "Your talent is really strong, and even there is the possibility of advanced realism in the future."

He Yiming’s face suddenly changed, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

The realm of Shinto also has a high and low point.

After the soul goes out, after the gods cast the body, you can use the power of the mind and the power of the world to control the power of the heavens and the earth. This is the most common virtual state in Shinto.

After the vast majority of Shinto powers swallowed into this realm, they will be hopeless for life.

Only a handful of lucky darlings can go further in the 100-foot gimmick. Once they reach the pseudo-deity, they can become virtual and form their own Shinto force field.

In this force field, it is the world of false gods, they can release their most powerful power in a more powerful way. Before the Shinto force field has not been broken, they will be in an invincible position.

The most powerful of the Shinto is the legendary true state.

However, the description of this realm is rare, because according to the ancient records, since the beginning of the ancient times when human beings began to explore the cultivation method, there are only two strong people who can reach this realm.

Create the dark and dark son of the Western Heaven and Hell and the five elements of the ancestors who created the Eastern life and death.

These two have left unparalleled feats and strong prestige in the East and West. In that era, the ranks of the invincible in the world are the true true state.

Shenlong’s evaluation of them is quite pertinent, thinking that these people will definitely be promoted to ordinary Shinto here, and some people may be able to advance to the pseudo-deity, but this number is definitely not much.

However, when evaluating He Yiming, this dragon has just moved out and moved the real world, which is a huge impact for anyone.

He Yiming’s heart beats violently. When he heard that the dragon said that he was expected to advance into the real world, it was the same difficulty.

Any practitioner who has heard of himself may have an incredible feeling when he is able to be compared with the two characters who can be called legends in the Shinto.

The dragon smiled and said: "You are only likely to have advanced realities. As for success, you must look at your own efforts.

He Yiming’s heart was tight, and he quickly convinced the crazy mind.

With a gaze, he said: "Don't you say that there is a former Shinto predecessor and a beast? Why are you here at the whistle?"

The dragon sighed helplessly, but fortunately its voice has returned to normal, otherwise He Yiming will have to attack a powerful sound wave.

"My friends have long been scattered in this world. They are hunting those sporadic death creatures. Once their reinforcements are large, they will return to this place." The dragon's voice is full of a proud taste. : "Now here, having me a guard is enough.

He Yiming opened his mouth, he faintly felt that perhaps the rest of the Shinto strong people left this place, not to want to kill the dead creatures, but to avoid this terrible big guy p bar after all, in In front of this powerful dragon, even if it is a Shinto strong, it may feel very depressed.

"For half a year, up to half a year, the guys' reinforcements will come together.

Now, you also go to practice. Xian hopes that you can cultivate to Shinto within three months. After half a year, you and the strange coagulation person behind you should be able to be equivalent to two virtual gods. ”

He Yiming was amazed and turned back. The **** of blood coagulation was still standing honestly, without any movement. Although this embarrassment is powerful, it seems that it can not compete with a real Shinto strong.

Hehe laughed, Julong said: "Don't look down on your coagulation person, he is very strong, but you can't release his strength."

He Yiming bowed his head, his respectful salute, and he wanted to be open-minded, how can he make it even stronger.

However, before he opened his mouth, the dragon had already extended his giant claws and said: "I want to send you away, prepare yourself, don't die early."

He Yiming’s heart is a bitter smile. This dragon is too overbearing, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. He sighs: “Yes.”

The huge claws flicked, and He Yiming and Shinto coagulation were instantly wrapped in a huge force. After a while, the light shattered and they disappeared.

In the air, the body of the dragon suddenly trembled fiercely. Slowly, its body is shrinking rapidly. But for a quarter of an hour, it has become a dragon with a length of only fifteen feet.

Although the volume of fifteen feet is inconsistent with the word "small", the difference is incomparable compared with the almost infinite body of the dragon.

If He Yiming and others see this scene, it is estimated that they will be greatly embarrassed in their hearts.

This dragon has mastered the magical power of free change, but when they met with them, they turned their bodies to the greatest extent and shocked everyone.

The changed dragon returned to the sand surface, and it turned its head to the side, and a pair of eyes flashed with a strange light.

At this moment, it seems that it is no longer a horrible beast, but an old man full of wisdom and heart.

It seems to be talking to himself: "How did he come out? Is it really someone who has entered the cave... The flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation and the light and darkness, huh, huh, the funny boy, it’s a pity, if not this Damn the passage, I will not miss this opportunity."

After a long time, the voice filled with emotions resounded again: "Five thousand years, it has already passed 5,000 years. The original decision was too savage. Is he capable of blocking this passage?"

A gust of wind blew the sand from the sand, just a moment, and a mist was raised here.

He Yiming and others do not know this scene of sand and fog is the true face of this world. At the moment they opened Iceland and entered here, all the sand and fog disappeared in an instant. Until then, when the dragon converges its power, the sand fog began to wreak havoc again.

It didn't take long for everything here to become indistinguishable from the distance, and the sand that filled the air was getting bigger and bigger as the wind blew. But in this piece of sand, there is a circle that is nearly one mile, and there is no drop of sand on the mirror like a wave of water.

There seems to be a mysterious force guarding this thing.

Here, it is the place where He Yiming and others appear, and the beasts and beasts leave.

This is the only passage to Iceland in the North Sea. It is the place where the gods and all the gods are guarded.

The bright light of the Yingying is so dazzling in the gradually thick sand sea, like the only light that lights up in the endless night, attracting all moving creatures.

A ten-footed dragon hovering beside it, as if guarding his own child, carefully cared for the land.

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