Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 83: Demonstration

Feeling, his eyes turned toward the front and looked at the red color of the day. He Yiming’s enthusiasm gradually disappeared. He smiled bitterly: "Ma brother laughed, after your fire, How many dead creatures can be expected, this sporadic monster is really worth mentioning."

Ma Wei; his face is positive, said: "He brother, if it is these decades, our three winds and fires will come out, really can burn a large number of monsters, and let them know hard to retreat. But now definitely No, no."

He Yiming's brow wrinkled, his face slowly dignified. Because in his ears, he has heard the faint sound of some wings flapping.

This sound comes from the opposite side of the fire. Opposite the fire that has gradually weakened, the sounds caused by the monsters have not decreased, but have become more and more intense. Ma Wei; the couple nodded each other and said: "He brother, be careful." The two of them and the white tiger retreated to the rear, leaving this huge space to He Yiming.

Touching the nose, He Yiming feels faint, Ma Ying I should also know that Shenlong helped him to forge the five elements of the artifact. So they are so half-way, it is estimated that there is a taste of comparison.

After all, although he defeated Wei Jinshun, the strong man of the pseudo-deity in the one-on-one match. But in the face of these monsters, there is nothing to achieve.

The experience he and the scorpion dragon stayed in the monster's nest did not spread out. "Because they don't want the horses and people to suspect that they have eavesdropped on their conversations. So Ma Yi will test himself in this way. Let's go.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming took a deep breath, his wrists lifted slightly, and a multicolored light slowly condensed in his palm.

The flame in front is getting weaker, and the power of the wind and fire is great, but it doesn't have much endurance. After burning a large monster, it finally loses the power of backup and is exhausted.

He Yiming's eyebrows are lightly raised, and he can be sure that if it is not because of his own appearance, then Ma Rong; certainly has follow-up means. However, at this time, it is estimated that Ma Yuhou is waiting for his performance behind. He raised his head and thought of the words of the dragon.

If you wait for someone to leave here, your enemies will definitely change. This is definitely not a good thing for yourself.

Perhaps, only the strength that makes everyone jealous here can be used to control the future crisis as much as possible within the minimum scope.

The wrist was gently waved, and a lot of power poured into the artifact. In the five elements of the world, the enormous power began to work.

He Yiming’s face was awe-inspiring. When he decided to fight with Wei Jinshun, he already had Li Wei’s thoughts. After talking with Shenlong, the thought became more and more firm.

Here is his best performance stage. He wants everyone to know that he is not a soft persimmon that can be kneaded at will. If you want to threaten your life, you must have the preparation to take your own anger and revenge.

The fire finally faded down, although it has not completely extinguished, although the sporadic flames are still burning, but He Yiming can clearly see. Opposite the fire, it seems to be endless dead creatures, and their number seems to be much more than just before, until the entire space that 7 eyes can see.

Anyone who sees such a horrible scene will feel a chill from the heart.

Even He Yiming - no exceptions.

Although there is no such powerful golden death creature that can compete with the Shinto strong among these monsters, the huge number of monsters is still creepy.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming finally understood why Liu Mu and others had such a terrible expression when they mentioned the centuries-old death creatures.

Because when he is immersed in the situation, he can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the empire, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts, Kunming, the night of the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment The Zhou royalty to this is far from the enormous pressure that humans can imagine. "嗡嗡十一十一十一一

The huge wings flickered, and the crawling sound on the ground seemed to become clear at this moment. The monsters finally started, they stepped over the already small flame and continued to move forward. Never. After a fierce excitement, He Yiming’s heart was slowly calmed down.

He raised his hand high, and in his hand, the artifacts of the five elements of the ring exudes a huge comparison of the British 7 ring.

Almost in the blink of an eye, an aura is already out of the five-line ring. This is a flower of the five elements of the reincarnation. When it is hovering, its power does not seem to be strong, but once it leaves the five-ring ring, it is suddenly It has become a huge whirlpool. It rotates desperately. Every rotation will produce endless five-line power. These five elements of force are like attracting bees to attract butterflies, so that the power of the nearby heaven and earth can be absorbed wildly.

He Yiming's brow slightly trembled, and he suddenly appeared that this powerful adsorption force and the dragon's means seem to be somewhat similar. If it is a fine taste, it even has the same possibility of this practice. However, this idea has just been put up, and it has already been left behind by him.

What I control, but the real five-line reincarnation flower, which is released by the true innate five elements, perhaps at this time in the power can not be more than a thousand years of profound power But in terms of quality, it is definitely better than the day after tomorrow.

Although the dragon is powerful, it is a beast. It is very different from the cultivation of human beings. Although they are somewhat similar, it is absolutely impossible to use the same method.

The power of the vast world and the earth moved with the aperture of the five-row ring, and finally came out of the flame, and entered the world of flames, the first batch of dead creatures.

"Explosion 1111"

The cold voice came out of He Yiming’s mouth.

The next moment, the light wheel that has gathered the power of countless heavens and earth suddenly bursts open, and the endless power is spreading toward all directions, like a huge shock wave, centering on this point, the square is full of Anything within it has become its target of attack.

The huge light in front of the eyes lit up and then dimmed.

In that range of worms, everything disappeared, whether it was the dead creatures that were flying wildly, the burning flames, and even the sand on the ground. At this time, it has disappeared without a trace, and you can no longer see the trace.

Today, the sky and the ground are filled with horrible death creatures, but in this place it is empty and nothing exists. It’s like someone opened a big cockroach and took a bite on a huge smashing cake, leaving it a corner.

The face color badge of the distant horse made a change. He smiled and looked at He Yiming’s eyes full of bitter taste.

Such a powerful power, he can easily do it. However, he is a pseudo-natural powerhouse, and is not a new advanced powerhouse of Wei Jinshun, but a veteran pseudo-virgin strongman who has advanced for hundreds of years. Therefore, he can proudly affirm that he can do so without any effort.

However, looking at the He Yiming who held the five-line ring, Ma Yun also understood that He Yiming’s attack, but it was just a matter of hand.

There is no earth-shattering momentum, and there is no long-term preparation. It is so simple and simple, and with a random blow, the powerful power of the five elements that He Yiming has released is not inferior to him.

After a moment of pause, the huge death creatures not only did not retreat, but instead rushed up, even if there was no golden monster, but their momentum was not weak at all, but the more Strong.

When the quantitative change accumulates to the extreme, a qualitative change will occur. The number of these monsters at this time has reached this standard.

However, He Yiming turned a blind eye. He snorted and his wrists were gently waving. One of the five-wheel reincarnations was not released from the artifacts.

The five rounds of reincarnation are not big, but as soon as they leave the five-ring ring, they suddenly absorb the power of the heavens and the earth. When they come to the monster group, they suddenly burst into desperation.

In an instant, there are invisible big holes in the sky and on the ground. These big holes are the places where the five elements recurs. Each explosion will form a blank in the area. It's like taking a big rag and wiping out the pieces on the dirty desktop.

However, the number of dead creatures is too much. After a brief explosion shock wave, more monsters will be filled in this area to fill up. In a twinkling of an eye a strange scene is displayed in front of Ma Yun and others.

Here, a huge white aperture is constantly lit up, everything in the light garden is melted, and then more monsters flow in, melt, and then flood into...

A two-five reincarnation has no effect on a large number of monsters, but when this number reaches hundreds of times, countless death creatures have finally begun to face this horrible human being.

The golden figure appeared in the monster group, but this time the scale was unprecedentedly powerful, and the golden monster actually reached twenty. The strength of these monsters, He Yiming is well aware.

Xunzi Long is such a powerful Shinto strongman, but if he encounters more than three in a single time, then his only way is to turn around and flee. Only the strongest of the pseudo-deity, have the right to not fear more than twenty golden monsters. At the moment, He Yiming's eyes were condensed, and the five lines on his head paused a little. In the face of these golden monsters, even He Yiming did not dare to have the slightest negligence.

The golden monsters are far better than the same kind. They wave their wings and flashed close to He Yiming's side. However, at this moment, a purple glow suddenly emerges from the five-row ring.

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