Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 191: Telepathy

He Yiming blinked and he looked at the other person with surprise, but he couldn't figure out why he was so excited and excited.

With his eyes and ear power at this time, he can naturally hear that the Great Saint is full of joy for the arrival of Bao pig, and he has a kind of respect for Bao pig that seems to be from the heart. This feeling is a bit like a believer who sees the gods he believes in, full of piety.

He Yiming’s heart was quite doubtful. The last time he came to the totem family, Bao pig screamed and drove everyone to feed.

He Yiming was squatting at that time, and the rodents of the totems in the totems were given to the knife. It is reasonable to say that the pigs that have been abused should be hostile to the totems.

However, after seeing the performance of the great saints at the moment, He Yiming faintly felt that his understanding of the totems was too little.

Countless long whistling sounds from the vast, vast mountains. Just a moment, there have been dozens of plants flying into the sky.

He Yiming's double eyebrows are slightly raised, and the darkness is horrified.

Those who can fly into the sky are at least the flow of the five sages. Although he also knows that during the period after the power of heaven and earth returned to normal, the benefits of the spirits are far greater than humans. But at this time, there are a lot of powerful beasts in the totem.

Dozens of strong people who are equivalent to the human five-powered sage, although still unable to pose a threat to Shinto. However, if it is proportional, the totems will return to the heyday in the future, and the opportunity to be the only one in the world should be much larger than any human sect.

Suddenly, a huge roar rang from the center of the distant mountains.

When the screams of the road screamed, all the clouds were flying, and obviously the figure that wanted to fly toward the pigs stopped. Later, these strong people from the various totems of the totems in the air to the huge treasure pigs.

Then they landed again and concealed in this mountain covered by thick woods.

The great saints bent down in midair and listened carefully to what was expressed in this giant.

When the aftermath of the giant python disappeared completely, he respectfully said: "He Shenjun, Shenglong adults, Qilin adults invite you to meet in the valley."

He Yiming can naturally hear that the giant cockroach is just out of the mouth of the beast. But what surprised him was that there seemed to be a surprise in the roar of the unicorn beast.

"Hey Saints, you lead the way." He Yiming sang.

The great saints screamed, and the giant eagle at his feet immediately turned and flew toward the distance to burn the novel network.

Bao pig twisted the huge body and slowly followed it up. The degree of the giant eagle is not fast when flying over the mountains, because there is a certain powerful force here that has great limitations.

He Yiming gently patted the pig, saying: "Little guy, the totem family seems to welcome you very much." Although the body of the pig is huge now, it is far from He Yiming, but he is still screaming at the little guy. And the little guy doesn't mind.

"I am the only descendant of the Dragon Totem family. Of course they want to welcome me." Bao pig proudly said.

He Yiming was dumbfounded and shook his head slightly, but in his heart he was very emotional.

The dragons are really a unique race. Even if the pigs are not pure dragons, they are still the most noble among the huge forces like the totems.

Even if it was because of its death that a great saint, its treatment has not changed.

The more you move toward the center of the mountain, the more He Yiming can sense the existence of this huge force of the beast. However, what surprised him was that this power is not overbearing, but it is full of a peaceful atmosphere. When the Shinto strongman is close to here, and feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred king, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, arrogate the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to its After existence, it is difficult to give birth to real hostility.

The Great Saints stopped over a valley, and below it was a huge majestic palace complex. This palace has too many differences with the palaces outside. From the heights, it looks like a strange group of hexagonal equilateral.

Two huge squeaks screamed from the mouth of the unicorn beast and the pig.

If the other two beasts meet, then such a bark must represent provocation and response, and then it may be the earth-shattering battle of Shinto.

However, there is no such thing as mutual hostility in the screams of the unicorn beasts and the porcupines. Instead, they are like the feelings of two good friends when they meet each other.

However, these two greetings are really big and horrible.

"He brother, you will come to see me this bad old man, I have not made a mistake." A long, hearty laughter came from a huge palace below.

He Yiming smiled slightly. Although he had never seen Qiu Chennu's face, he could imagine the old man's heart.

"Qiu brother, younger brother, but nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall, this time came, is to ask for help.

"Do you still need my help?" Qiu Chennu's tone is full of suspicion, and he has chained. He said: "You come in and say.

He Yiming’s heart is slightly different, and after they came to the Totem family as the four great Shinto strong, they must come out to meet each other in the love of Qiu Chennu.

However, nowadays it is uncharacteristic to let them enter the inner hall, which will inevitably make people feel paralyzed.

Bao pig's body shook a few times, and in a mid-air, the huge body continued to shrink, and soon changed back to the original size. However, this time it did not go entangled, but came to He Yiming's side.

The great saints looked at the pigs with a stunned look, and their faces were full of horror.

Although he is well-informed, he is the first time to see that a beast can change his size, and his horror is naturally difficult to avoid.

Before the palace, there was already a man and a woman waiting to stand up.

After He Yiming and others came down, the great saints took a deep look at them, and then the giant eagle turned and spread his wings. In his capacity, he did not dare to stay here easily.

Looking at the two people, He Yiming smiled and said, "It turned out to be Zhang Xiong and Hu Girl." After a pause, he said, "The two martial arts repairs are further. It is really gratifying."

The two people in front of the palace are also acquaintances. It is the two great rumors of the Qilin Lord Qiu Chennu's two rumored disciples, the Tiger Totem family's Zhang Dahu and the Fox Totem family's Hu Meiji. The two of them are not only the disciples of Qiu Chennu, but also a couple. Their own strength has reached the point of the great saints, quite worthy.

However, at this time, their cultivation is much more refined than before. It seems that the regaining of the power of heaven and earth, for these totems with associated beasts, the benefits of hunting are far better than ordinary people.

Zhang Dahu and Hu Meiji are both in the heart, but then relieved. Today's He Yiming is a genuine Shinto strongman. It is a breeze to see through their martial arts.

A deep glimpse, Zhang Dahu’s awe-inspiring way, “He Shenjun won the prize.”

The two of them took a step back and halfway through the body, leading the way ahead. He Yiming nodded slightly and did not hesitate to follow behind them and walked toward the interior of the palace.

The palaces are majestic and almost all of them are made up of huge and neat stone piers. In the finest place is also no less inferior to the human palace of the outside world, rough and delicate and almost perfect combination.

He Yiming’s eyes circulated, and his heart was amazed. Among the totems, it is really a talented person. They live in the mountains and can build such a magnificent palace group. This is far more difficult than building a house in the plains.

I walked out of the outermost palace and headed for the inner temple.

However, just at the moment when everyone is about to step into the inner hall, there is a strange and huge force coming from the front.

He Yiming, Baima Thunder and Hundred and Eight almost stopped at the same time, and at this moment, Bao Yi, who was held in his arms by He Yiming, also raised his head high and stared at the front seriously.

Zhang Dahu and Hu Meiji both had no idea what this power was, but they immediately showed the abnormal state of He Yiming and others. They stopped and exchanged a well-knowed look.

At the same time, Bao pig and Baima Thunder have a strange and strange atmosphere. This is the atmosphere of the beast, powerful and full of loneliness.

He Yiming hesitated, and slowly put the treasure pig on the white horse, and stepped back a few steps.

He faintly felt that although the breath from the inner hall was strong, it was not malicious. And from the reaction of White Horse and Bao pig, they are not exclusive to this breath.

However, this breath is not a cold for yourself. Although there is no tendency to attack, there is absolutely no welcome.

Sure enough, when He Yiming left the number of two beasts, they suddenly swayed from their bodies.

This is a light like a small sun. Anyone who has a little contact with this light can easily feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the arrogant world, the most powerful and abandoning The Great Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the great Zhou, the royal gods, the night killing gods. The throne of the gods and gods seeks to be the most powerful in the world.

Zhang Dahu and Hu Meiji took a long breath and they closed their eyes and bathed in this brilliance.

He Yiming's heart fretting, learning how they look, is also slowly letting go of the heart, let this magical light shine on the body.

The next moment, He Yiming's body emblem trembled slightly.

When he gave up all the defensive forces to greet this actually feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty Night Kill God God Seal Thrones Demon Evil World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Provoking World Exceptional Heavens The demon world is the strongest abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty.

It is an inexplicable, moving from the heart.

It seems that in this power, there is a gentle and powerful life mind, and he is communicating with him in this strange way, letting him feel the martial arts, the holy king, the sacred king, the night god, the **** of the throne. Seeking the magic of the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The Great Zhou Dynasty royal gods will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek the devil. The world’s most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty has come from a collision between the souls.

An extremely joyful feeling was instantly passed on to him. This unrelenting feeling of sharing joy made He Yiming feel a strange shock when he was happy.

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