Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 51: Shinto Pass

"What is the domain. He He's face is cooked and changed slightly.

He was quite curious about this monster at first. But this mysterious is a little shocked. Its flesh is so tough, but this inexplicable attack is unacceptable.

"This is fatigue." Yanzi Long said coldly: "We are encountering a poisonous monster. It has the special ability to release fatigue. Fortunately, we are all powerful, and their power is powerful. It was a poisonous and inviolable body. Otherwise, he shook his head. There was a chill in the eyes. He Yiming looked deeply at the round green monster, and the shock in his heart was hard to describe.


From the mouth of this monster, this incredible thing was ejected. If it was not in this dead world, but in the original world, it suddenly appeared such a monster."

One thought of this, He Yiming's body is cold and cold, such a monster. It is enough to take thousands of lives.

"These mutants are mostly thick and thick. And the ability to use the idea, which is directly attacked with a sniper gun, is generally difficult to work." Yan Zilong said quickly.

“How did you deal with it before?” He Yiming asked.

Such monsters have been with them for centuries, and they have summed up some ways to defeat the enemy. Otherwise, the dragon can't understand so much.

Scorpion dragon smiled bitterly. Road: "This thing generally does not leave the nest, so when dealing with it, there will be a pseudo-natural spring to use the Shinto field to fix it, and then condense the power to fight it, to break its defense. ""

He Yiming whispered, and immediately remembered the scene of its rolling, if the round body shape really rolled up, no one dared to stop. And even more terrifying is that this thing is very poisonous. Although the body of Shinto will not be poisoned on the spot, it is extremely damaging once it is close.

With a cold cry, He Yiming reached for a wave. A red fire was suddenly released. This is the real fire of the game, able to burn all the poisons of the world.

However, after the green-haired monster called twice in the fire, he even rolled over to He Yiming again.

The scorpion dragon reached out and pushed, and powerful power rushed out. Suddenly pushed back this thing, but this thing obviously did not admit defeat. Instead, he kept rolling over again. Fortunately, the scorpion dragon seems to be prepared, and the palm of the hand is pushed freely, as long as the thing is close to them. Suddenly pushed by this force to the distance.

Even though it is the strength of the old Shinto strongman like Scorpion Dragon, it still does not dare to let this monster deceive into the side, which shows that this thing makes his heart a taboo.

He Yiming’s divine power changed, and the icy purple glow was swaying in the air, but what surprised him was that this thing turned out to be water and fire, and even the frozen could not stop it.

Gloomy face. He Yiming did not hesitate to release the five elements and the light and dark roads in turn, but this thing is like a hob meat, no matter what.

The scorpion dragon sighed and said: "The true brother, we have encountered this thing many times before. The only way is to use the pseudo-theological domain to fix it. As long as it can not be rolled, it will be able to condense all the power and break it. No one can kill him anymore."

He Yiming shook his head slightly, facing this possession of powerful ideas, and it has infinite viruses, and it is simply not accessible. He is really at a loss.

Suddenly, a figure walked up from his side.

The eyes were slightly open, and the look on his face suddenly became quite weird. Walking alone in the burning novel network is actually Shinto, and this guy obviously did not get his exact order.

However, this time He Yiming has been faintly aware of its subtle relationship.

Some of the thoughts of Shinto are left in his mind. When he tries his best to think about an unsolvable problem, he will inevitably pass this idea to another idea in his mind. As a result, Shinto ran out on its own initiative, and it was actually obeying orders in this way. Also let He Yiming open his eyes.

The dragon's eyes condensed a bit, seemingly want to discourage, but eventually closed his mouth.

After all, Shinto is a thing that belongs to He Yiming. Since he sent him a shot, he should have a little bit of control, so he did not even speak. However, if he is allowed to know that Shinto is not sent by He Yiming, he does not know what it will feel.

Shinto is marching at a steady pace, and the distance between each step and each step is exactly equal. There is no strong life in his body, but there is a breath of heart and strength.

The green-haired ball monster seems to have paused, but it then rushes toward the Shinto.

In its body, there are a large number of different viruses from different parts of the universe. If you put it on a green planet at a certain moment, even if it is only one person, you can kill most of it.

This is the power of poisons and plagues, and it can do great harm to living creatures.

But unfortunately, this world has an ordinary life, even if it is some living people and beasts, their strength is unparalleled, far from these poisons can directly take their lives. Of course, as long as you are a living human, you will not be willing to approach this horrible guy. Even the strongest of the pseudo-deity is no exception.

However, the Shinto singer did not care, and he strode forward to the front of the meteor, so he lifted his foot and stepped on it.

Take the power of his sacred realm. This kind of foot stepped out, even directly smashed the green hair monster. Like a soft, liquid-filled ball that doesn't break, the green-haired monster's body is centered by the ankle's stepping on it, tightly attached to the ground, and it's The body is surrounded by abrupt fat.

The so-called belly stick back is nothing.

An unpleasant cry broke out from the mouth of this green-haired monster. Its body writhed desperately. It seemed to be trying to struggle from the foot of Shinto, but the foot on him was Like the peak of Mount Tai, it is impossible to shake.

He Yiming and the two people stared at this scene with stunned eyes. The green-haired monsters that they were shunned by the two of them could be fixed by the Shinto sacred in this way. The power of Shinto is really strong. People have nothing to say.

Slightly nodded, He Yiming said: "Hey brother, for this kind of monster, this is also a way. It is worth promoting."

The scorpion dragon turned his eyes in a bad mood. In the face of this venom-filled guy, even a Shinto strong person would feel a headache because no one could get close to it. And if I can do this, I am afraid that I will not find a second one except the one with the sacredness of the Shinto.

The countless fires on the green-haired monsters are not burning, and the long-haired abrupts that are not hard are hardened, and then they are shot like a thousand arrows toward the Shinto.

Shinto did not care at all, but still looked at it all coldly.

Those long hairs did not stab the Shinto, but burst open in the first half of his body. The whole area was filled with a pale green mist.

These green mists are quite vicious. When the fog slowly spread and the bodies of the monsters on the ground were involved, the faces of He Yiming were slightly changed. Because in the fog, these bodies were swallowed with the degree of visible to the naked eye, turning into a group of green blood, not knowing where to go.

Although the degree of their spread is not fast, it shows a unique strength. After a while, the spread of the green mist will ruin the gods and drown them all.

He Yiming and the scorpion dragon are slightly swaying, and they are far away. They look at each other and are very worried.

In the brain, Xu Yiming can no longer care so much. If it is really let the Shinto 愧儡 break here. He will definitely regret it.

There was a horrible scream in the green poisonous mist, and the sound of "呱呱" exploded like a thunder. But just after a moment, the sounds were quiet, and in the ears of He Yiming, they heard extremely sharp tears.

They looked at them. There is a rather weird feeling in the eyelids.

Could this thing be torn apart? At the thought of the tough skin of this object, He Yiming’s heart was a little faint.

After a while, the slight footsteps rang and the Shinto had left the place. Came out of the poisonous fog. However, He Yiming and the two of them were taking a sigh of relief at the same time.

At this time, the body of Shinto is not even a piece of scorpion, and there is a thick layer of green on the skin, which makes people feel creepy from the bottom of their hearts.

He Yiming's wrist turned over, two buckets of water have appeared in his Under the control of powerful force, the water splashed down, and the green on his body was cleaned in a moment.

Then he took out a set of clothes and let Shinto wear it.

These green things are really poisonous, but they have not brought any damage to Shinto. This makes He Yiming have a deeper understanding of his abilities.

Shinto is basically completely immune to poisonous fog.

Yan Zilong looked envious of the sacred voice, his heart secretly nodded, not only He Yiming's strength is extremely strong, even a beggar around him is so powerful. After the death of these people, the responsibility of fighting these monsters can be safely handed over.

Suddenly, He Yiming’s heart was slightly moving and his face changed greatly. Road: "There are more powerful guys coming, quiet, hiding."

For the first time, Zizilong saw He Yiming’s expression so dignified, and quickly closed his mouth, a strange power wave flashed, and the three of them were already tightly attached to the stone wall, in the dark of light. Under the concealment, the breath of the whole body is even more convergent, and it has never leaked out.

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