Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 70: Difficult

Let the environment of a piece of yellow sand die. Hastily whispered. The passageway leading to the outside is surrounded by some Shinto powers and powerful beasts, and their faces are expressionless. However, if He Yiming is here, then he will definitely be surprised.

Because among these people, in addition to those old players, there are three more newly promoted Shinto powers. They are Liu Changju, Ji Mofanshu and Qilin Lord.

At this time, the eyes of the three of them looked from the closed sand house from time to time. When all three of them were promoted to Shinto, the couples came to them and brought them here. After talking with the original and the teacher, they have already understood the things that happened during this time, and they are truly convinced of He Yiming.

Not to mention that he just entered this place and successfully promoted Shinto in a day. Even at this time, he is still less than a year ahead of the Shinto, but he has been valued by all Shinto. Even the strongest of these pseudo-deities are willing to be willing. Waiting for him to come out outside the sand house.

This glory is really unimaginable.

In the hearts of the three of them, it is inevitable that there is a strange thought, why is the gap between people like this,

In the distance, it is a powerful world. The power of the world is bursting out. In the sensation of the martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king will kill the gods and the gods, and the throne will seek the devil. The ninth day will be the strongest to abandon the big princes and the royal family will kill the gods and gods. The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the great Zhou Dynasty royal family arrived at the power of this world, no matter the face of the new and old Shinto strong, a smile appeared.

"Qi." The artillery bamboo laughed loudly and said: "You guys are really good. They have all been promoted successfully in just half a year." He sighed and said with emotion: "We are among humans." Sure enough, it is a genius, as long as there is enough power in the world, everything is possible."

The double-winged white tiger made a loud sneeze and said: "You humans are really good, but our beasts are more powerful. If the strength of the heavens and the earth is sufficient, the number of beasts must be more than you."

The gun rock bamboo smiled, but in his heart it was a supplement. Unless you all these beasts are going to be stallions, the number of animals and animals will never think about human Shinto.

Of course, this sentence is only a few words in his heart, and he is afraid to say anything in any way.

After a rush of hours. The brows of the blast bamboo are wrinkled and muttered: "How have they not arrived yet."

Xunzi Long laughed and said: "Bao Xiong is relieved, Liu Xiong personally responded, and there will never be any accidents."

The gun rock bamboo slightly nodded, and there was no worry about his face. He said: "Hundreds of years have not seen the descendants of the door, the old man has met."

Since everyone has been summoned by the dragon, and understand the specific changes of the outside world, everyone's mind has changed slightly.

The three strong men in the West don't look good. Although he did not target He Yiming, he did not conceal his killing of the two human peaks in the West.

Although Rioport and Luke did not say anything in their mouths, their eyes were absolutely not good intentions. As for another Western Shinto Sidney, although not a strong force of these two forces, but also the West People, there are quite a few rabbits feeling dead and sorrowful.

Liu Mu, who was born in the original 涓 of Tianli Island and Tianchi, left the place one step at a time. They secretly protected the two people in the two sides. Of course, all this is done in the dark, if not, this high-pressure Shurao exercise will lose its most effect.

As a result, in the short month of the promotion of the sacred lord to the Shinto, the other five finally broke through. At this point, the eight human peaks that entered this place are finally promoted to Shinto. This ratio is so high that everyone is amazed and admired.

You know, even in the Shinto era, there is absolutely no possibility of such a high proportion. It can be seen that the eight people who entered this time are all true priders of the sky.

Finally, there was a fierce sound of breaking in the distance. Four sacred sacs came one after another. The first one was Liu Mu, a pseudo-deity. In his rear, three dressed in shackles and stunned. The strong man came to this place with a hint of excitement, a hint of excitement and a touch of tension.

The gun rock bamboo immediately greeted him. Among the three new Shintos, there is a current lord of the Lingbi Hall. If he is completely indifferent, he is strange.

After the three emperors came to this place, they finally realized the identity of Liu Mu who led them. They quickly went forward to meet, and after the crowds had been hustle and bustle, they finally returned to each other. In contrast, the sects of the older generation of Shinto elders have always gathered together, faintly forming a small group of different sizes.

Huoran, everyone’s voice stopped, and they turned their heads in the same direction and looked in the direction of the sand house.

There, a door made entirely of gravel slowly opened. One compared to everyone, the three light overpowered Shinto strongman slowly stepped into the heart of the dragon, he was going forward. However, it was a sudden stop.

Hidden, he seems to be some, He Yiming and a month ago, there are some differences. It’s not just that he has this feeling alone, except for the six new advanced Shinto strong people, everyone has the same feeling.

The transformation of the rifle in a month has not only made the sniper gun more powerful, but even he himself has a kind of reborn change.

There are no idiots among the people here. They immediately guessed that He Yiming is definitely rewarding in this month. However, what makes them extremely puzzled is that the transformation of the sniper rifle will also have a leaps and bounds for the martial arts repair of a person?

The boat smiled, and He Yiming reached out and waved gently. Ten space ornaments flew like lightning into the hands of the original owner.

Everyone's idea is deep into the space jewelry. Although they all know that He Yiming will never deceive so many people in this situation at the same time, but the things inside are all related to their personal lives, and no one dares to have the slightest embarrassment.

During the slight jitter of the wrist, everyone including the teacher Bo Rui randomly extracted a mutant rifle. They sensed the idea carefully in the gun. After a while, their faces showed a satisfactory smile.

However, the smiles of the two Shinto powers in the West seem to be somewhat embarrassing, and it is strange that He Yiming is that the two people of Rio Porter and Luke did not have a tit-for-tat, but approached a little. It seems that there is an agreement that no one else knows.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the imperial family, a few unfriendly eyes, He Yi He sighed in his heart. He knew that the Westerners must have known the grievances between themselves and the two Western powers, so they both put down the battles and resentments that lasted for hundreds of years, and faintly joined hands. Come.

Looking up at the sky, still a piece of yellow sand filled, He Yiming's heart slowly sinking.

He can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred king, the venerable world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the sacred god, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the devil. The world is the strongest to abandon the big and the big Zhou Dynasty. The gods will kill the gods and the gods will be the king of the throne. His body is produced and combined. If he stays in this world all the time, then these forces may never burst out, but after a few months, if they have the opportunity to return and close the passage, then prepare What are the consequences?"

For a time, He Yiming’s face was gloomy, even though he was aware of the bright power of a pseudo-divine in a month. At this moment, it is already a great increase in strength and it is inevitable.

"Yes, things are all together, thank you elders." Bao Yanzhu said haha.

When He Yiming’s gaze fell on his body, it was a bit weird.

The old man did not know the change after a few months, so he was able to make fun of it at this time. But if he is told that he will have a chance to go out in a few months, then I am afraid that the smile on his face will converge.

After all, if everyone goes out together, the forces in the whole world will be reshuffled. Only the Lingbi Hall, where the virtual gods are strong, can no longer sit on the throne of the first party in the East.

"This time the elders retreat this time, it is a very rewarding one." Wei Jinshun suddenly smiled: "The elders' hands are not only more than tens of thousands of mutated guns. And it is really gratifying to have a big rise.

He Yiming's eyes were slightly raised, and his mouth showed a slight smile.

The five elements of the door even more than one Xuan is not willing to wait, it seems that the five elements of the ring in their minds are indeed the supreme land. "Wei brother has won the prize, but He Mou is only slightly savvy." He Yiming is not salty and not light.

Wei Jinshun’s face is slightly sunken. Now these people who enter from the outside world and who are new to Shinto are facing the veteran powerhouses of their old are respected by their predecessors. Especially for the strong of these pseudo-divines, the more respect they have.

But He Yiming is a very embarrassing appearance, and he is arrogant and arrogant with him. Although this does not violate the default rules between the Shinto strong, but the heart can not feel comfortable.

He snorted and said: "He elder, Weimou wants to make a deal with you."

"Wei brother please say that He Yiming smiled."

Wei Jinshun eyes both eyes, said: "He brother should know that the five elements of the ring is the artifact of this door, in any case can not fall into the hands of outsiders, so must be recovered."

The faces of Liu Mu, Cannon Rock Bamboo, Emperor Shi Tian and Zi Yan have become quite ugly, and the five-door door is simply deceiving.

He Yiming’s smile is unchanged, saying: “So Wei’s mean is”

Wei Jinshun’s face is dignified: “The five elements of the ring are all used by the lords of this lord. Now the sects of the lord of the lord are not the five elements, so we hope to reach a deal with you.”

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