Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 82: Strike

"Nonsense, my dear... I have seen the forging of the five elements of the ring, and the power of the heavens and the earth needs to be so much faster.

He Yiming, for this dragon, looked a bit high, the original dragon is not ignorant of the forging, this is definitely the world's first anecdote.

After all, according to He Yiming's experience, although the beasts are powerful, they are all relying on their own natural powers. Even if they use the power of ideas like a pig, they are at most a few gods, but they must When it comes to forging the gods, then the requirements for the beasts are too great.

However, at this time, although He Yiming is a diarrhea, there is absolutely no meaning of being flat and wide.

"Dragon, how many times have you seen the forging of the five-row artifact?"

Shenlong roared and said: "What do you think is the artifact? How rare is this opportunity, I have only experienced it once and tongue.

He Yiming nodded and said: "That's it." He paused and looked forward: "You don't know what the dragons are, and the power of the heavens and the earth needed for forging artifacts is not fixed. This is forged. Materials, forgers, etc. all have a great relationship. Although He Mou slightly forged the technique, but after all, young is still light, there is no experience before, so it is normal to waste a lot of power in the world.

In the eyes of Shenlong, the gods are quite weird: "Will the forged artifacts also cause the waste of the power of heaven and earth?"

He Yiming turned to think that the power of the vast world has seemed to be completely divided by two artifacts since it was inhaled by the Kowloon furnace, and it was not wasted at all.

I crossed my head and glanced in the direction of the Jiulong furnace. He Yiming said: "The dragon dragon is not the stove used by the general Shinto strong. It is also one of the artifacts. Use this artifact to forge the god. Soldiers, it also needs to absorb the same powerful power of heaven and earth.

The huge eyes of Shenlong moved a few times, and the report of He Yiming was suspected of 120,000 points.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Dragon God, I can be sure that when you watched the forging of the five elements of the artifact, the forgeer did not use the Kowloon furnace."

Shenlong silenced for half a moment and finally said: "What do you mean by using the Kowloon furnace to forge artifacts is wrong?"

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, and quickly said: “You are misunderstood, although the use of artifacts in the Kowloon furnace forging artifacts will consume more power in the world, but in the successful car, it has improved Xudu. Otherwise, it’s based on the younger generation. The ability of the child's micro end, how can forge the artifact successfully.

Shenlong snorted coldly, and his heart was dubious.

Suddenly, it raised its head and looked into the distance. Some angry said: "These **** East is coming again."

He Yiming, the emblem, looked at the burning novel network in the direction of the dragon, but in the end it was nothing to see.

However, in his heart, he immediately understood, and said: "The gods and dragons, the younger generations have just forged the five elements of the artifact, and it is better to sacrifice the flags of these dead creatures."

Shenlong gently bounced the long and horrible nails on the dragon's claws, and made a strong gold and iron crossfire. It is very meaningful to sing He Yiming, and finally said: "Well, Ma Wei, they have passed the burning novel network, you also try to try new weapons to join hands, up to two months, those **** guys Our reinforcements are coming, and I hope you will not let me down."

He Yiming took a deep look and said: "The younger generation must do their best." He stepped back and reached for a wave, and the Kowloon furnace suddenly came to his hands.

However, at this time he was hesitant. Since ancient times, artifacts, like Shinto, have a strong existence with their own thoughts. Before the five elements of the ring were not promoted to the artifact, the Kowloon furnace could live in the world of the Five Elements. But now the five elements of the ring has become an artifact, and He Yiming can easily sense the strange and intimate ideas in the five elements of the world.

Under this circumstance, it seems that the five elements of the world are not suitable for the Kowloon furnace.

However, his thoughts have just risen, and the Kowloon furnace has turned into a red light and entered the five-line ring.

He Yiming was shocked in his heart, and his thoughts came out of his body and watched carefully.

Within the five elements of the world, the Kowloon furnace is still standing on the ground of the firepower. The artifact five-line ring clearly shows no signs of rejection.

This situation made He Yiming amazed and felt deeply unbelievable.

It turns out that the tiger and the lion are together and can still get along safely.

When He Yiming's spirit condensed into an idea and entered the world of the Five Elements, he immediately saw a colorful stream of light. This group of light is like a constantly changing cloud, forming a variety of different forms.

Among them are dragons, gifts, giant tigers, and two creatures that He Yiming has never seen before. However, he once saw relevant descriptions in ancient books.

Phoenix and mysterious turtles.

The five most important beasts of the Eastern world have changed in the world of the Five Elements.

At this moment, He Yiming faintly understood, although the five inner Danes were not taken from the bodies of these top beasts. But the former Shinto strongman must have been carefully screened, so the top sacred beast he hunted must have the blood of these five kinds of beasts.

Therefore, when the five-ring ring of the artifact is finally forged, it will morph the form of the five top beasts.

Xiaguang flashed and turned into a huge unicorn. He came to He Yiming's front, and his relatives extended their heads and communicated with He Yiming's mind.

Although today's artifact five-ring ring has just been forged successfully, the main scorpion inside is quite fragile and has not yet fully grown up, but He Yiming is not worried. As long as the baptism of time has passed, the power that it can release will definitely not Will be under the Kowloon furnace.

The idea of ​​a vacation emblem has been retired from the world of the Five Elements. Although some are reluctant, it is not a moment of play. The power of his body surged, and he immediately vacated and flew away in the distance.

Behind him, the dragon shook his eyes and stared at He Yiming's back. There was a chilling glow in his eyes. It seemed that he had guessed but it was German. Not ■.

He Yiming has upgraded to the extreme, although it is not comparable to the real flying beast, but in the sacred world, it is no longer inferior to anyone.

At this time, he did not have any form of contact with the mysterious tortoise shell, even if it has already left the sight of the dragon, but He Yiming has never had this idea.

The horror of Shenlong has left a deep impression on his heart. He Yiming is not willing to challenge the patience and weight of the dragon at this time. If you let it know that you forged two artifacts at the same time, I really don't know what kind of reaction this dragon will have.

The abrupt flash of the front flashed a violent brilliance, followed by the earth-shattering roar. Although the distance is far away, He Yiming’s face has a fading color.

Because he has seen the dense horror monster flying over the ground and in the sky.

The faster he got, the closer he was, the more he finally saw it. At this time, it was Ma Ma; the couple and the white-winged white tiger.

Although the strength of these three players is extremely powerful, He Yiming is the first time to see them three shots.

No matter whether the horse is still the original or not, the firepower is practiced, and the firepower transmitted from them is powerful.

The couple stood up and swayed, and every time they waved, there was a huge fire dragon rushing in the direction they pointed. The power of this fire dragon is so fierce that all the monsters that are touched by the fire dragon are immediately blaming the upper body. Whether they are drilling into the ground or flying in the air, they will be burnt into a piece of ashes in a moment, and they will be integrated into this piece. Among the yellow sands.

However, these monsters are also extremely powerful. Except for some monsters that are directly burned by flames, the other monsters will not be burned if they encounter the fire of their companions. They are still crawling on the body of their companions. Come over.

Although the Ma Dao’s martial arts repairs are powerful, the number of monsters on the opposite side is too large, and the overwhelming number is enough to overwhelm everything.

"Tiger brother, ready to shoot." Ma said suddenly.

The white-winged white tiger snorted. It opened its mouth and spit out a huge tornado from its mouth. This wind slowly bypassed the scales and came to their front.

The couples of the horses looked at each other and they shot at the same time. The two red fireballs of the two figures emerged from their palms.

At the moment when the two fireballs appeared, He Yiming clearly sensed a feeling of extreme horror. He looked round and stared at these two things.

"Go ahead..."

The horse screamed and the two huge fireballs suddenly came out and came to the tornado of the tornado.

Everything seems to have stopped, and when the wind meets the fire, it bursts completely.

After a loud bang, countless sparks formed a boundless fire, these flames blocked the ground and covered the entire sky.

The huge red light shrouded everything and spread to the front.

The power of heaven and earth is inexplicably swaying at this moment, and the combination of wind and fire has caused a huge, even the power of heaven and earth comparable to the limits of the dragon.

The couple and the white-winged white tigers retreated at the same time. The faces of the three of them had an unbearable tiredness. He Yiming only needs to know at a glance that the combination of their previous strikes seems simple, but the consumption is absolutely not small.

However, only the two pseudo-virgin strongmen and one old veteran virtual powerhouse can make such a powerful and unbelievable power.

"He brother, our strength is slightly damaged. If you want to adjust your interest for a while, please ask how you can stop it for a while." Ma said with a smile.

He Yiming, the eyes are Hui Yang, this sentence is right.

Ps: Today's four more

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