Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 71: challenge

He Yiming's face is unchanged, he stunned: "Wei brother, do you forget to pull, the five elements of the ring is after all, the commander of Hemou, do you think that such a soldier can be easily sent to others?

Wei Jinshun waved his hand and said: "He is an elder, we don't want to take your five-ring ring. I want to make a deal with you." He turned his wrist and added a quaint sword and a piece. I don't know the long whip made of materials.

There is a slight wave of power fluctuations on both weapons. Although the degree of such fluctuations is not strong, "it has a sultry taste."

Everyone present is the most powerful in the world. Immediately feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the sacred princes, the sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty Will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, and the horrors of the two kings. . Although they are not artifacts, they can be said. They are definitely imitation artifacts that are second only to artifacts.

"This is the two imitation artifacts of this collection. The Shenwei has absolutely not under the imitation of the five elements. If the brothers are willing to give up the five elements of the ring. We are foolish to exchange these two imitation artifacts." Wei Jinshun paused, Dao: "The five elements of the elders in the hands of the elders are also imitation artifacts. To change one, it is not a disadvantage in any case.

He Yiming's gaze turned on the two imitation soldiers. Although he had prepared in his heart, he had to admit that there was no exaggeration in the other party's words.潼 节 酮 酮 荚 」 舅÷ 舅÷ 舅÷ 舅÷

If he is not the body of the five elements. Then the rough embryo of this five-line ring does not match the value of these two imitation artifacts.

Shu Shuyi smiled, He Yiming said: "Wei brother. Since you have two such powerful top-level imitation artifacts in your hand, it is better to let Zibo Rui Zongzhu choose a good one, why bother to try to congratulate the commander of the hand What?"

The dialogue between the two of them has long attracted the attention of everyone, although Liu Mu did not speak. But a few of them are cold-eyed on the sidelines. The faint pressure brought Wei Jinshun a little bit of pressure.

Yan Yanxing suddenly sighed and he came out from behind Wei Jinshun.

The old man is in a high position here. Far from Wei Jinshun can be compared. Although he and Wei Jinshun are both pseudo-virgins, Wei Jinshun is a pseudo-deity that has just advanced, and how can he compare with him.

Therefore, when this person came up, Liu Mu was also unable to help himself, and his heart was also full of alert.

He looked at He Yiming indifferently, saying: "He elders, Wu Pu ring is just a rough embryo in your hand, at most, you can only use the power of imitation artifacts, and according to my knowledge, this artifact The biggest power in the middle has no use for you after you have been promoted to Shinto, so it is basically equal to a chicken rib in your hand. These two soldiers are not the same. Although they do not have a five-row ring The most big magical ability, but it can be driven by the power of God, and can make your strength to a higher level in half a month."

He Yiming's double eyebrows jumped slightly, and he said one word at a time: "Mr. Hey, since these two imitation artifacts are so powerful, why aren't they used in the use of Zibo Ruizong?

Minhang slowly shook his head and said: "The practice of Bo Rui cultivation is not related to these two soldiers, but I don't seem to exclude your two imitation artifacts."

He Yiming’s heart is a glimpse of the fact that he has done a lot of work on the multi-systems. It has already been spread, and it is estimated that everyone knows it.

Put away the smile on his face, He Yiming is right: "Mr. Yu, the five-ring ring is my life-threatening soldier. If I exchange it, it will hurt me a lot, so please forgive me."

Minhang looked at He Yiming deeply, and finally he was forced to anger. He said: "He elders, now that we have taken this section together, it is a total suffering. In order to cope with those dead creatures, we must try our best to be the biggest. Salty can be waved out. This is the agreement of all the Shinto and the beasts of the past. No one can violate the rules.

He Yiming inexplicably looked at him, and said: "Mr. Yu said that, so Hemou will be pregnant - help you transform - 霹 - 雳 gun.

It’s also a bit embarrassing to make a brow emblem, but it’s only a matter of fact.

"He elders, tell the truth, there is a secret law in this door, you can promote the five elements into a real - comet in mid-January. As long as you are willing to return the five elements to the Bo Rui lord, he must be able to wave More powerful power can kill more dead creatures, which is of great benefit to us.

After listening to everyone, the face was slightly moved.

The new generation of Shinto powers have not seen the power of artifacts, so this can only be imagined in the heart. But these older generations have seen the power of the five elements of the artifact in their hands.

With this artifact and the absence of this artifact is completely different things, the reason why Minhang is called the first man in all the old Shinto, even the horse! The couple and the double-winged white tiger are not willing to provoke him easily, because the gods are dedicated to the five-line ring of the great power -

After hearing this proposal, everyone’s heart could not help but start to calculate it.

Now the powerhouse of the Five Elements is already a one-size-fits-all factory. If they let them get an artifact five-ring ring, it will be fine.

He Yiming’s gaze turned and suddenly looked up. Lang said: "Dragon, I don't know what your opinion is?"

Shenlong silently watched him half-soundingly, and said: I don't care about your human things, but as long as it can enhance our overall strength, then it is best.

He Yiming’s heart slowly sank. He finally made sure that this seemingly fair dragon is actually partial to the five elements of the door.

Liu Mu’s face changed, and he slowly stepped forward and came to He Yiming’s back. Zi Yan and Xiao Xiaoying looked at each other and they also came to the side of the emperor. Bao Yanzhu sighed and slowly followed. As for the scorpion dragon, it is very simple to come to the other side of He Yiming, but his face is serious without any expression.

Minhang looked at Bao Zhuzhu coldly. Road: "Bao brother, brother, do you want to intervene?"

Bao Yanzhu smiled and said: "He is an elder of the gods of Tianchi, but it is also the elder of the living room of my Lingbao Hall. The old man can't hold hands anyway."

The scorpion dragon smiled and said: "Hey brother, 牟 a certain dispersal repair, there is no j$ grid blended in, but now the brothers - for the sake of everyone to make a good shot, a big injury" Second, bullying, the old man is really uneasy." His wrist turned over, and he had already slammed his gun in his hand and said, "Be a man. You can't be envious."

A sigh of relief slowly overflowed from his body. Anyone knows that if the two sides really fight, he will certainly not hesitate to throw this weapon out.

The old face of Minhang has a hint of blue. Of course, he understands the other side's ridicule. If it is possible, he is not willing to be difficult at this moment, but nowadays, the death of a large number of dead creatures is in sight. Therefore, he must let Zibo Rui's strength get the biggest improvement in the shortest time, and it is undoubtedly the best way to seek the five elements.

Rio Potter and Luke looked at each other and they both came up silently.

Luke said slowly: "Oh, brother, it is a big thing to reform the rifle, but it is also for everyone. As for the proposal of the brother, it is for the same purpose. Even the **** dragon brother once said that as long as it can be mentioned - If we are all-powerful, we can let go."

He Yiming looked at the two eyes, and sighed in his heart, and it was still right with them.

Fortunately, it is here now, if it is outside. This shade is afraid to be directly hands-on.

The elixir’s eyes turned and smirked: “There are people, everyone has something to say, now is not the time of guilt.

Liu Ci and others are worried about the situation, although the number of the two sides is almost the same, but the difference in strength is clear at a glance. Faced with four pseudo-deity strong, and the world's first beast with intentional or unintentional tears, anyone will feel scalp.

He Yiming sank a bit, smiled and said: "Hey brother, in fact, He has a method of the best of both worlds.

Minhang Shen said: "You said.

"I don't mean that there is a secret law that allows the five elements to be promoted to the artifact. It is better to pass this secret law to He Mou. Although He Mou's martial arts repair is also a virtual state, but if he is holding the artifact, he can definitely throw out the power. Not under the boss of Bo Rui." He Yiming said righteously.

Liu Mu and others first glimpsed, and then they couldn’t help but laugh, and the only way to do it was to say He Yiming.

The face of Minhang suddenly became a blue. He said coldly: "Pang-door secret method, and can not be taught to outsiders.

He Yiming’s face was positive and said: “Now we are all trapped here, and we should work together to make a difference. What is the meaning of the portal? If you are a single-minded person, you should use this secret law to the public market.” : "I can guarantee that the five elements of the ring can be released in the hands of He Mou can definitely be above the vulgar master.

Minhang was silent - after seeing He Yiming and Yan Bo Rui, as long as it is a little eye-catching person, he can be sure of this.

After a half-sound, the sly smiled and said: "He elders, want to raise the five-row ring rough embryo to the seed device, must be in the hands of the old man - the five elements of the device are very powerful, this secret law is announced. You are not Maybe it was done." He turned suddenly and pointed to Wei Jinshun. Road: &t; The five-line ring in your hand can be handed over to Mr. Wei for use Just think that this kind of device should be able to swing more powerful power than you in his hands.

Wei Jinshun’s eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, and he tried his best to calm his excitement and not let a little mood swing show up.

As a disciple of the Five Elements, especially those who have been promoted to Shinto, of course, will not reject this exciting condition.

He Yiming looked at Wei Jinshun, and there was a bonfire in his heart.

"If the collection is not mistaken, Wei brother should be just advanced pseudo-deity.

"Yes, Wei Mou has only one month to discuss with Wei Mou?"

Wei Jinshun casually said: "Mu Feihe brother wants He Yiming to squint deeply, said: "He Mou is doing this. ”

For a time, it was completely quiet, and there was no more than a sigh of anger.

Ps: Today's four more, there are two more in the evening

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