Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Mutant monster

Far from. The strong Wei Wei of the stock is approaching from the front. When a team passes the Shang Baixi, the Lu Jianqun slowly flies forward along the cave.

In this group of monsters, there are fifteen golden monsters, and they are two pairs. Distracted. Carefully looked around and seemed to be looking for something.

However, they obviously did not have any appearance, and after a moment of hair, they finally left far away from the other direction.

On the top of the cave wall, the scorpion dragon took a long sigh of relief and smiled bitterly: "He brother, your appetite is also very good. This pair of guys is not what we can eat."

He Yiming, who is not far from him, is also a bitter smile. Dao: "Hey brother, the ability to explore the light and dark is limited. It is not able to see the specific situation in detail, nor can it sense the number of specific strong people. Only some red dots are piled together. I only know There are golden monsters in this team, but so many numbers are not thought of."

In fact, the ability of light and dark is far more than that, but it seems to be surrounded by a strange power, so that the role of this Shinto treasure is greatly reduced, naturally it is impossible to see the whole picture.

Yan Zilong shook his head slightly and said: "Fortunately, you have no impulsiveness, otherwise today's old life may really be accounted for here.

He Yiming smiled and thought about it at the moment.

Under the joint attack, even the four or five golden monsters are sure to use one of them when they use the mutant rifle.

However, the more the number of golden monsters, the more powerful the power can be. He Yiming is even more conceited. I don't think they can handle more than fifteen golden monsters.

Scorpion dragon sighed and said: "If there is a pseudo-deity strong here, then the golden monster inside the two Feng can be killed.

He Yiming's heart is moving. Although he has not seen the strength of the pseudo-virgin strong, but from the tone of the scorpion dragon so imaginable, they can imagine the power of their power.

The gods suddenly condensed, and He Yiming’s face changed slightly. In the darkness of the light, a green light appeared in the abruptness.

This suddenness made him feel puzzled.

Although the scorpion dragon said that this sacred treasure can monitor the movement within a hundred miles. However, it is obviously not possible here. It is already a remarkable achievement to be able to display the red spot of the strong man in Baizhang.

In the past three days, the scope of their activities was not large. In order to try not to meet other people, or to go into the cave and encounter the golden monsters of the big forces, they just made a small noise in the periphery.

Despite this, the harvest in the three days is quite rich. But the good days seem to be over, and the golden monsters are no longer scattered, but begin to appear in droves.

Once more than eight golden monsters have passed, He Yiming is evasive and will never risk attack. But that's it, they slowly began to deepen, until now, let him unexpectedly appear a different color of light.

"Oh brother, I have a strange thing." He Yiming Shen Sheng: "A green light spot

Zhai Zilong has heard about the use of light and darkness from He Yiming's mouth. His brows are wrinkled and his face is slightly changed. He said: "There may be mutant death creatures."

He Yiming’s heart is moving, he has already hunted more than a hundred golden death creatures. After seeing the strength of these guys, there was no initial shock, so the Lord had some expectations for the mutant monster.

It seems to be the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the venerable world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne of the gods to seek the devils of the world. The nine heavens are the strongest to abandon the big Zhou and the royal family. The gods will kill the gods and the gods and the thrones will seek the devil. The nine heavens are the strongest to abandon the big Zhou Dynasty to the heart of He Yiming. The scorpion dragon did not dissuade, but said: "He brothers, each of these mutant monsters has at least a special ability. If you encounter them, be careful, he will be careful in the heart, this sentence 牟子龙I have been tired of it many times, and he has long been jealous of those mutant monsters.

Of course, he will not retreat because of this, but it is full of a kind of expectation. I want to see what it is, and I can make a Shinto strong person so valued.

The three men marched silently, and without the use of the power of God, the three of them moved. The same did not alarm anyone.

After several passages, although there were two large-scale monsters on the way, one of them had only four golden monsters, but He Yiming still held back the mind. Because at this time he can't wait to see. What exactly is the legendary powerful monster?

The more the passage goes in, the more twists and turns, even if someone wants to remember it silently, it is impossible.

However, He Yiming and the two are not worried. Anyway, the cave walls here cannot withstand the attack of the Shinto strong, and they can be played from below whenever they want.

The closer to the green point in the darkness, the slower He Yiming's degree. Because there is a faint hunch in his heart.

The brow wrinkled slightly, and the ability to smear the light and darkness was quite clear. Before he did not start, these monsters could not detect it at all. However, the more impressive the goods at this moment, the more intense it is, so that He Yiming’s heart has this uneasy mind.


There was a strange frog call in front of the ground, and the sound was as loud as a tiger, which made people feel scared.

He Yiming's eyebrows are light. He walked slowly through the corner ahead. I finally saw the mutant monster that was mentioned many times by the scorpion dragon.

This is a ball-shaped monster covered with green hair. Its size is very different from those of the compound-eyed ape monkey. It is simply not a kind. However, at this time, beside the green-haired monster, there are two golden monkeys and some monsters, which surround the green monster.

What surprised He Yiming is that the eyes of these monsters are closely staring at him in the direction of what seems to be preventing.

He Yiming’s heart was cold, and he immediately understood that these guys actually noticed his trace. So it will be waiting.

The variation in the hand was tight, and He Yiming did not immediately shoot, because he suddenly appeared. Although these monsters all pose a defensive posture, they do not show any signs of attack, and the compound eyes of these monsters are also dripping, and there is no target at all.

He suddenly understood. These monsters know that they are coming. But under the concealment of the light and dark, they did not see their own figure.


Another loud voice rang from the middle of the monster group, He Yiming knew this. The sound of the green spherical monster turned out to be so chic.

"Hands." The voice of the scorpion dragon passed over without hesitation.

He Yiming's wrist fluttered, and the mutated stun gun suddenly came out, and made a lightning bolt in midair, straightening toward the green hair ball.

There was a sharp, sharp blade in the air, and the eyes of the two golden monkeys were extremely fearful. It seems that after hundreds of years of confrontation, their power and ability to this weapon The effect is quite scary.

However, let He Yiming be born unexpectedly.

Just as the shot was taken through the two hesitant golden monkeys, the moment he was about to pierce the green sphere, the gun stopped halfway. The sharp mouthpiece tip was hard to stay in front of the monster a few inches, and a fierce chilling gas suddenly spread.

He Yiming’s figure has already flashed out, and he was shocked. I feel incredible about my own miss this time.

He felt that, above the mutant rifle, there was an evil full of sinister chills, forcibly blocking the rifle.

This turned out to be the ability of thought, and it is still so powerful.

With a roar, the shiny smashing rifle suddenly burst from it.

If it is a normal sniper rifle, then it is impossible to detonate in the middle, even if it is a successful explosion, the pure light power condensed inside is not enough to purify any gold or the green monster strong from the outer casing.

However, the variation of the sniper gun in He Yiming's hands is obviously different. The seal here is actually a powerful force of light and darkness.

Even in the Western world, there is only the ultimate force that the Pope and the Dark Speakers can join together.

In an instant, countless blasted fragments exploded from the center, and the golden monsters on both sides were the most unlucky. Their bodies were embedded with fragments from the light and dark forces.

The screaming screams are enough to cover up all the sounds, and when they both stop, they have lost their lives.

Of course, the reason why they have a fatal wound on their throat is also very important.

The rest of the less powerful monsters are undoubtedly devastated Their bodies are flying one by one, and the powerful force is completely swept out at this moment, especially in front of the rifle The green-haired monster was thrown up like a ball, and a lot of light and darkness slammed into the surface of the body like a gushing spring.

The major bombardment sounded, and the green-haired monster smashed onto the opposite wall, but He Yiming’s eyes condensed in an instant.

A powerful mouthpartula burst. A lot of debris hit the body of the monster directly, but neither the flying debris nor the powerful light and dark power could cause any damage to the monster. After its body fell from the stone wall, there was a scream of anger.

He Yiming's brow wrinkled, and suddenly smelled a sweet smell at the nose. His body shook a little, and his feet were awkward. He almost fell on the spot.

The body shape flashed, the scorpion dragon had come forward, but he did not attack the monster, but did not hesitate to reach out and hehe Ming, two people flew back toward the rear like a fly.

After leaving the green-haired monster for more than ten feet, He Yiming’s mind was in vain.

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