Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 226: Terrain change

seabed! The cave outside is quite a shame. I used to come to discuss it, but I still can't find this hidden cave.

Because the direction they sneaked is not the direction that they used to come from the transmission map, and the peaks of the seabed are unparalleled. It is difficult to find the one that came in the past under the sea.

However, fortunately, there is a car like this one at He Yiming.

He once placed the locator in the cave, and constantly presented a message that only 108 could receive. So under the lead of the hundred and eight, they spent several hours, after bypassing most of the peaks. Finally, I successfully found the cave that I entered in the past.

Looking at the hundred and eight lightly picked up the bottom of the vines outside the cave, He Yiming's eyes faintly scattered.

His thoughts explored and he slowly nodded after the film.

Within his scope of exploration, there are no humans or marine life with powerful life forces in this cave. Of course, there are some weak, almost insignificant life in the cave, so don't bother.

The stalking walked in, and soon the people came to their wide inner hall.

Looking at this familiar scene, He Yiming and others are all showing the extreme expectation and the color of the wings, just like there is a flame in their eyes that is constantly jumping.

Bao pig snorted a few times and said: "The idiots of the Five Elements, in such an important place, did not even send people to station. Hey, if this is ours, then at least send a Shinto strongman to guard this place.

He Yiming was slightly stunned and stunned. He said: "Bao pig, if it is Hejiazhuang, this is the place. Feng Shui Baodi, I will not let people stay here."

The treasure pig is a glimpse, and the face is full of suspicious colors.

He Yiming's eyes turned and kept patrolling in this cave. At the same time, he sighed: "The environment here is quite strange. This mountain is hidden under the sea. For the unwitting For people, this is already the best cover." He paused and smiled: "If we don't know that there is a big mountain underneath, then even if it flies over it, it will definitely stop to look down. So No one is stationed, but the best way."

Bao pig has a small head and thinks seriously.

He Yiming’s words do make sense. Such a strange terrain, the possibility of leakage is basically minimal. Moreover, if a true Shinto strong person is stationed here for a long time, then in the long time, there will always be some outsiders or sea beasts. At that time, the possibility of leaking is even bigger.

After a few more small eyes, Bao pig raised his mouth and was not convinced: "No one is stationed here, if it is unintentionally made by the beasts in the sea, then what?"

He Yiming laughed dumbly and said: "Bao pigs, the creatures outside the sea have a common feature. The more powerful the creatures, the larger their size. From the entrance of this cave, as long as the innate spirits are above The marine life is unlikely to enter it. So this place basically has no danger of being attacked by powerful beasts in the open sea. As for the relatively weak marine life,"

He smiled and stopped talking.

However, Bao pig has already understood that teachers and other people will come here every year, if it is now. The cave is occupied by a certain or a group of marine creatures. Then they will certainly not be soft-hearted. At that time, those spirit beasts that have not yet reached the congenital realm will only have a dead end.

Bao pig's four hoof force, suddenly jumped to the white horse lightning, said: "Well, you are reasonable

He Yiming smiled and stepped on the surrounding stone wall, after a long time. There was a hint of surprise on his face.

When they came last time, they walked with the coaches and others. Under the surveillance of the two Shinto masters of the Five Elements, He Yiming and others are absolutely in accordance with the rules. Don't say that you can do whatever you want, and check the surrounding stone walls unscrupulously, even if you walk around. But now for them. There has been no obstruction, as long as they don't dismantle the ground, they can let go.

Anyway, even if you wait, you will come again. At least a few decades later. After a long buffer, all the traces they left will disappear.

One hundred and eight suddenly opened, said: "What are you doing?

He Yiming condensed: "The stone wall here doesn't know what the material is, it is so hard." He shook his head and seemed to be incredulous: "I have tried it, even if I use God's power, I can't It is damaged."

Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning were taken aback. Their eyes are full of curiosity.

He Yiming is now a genuine Shinto strong man. If even the power of his **** can't break the stone wall here, then the hardness of the wall here is probably comparable to the artifact.

One hundred and eight eyelids suddenly lit up. He said: "The power of God can destroy the stone lion 2 here. He didn't think of it. One hundred and eight even had the leisure and the heart and the heart. ※

Bao pig cracked his mouth and smiled. The white horse thundered a little hesitant. Its unicorn was suddenly lit up, and the powerful thunder power had begun to condense.

A trace of purple electric looming, it is to test the hardness of the stone wall with its own strength.

He Yiming's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Thunder, your ability should not be released here, if it really leaves a huge trace. I am afraid that there will be trouble in the future." White horse lightning, the pair of beautiful big eyes After a few squats, the purple electric mans on the unicorn finally gathered up.

Although the power of thunder and lightning is strong, it is also quite obvious at the same time, and they don’t want to be known by the people in the five elements, so lightning can’t be shot anyway.

The pig's four-legged movement has already jumped up high, and its body has turned into a streamer. Quickly slammed into one of the stone walls.

Although the body shape of the little guy has not become a monster, the power of the body is not as strong as those of the beast. What's more, there is a faint glow in its body, which is the unique body strength of Bao pig, and its ability to comprehend itself after being promoted to the beast.

There was a loud noise. The pig slammed heavily on the stone wall.

Its body is like the iron that is stuck by the magnet, and it is firmly attached to the stone wall.

The eyes are dripping in the eyelids. It was an incredible look inside.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Little guy, this time believe it."

The body of Bao pig swayed and suddenly fell off the stone wall. Their eyes once again fell on the stone wall, and they could not help but be surprised.

After being bombarded by a beast like Bao pig. This stone wall was not even damaged at all. The stone wall is still as smooth as a mirror, and there is no crack.

Although Bao pig did not give up all the power. But the collision just now is already a small one. It can be seen that even the average sacred beast level sea monster has entered this place, but also wants to cause any damage.

Minhang and others must be well aware of the truth, so they will be generous and have not sent people to this place.

He Yiming turned his head and he smiled and asked: "Hundred brothers, can the power of God really destroy the stone wall here?"

The singularity of the hundred and eight lights lit up, and suddenly a beam of light came out. This light stopped in the void and showed a three-dimensional figure.

This is a huge mountain. Although I don't know how many times it has been reduced, it seems that it seems to be so tall and straight from any angle.

The graphics in the void are slowly changing. A huge ray of light came from a certain light, and it passed through it, and even the entire hill was smashed down.

He Yiming's brow is slightly wrinkled. He knows at a glance at the burning novel network that this is definitely a masterpiece of the Shinto strong.

However, for the Shinto strong, it seems that it is not a big deal to split a mountain with the light of the gods.

However, the next change made him amazed.

There are countless wavy sea waters in the sky, and they drown this missing mountain. The focus of the graphic slowly moves down, with a small cave at the waist of the mountain. Within the cave, there are definitely a few of them.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly and said: “Hundred brothers. What is this?”

"This is my restoration map." One hundred and eight calm words: "I am willing to take this mountain as a prototype."

Bao pig suddenly called out: "I understand, it was originally a small island."

Hundred and eight slowly nodded, said: "The hills here were originally floating in the water, but they were cut off by a knife." He paused. Road: "The stones here belong to the same type of material, so the power of the gods who cut off the entire hill will certainly destroy the stones here."

He Yiming waited for nothing but a cold breath.

It is not so easy for them to do a little damage to these imaginary deities. And under the guise of a single person, they will directly smash the hills that have surfaced into the water into two sections.

The gap between these Shintos is so powerful and unbelievable.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming said: "The five elements of the ancestors are not the true gods. The power he possesses is far from being able to imagine."

Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning were silent at the same time.

Since they were promoted to Shinto, they have not been arrogant to the point where they think they are invincible. But how much is also a bit of a young boy's triumph, the sense of ambience.

However, this is awkward. In the middle of the month, they first met the mask man who could only find the North by the power of the virtual god. At this time, he witnessed the indescribable power of the past five elements.

At this point, their hearts really squared their position.

At this time, they are invincible from the real world, and there is still a long way to go.

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