Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 192: select?

I don't know how long it took, and the light slowly receded.

He Yiming quickly recovered his calmness. He shook his head slightly and his heart once again converged. At about the same time, he saw that Zhang Dahu and Hu Meiji both opened their eyes and revealed a great satisfaction from their eyes.

He Yiming felt a puzzled thought.

He has been promoted to Shinto. Whether it is martial arts training or the intensity of mind, it is far from being comparable to Zhang Dahu.

But when the feeling of extreme joy disappeared, the two of them recovered so quickly, and the speed was not much slower than themselves. This was never normal and indulged for a moment, He Yiming said. "Two, what was the light just now?

Zhang Dahu is slightly incarnate, and there is no hidden road. "He Shenjun, this is the light of the beast **** of our beast temple. Only when the beast first came to the beast temple, will this kind of light appear."

He Yiming’s gaze turned slightly, as if he was talking to himself. “You have seen Zhang Dahu’s couple looked at each other before, and they even hesitated. He Yiming’s eyes are condensed and cold as a knife. They are also at the same time. Involuntarily hit a cold, this reminds me that the person in front of him is no longer the sage of the past, but a Shinto who can not afford to sin anyway.

"He Shenjun, we have only seen it once." Zhang Dahu quickly said: "A few years ago, the Lord's Lord returned from the northern Xinjiang. When he came to the inner temple, the light of the beast was first appeared after more than 5,000 years. It is."

He Yiming suddenly relieved, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go in."

At the same time, the Zhang Dahu couple should continue to respect the road ahead, but this time the attitude seems to be more respectful and humble than before.

He Yiming stepped forward two steps, his eyes turned on the body of Bao pig and white horse, and asked with sunlight.

The two beasts shook their heads at the same time, and they knew from the look of their eyebrows that the light just did not bring them any harm. On the contrary, it is also possible to give them some benefits.

Into the inner temple, a familiar laugh suddenly rang. "He brother, Iceland, a few, has been a few years, don't... oh."

Qiu Chennu suddenly stopped, and he looked at He Yiming seriously, and his eyes were somewhat erratic.

He Yiming said with amazement, "Qiu brother, you are..."

Qiu Chennu made a haha, saying: "He brothers are strange, the old man has felt a strange power in your body, but it is impossible."

He Yiming’s heart was curious and said: “Qiu brother, what did you feel? Qiu Chennu hesitated, finally said: “The power of the field. "The eyebrows are slightly raised, and He Yiming is really surprised this time."

He did master the field-power, although the power of this field is the field of artifacts, but goodness is also the power of the field. However, among the people he had encountered before, even if the false gods could not be sensed before he released this power, how did Qiu Chennu do it.

"Qiu brother, how did you appear?" He Yiming asked quietly. Qiu Chennu’s face was astonished and said: “Are you really advanced?” He Yiming shook his head again and again, saying: “It’s easy to want to advance the pseudo-deity.

He said that he had condensed his body in the field of artifacts. Of course, the fact that he obtained the medicinal herbs and went to the Western Dragon Slayer was taken for granted.

Qiu Chennu’s old face returned to normal, but his eyes were still envious. With a wave of his hand, Zhang Dahu and Hu Meiji suddenly fell back. "He brother, you just came in, how do you feel." Qiu Chennu asked with a smile.

He Yiming has a heavy nod, saying: "The light of the beast is really extraordinary, so that Hemou opens his eyes."

Qiu Chen Nuhaha laughed, "The body of the beast is made up of more than 20 gods and beasts. The first time you touched it, there are some unexpected benefits for the beast. But in the process, It is best not to have a Shinto powerhouse of your own family, otherwise it will divide the utility of some of the gods."

He Yiming suddenly understood why he had never come out to meet him. This is not his self-sustaining identity, but the reason for the complete fulfillment of two beasts. Of course, perhaps he just has enough goodwill and concern for Bao pig.

Qiu Chennu let them into the inner temple.

Here, it is the widest place in the entire palace group. It is a hundred feet away from the length and width, and even more exaggerated is that looking up at the top of the palace, the top of the palace is actually twenty or thirty feet below.

When He Yiming and others entered this place, they suddenly felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the younger, the prince, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred god, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogance, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty It was the first time that the huge pressure of the atmosphere entered such a place. Even the two beasts of Bao pig and Bai Ma Lei were awkward. Their body was slowly flowing, and their eyes were everywhere. Zhang Wang seems to want to keep this place firmly in mind.

He Yiming’s reaction seemed to be a lot dull. After entering, he only showed a hint of surprise, and then he completely recovered his normality and looked at it with interest.

Qiu Chennu was slightly shocked and said, "He brother, have you been here before?"

He Yiming knows that he wants to ask about Hugh, and shakes him. "Hehe has never been here, but there is a place similar to this place, but it is a bit bigger."

Qiu Chennu was greatly surprised in his heart. He looked very dignified: "Where is that place, please ask the brother to tell."

He Yiming’s face showed a smile, and he whispered: “The land of life and death.”

Qiu Chennu, a glimpse of the road, "Life and death, the land of reincarnation?"

He Yiming slowly swallowed his head and recalled everything he saw there. Compared with that place, it is really a shame, and He Yiming is hard to do even if he wants to put on a shocking look.

Qiu Chennu sighed and said, "He brothers are far away, I don't know what to teach."

He Yiming did not hide it. He said that he had to fight with the Western Aidewin. The last one was in the end. He said sincerely: "He wants to complete the accompanying ritual in front of the aristocratic beast temple and pay off the Qiu brother. Look at the share of the holy dragon and make it complete."

Qiu Chennu quickly helped him up, his eyes on the pig's body, and smiled. "It turned out to be such a small matter. The old man is naturally happy to see it."

He Yiming’s reassuring smile is quite complicated with his totems. Strictly speaking, it is actually an enemy. However, because of the relationship between Bao pig and his current strength, the attitude of the Totem family to him is also very different. A snoring sound came from the back of Qiu Chennu, and the Qilin beast has entered the inner hall silently.

After hearing the roar of the Qilin beast, Qiu Chennu’s face was changed by the emblem, and then he looked at the Bao pig and the white horse thunder behind He Yiming. After a while, he wrote and sighed: "Unfortunately, unfortunately."

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, “What a pity.”

Qiu Chennu waved his hand and said, "He brother, do you really intend to carry out the accompaniment ceremony?"

"Of course." He Yiming said without hesitation.

Qiu Chennu’s brow was slightly wrinkled, saying: “Well, since you have decided, the old man will no longer be reluctant. Then you intend to carry out a accompaniment ceremony with one of the beasts behind you.

He Yiming was awkward, and he felt a little bit wrong.

"Qiu brother, I am in love with Thunder and Bao pig, regardless of each other." He indulged, said: "Can't you have three together?"

Qiu Chennu looked at He Yiming with amazement. After a half-sound, he smiled bitterly. "He brothers laughed, and the accompanying spirit beasts are relatives and partners who are with you for the rest of your life. Even for our totems, even if they are their own. The wife and husband are far from being associated with the beast. Such partners need to be fully cared for."

There was no blame in his mouth, but He Yiming heard a little dissatisfaction.

However, at this point he also understands why Qiu Chennuo is screaming.

Whether it is Breguet or Thunder, it is a rare top beast. The power they possess is so powerful and rare, no matter which animal is abandoned, it is a pity.

Bao pig suddenly smashed up. "No, in my memory, the totem family has two companion spirits at the same time."

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly brightened, and the sun looked at Qiu Chennu.

The lord of the unicorn smirked and said, "He brother, although some people have two companion spirits at the same time in the past generations, but the two companion spirits must be a mother of the same fetus. And want to be both at the same time. Only the beasts are associated, and the success may be greatly reduced."

He Yiming looked toward the white horse and the treasure pig. The two beasts are not likely to be the biological brothers of a mother compatriot no matter where they look.

Qiu Chennu’s eyes are slightly condensed, and sincerely said: “St. Dragon and White Horse are both beasts. Although you are also a Shinto strong person, it is not easy to have a successful relationship with one of them. If it is I want both the fish and the bear's paw, but I am afraid that the bamboo basket will be in the air.

He Yiming's eyebrows faintly jumped before he came to the Totem family, he never considered this matter.

Because he always believed that his close relationship with Thunder and Bao pig was enough for them to pass, but Qiu Chennu’s words made him quite disheartened.

Looking back, Bao pig and white horse lightning are all blinking, but it is rare to avoid his sight.

Hidden, He Yiming has such a feeling that no matter what decision he makes, he will cause damage to one of them.

All along, their three intimate relationships may have irreparable cracks due to this totem trip.

Qiu Chennu sighed and said: "He brother, are you still planning to accompany the ceremonies? He Yiming hesitated the film s·1, and his heart finally decided, the color of his face suddenly disappeared. dissipate.

"Qiu brother, He Mou's heart is gone, everything will bother you."

Qiu Chennu surprised him with a glance, but he nodded his head and said, "So which animal beast is going to accompany you?"

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