Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 225: Going to the Crystal Palace

The heavy rain is like a wave of rushing underground. It can be said that it was poured from the unstoppable hand. It is obliquely slanted, densely like a curtain, forming a rain wall that shows countless twill. It whipped, slammed, drowning everything.

Numerous raindrops hit the sea above the waves, and there was a loud sound, and the waves that were subsequently picked up drowned.

The sea is surging, but below the sea, it is peaceful.

Numerous marine creatures are swimming leisurely, and they are used to this level of storms and sea waves. Suddenly, a ray of light shines in the distance, and moves very fast under the sea.

The creatures in the sea are far from the light, although so far, this group of rays has not shown any violent and violent atmosphere, but for strange things, all creatures will naturally show a cautious attitude. .

When the ray of light gradually approached, the nearby marine life was clearly seen. It turned out to be a ray of light, and all the waters were blocked by some kind of power. Like it, it can't be missed at all.

In the light of this group, there are two people and two beasts. Under the package of light, they sneak in the depths of the sea. Within the glory of this group, it is naturally He Yiming, Bai Ba Ba, Bao pig and white horse thunder. Since the separation from the year of the dragon, He Yiming and others have come to the East China Sea. Their purpose is only one, that is the legendary East China Sea Crystal Palace.

However, what makes He Yiming feel annoyed is that although the Crystal Palace is prefixed with the word Donghai, it is actually in the open sea. There are quite a few roads rushing from southern Xinjiang.

If you want to go to the Crystal Palace, you will be able to avoid the two todays. One of them is naturally the Five Elements. If Minhang and others are aware of the whereabouts of He Yiming and others, then whether or not he has obtained the Shenyinxian liquid, there will be an inconsistency between the five elements. Unless it is a complete death of a party, it is impossible for him and the Five Elements to have a compromise before the huge benefit of the **** medicine fairy liquid. As for another goal to avoid, it is naturally the masked person who has come to the fore.

Although Shenlong once said that he has injured the mask man, it is not enough in the short term. But He Yiming has a skeptical attitude about how long it is in the short term. However, if you let Shenlong know He Yiming's thoughts, it will definitely take a paw directly to the past.

Even Minhang did not question the Shenlong, but he was suspected by He Yiming, a newcomer. In short, after the calculation of 108, he proposed that the two men and two beasts sneaked from the bottom of the sea to burn the novel network.

Although flying faster in the sky, the possibility of encountering an accident is far greater than stealing in the sea.

Moreover, the opening time of the Crystal Palace also has strict restrictions, and the next time it is opened, there are still about two months. Even if they rushed there in advance, they could only wait outside the Crystal Palace, and there was no chance to enter.

Of course, when you sneak down the sea, you will encounter a lot of strange sea creatures. These powerful creatures have awesome power, and most of them are fierce. Once they are foreign invaders, Then in all likelihood, the outsiders will be torn into pieces and swallowed into the belly. However, this issue is no longer a problem for the current He Yiming and others.

With the strength of their four virtual gods, even those who have encountered ordinary pseudo-deity can handle it easily. Unless there is such a metamorphosis as a masked person, the seas will be larger and will be the place where they are rampant.

And along the way, the number of sacred beasts who died in their hands has been quite a lot. While playing boring time, they also obtained a large number of sacred beasts and corpses.

However, after coming to this place, the aperture stopped suddenly.

He Yiming blinked his eyes and looked at the call. He was dark. It was difficult to see the sea in the distant scenery. He smiled and said: "Hundred brothers, are you sure that the Crystal Palace is indeed in the open sea?" The road: "I don't know, but the position of the positioner is still in front." Bao pig snorted and said: "What is hesitating, isn't it a sea? Let's go in."

He Yiming sighed: "The sea is not terrible, but it would be interesting if you accidentally encountered the island of God."

In the mouth of Bao pig, he made a ton of tons, and said: "What is the island of God? If it is encountered, I will transform and smash it."

He Yiming, Baima Leidian and Baixuan turned their eyes to Bao pig at the same time. Xiaojiafu’s neck shrank and shook, and the obvious color was guilty. “I’m just talking about it, I really met, we turned and fled. Just left." It stretched out its hoof and pointed to the white horse. "There is lightning, and we can definitely escape."

He Yiming and others couldn’t help but laugh, and they’ve always been like this! ! The general ones of the Bu Ren heads broke their mouths and pulled out a smile.

He patted the white horse's neck, He Yiming smiled and said: "Thunder, Bao pig value you so much, you don't let it down." White horse lightning short, seems to be responding to what.

After staying there for a while, they continued to move forward and finally left the inner sea and entered the ruined outer sea.

After coming here, even with such a powerful combination such as He Yiming, I dare not go forward with such a bright light.

He Yiming’s hand gently waved between the bright forces that could illuminate the dozens of squares and all the dark forces that were even darker than the night.

As the power of the shield changes, the huge aperture disappears and is replaced by a dark, dark space without any life leaking.

In this space, it is full of pure dark power. If it is an ordinary innate power, even if it is a line of heaven, it will be greatly affected. But for He Yiming and others, there is no burden.

It is still too early to open the Crystal Palace next time, so He Yiming and others are not in a hurry to hurry, but slow down, prefer to be slow = point, and are not willing to let their whereabouts leak.

Although the size of the sea is vast and boundless, the chances of encountering the island of God here are already small enough to be negligible. However, after entering this place, He Yiming and others are acting cautiously.

After turning the shield from the power of light to the power of darkness, the trouble they encountered was indeed much less.

The shield not only has a barrier to seawater: 8, but even their life is completely blocked without leaking. In this case, it is impossible for the marine creatures to take the initiative. Of course, sneaking in the sea, accidents are still very easy to encounter.

There are a lot of bad guys who often can't tell the difference between this dark protective cover and ordinary sea water, they hit the protective cover at one end.

Under the powerful instinct, these unlucky guys tend to faint in the past. It will not wake up until after a few hours.

However, those hit by the protective cover are basically some beasts in the sea, but there are none of the powerful and powerful beasts.

After all, once you have the ingenuity, even the low-level wisdom, you can at least distinguish between the black inside the shield and the darkness in the sea.

Wisdom creatures are more vigilant about the unknown than the ordinary beasts, even if they don’t feel the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the thrones, the sacred kings, the nine heavens, the strongest discards, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night killing gods. The gods of the throne seeks the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the enchanting, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred The day is the strongest to abandon the killing power and power that the Zhou Dynasty royal family has, but it will definitely not be tempted to find something to investigate.

In this way, He Yiming waited all the way, and after a long journey of more than a month, he finally got a good news from the mouth of the hundred and eight. They are already close to the locator.

He Yiming and so on are naturally very excited, but the closer they are to the Crystal Palace, the more their hearts will be smashed. It’s not just He Yiming, even the two beasts of Bao pig and Bai Ma Lei.

Because they are very clear, the only mu mark in this line is the **** medicine fairy liquid in the Crystal Palace. If the smell of the pigs is not mistaken, then they should be able to get some **** medicine.

However, if there is only one empty bowl in the place where Bao pig is present, or if the Shen medicine fairy liquid accumulated in it is only one or two drops, it will not be useful for He Yiming and so on. It is. Although they are already Shinto strong, but the role of Shen Yao Xian liquid is really a wife. And at this moment, there is a potential threat of a powerful mask person. He Yiming is more and more eager for the medicinal herbs that were born in the Crystal Palace. Huo Ran 1 旮, He Yiming stopped.

During the submarine sneak in the period of time, they have some understanding of the way the water flows under the sea. At this moment, looking at the surrounding water flow environment, I suddenly knew that there is definitely a huge island blocking road ahead. He Yiming was deeply absorbed, and his heart was excited.

They all know that there is not an island in front, but a seamount in the sea. The entire mountain was flooded by the sea, and there was no clue from the sea. The islands under the sea are undoubtedly the land of their trip, the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea.

"Hundred brothers ~ ~ we arrived." He Yiming softly, imitation is said to himself. Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning look at each other, all three of them can clearly feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the prince, the night god, the **** of the throne Seeking the devil, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the strongest Abandon the excitement of the big Zhou Dynasty to each other's hearts. "Yes, we are here." One hundred and eight responded, and there was no fluctuation in tone. Among them, only one hundred and eight can only continue to maintain the calm.

After a quarter of an hour, they finally saw the dark, hidden mountain under the sea. In this s1, He Yiming's heart is full of emotions, he has such a feeling.

This time, I will be able to get a lot of Shen Yao Xian liquid, and can successfully break through the limits and advanced pseudo-deity.

Once you are successful, you will be able to possess the self-protection ability of the B code, and you will be able to re-protect He Jiazhuang in the era of this Shinto recovery. He looked at the front, clenched his fists with his fists, and said: "Let's go in...

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