Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 266: Super strong mind

He Yiming sensed the magical changes in all the life of the pigs in the magma, and the heart was full of surprise.

Surprised and emotional.

According to Li Jiangfeng, He Yiming, who owns the artifact Jiulong furnace, has entered this place and should be able to get some

benefit. But now that He Yiming has not seen the shadow of the benefits, Bao pig has begun to absorb

Here is the mysterious power of fire.

Slowly, He Yiming took back the attention of God, because he can already be sure that the magma here is fierce.

Strong, but it can not threaten the life of the pig, but it will have great benefits for its growth.

In this case, of course he does not need to pay more attention.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, He Yiming calmly looked at the magma flow that looked unusually below, he

The eyes slowly closed.

He quietly sensed the magical power of fire here.

De Yin, he has a kind of hunch, the glazed ancestor will not hesitate to spread the words, let people bring him here,

I am afraid that it is related to the power of the magical fire here.

The powerful idea spread out with He Yiming as the center, and he carefully explored that it was full of fire.

The place of strength.

Like the ripples on the water, the idea spreads around, but in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, abandon the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The big Zhou royals got fire in a certain direction

After the most powerful force, He Yiming’s idea could not help but swarm away there.

There is the magma under the platform, and the huge idea passes through the magma to reach the volcano below.

And it continues to spread along the mountain road.

At this moment, He Yiming did not appear, his thoughts spread and he was far away from him.

The limit reached.

Before today, his idea can spread to the body and it’s already quite amazing, but

At this moment, his thoughts seem to be able to spread infinitely, toward the end of the mountain, the bottom of the abyss

The department explored and went.

The power of the magical fires around them constantly overflowed with the power of spirituality, but the idea of ​​He Yiming

Can automatically blend with these spiritual forces, and support his ideas to continue to spread.

I don’t know how long it took, He Yiming suddenly appeared, his mind has reached the limit, no more

The law continues to spread. Only at this moment, he was shocked to realize that his own thoughts were not known.

I feel that I have reached an incredible point.

His heart is like a smashing wave, and it is hard to calm down.

In his sense, his own thoughts have been carried along the volcano to the bottom of the sea and along the seabed.

Came around thousands of miles away.

It can be said that with him as the center, within a thousand miles, he is under his cover.

What is this feeling?

This is a feeling of being like a **** in the world.

At this moment, He Yiming’s heart is full of a kind of pride in the world. He seems to have become a

The legendary Shinto strong, all below Shinto, even if it is the human peak, such as the Franklin, is also

It is as small as an ant.

He Yiming’s heart beats violently. He senses everything around him and finally determines that this is not his own.

Dreams, but things that are really born.

But although his thoughts shrouded the thousands of miles, he was not able to see everything.

In the eyes.

He can only distinguish the strong breaths within this range, Baima Lei, Zhuang Mu

Nan, and those who are the most powerful are the most powerful. Of course, in addition to them, there are countless

All kinds of strong and weak breaths, releasing these breaths, there are humans, there are also beasts, and there are a lot of seas.

Medium creature.

When He Yiming’s idea is focused on a certain breath, he can clearly “see” the creature.

And all the changes that are born around it.

This feeling is very weird, and at the same time it can create an omnipotent control.


This is a strong thrill to the extreme, just like an addictive desire.

He quietly feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big empire, the royal family, the night god, the gods, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty The martial arts will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, the lord of the world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance of the empire, the empire, the gods, the gods, the sacred gods, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the singularity, the singularity The change, for a long time, he finally understood, not

His thoughts cannot continue to expand, but because at the end of his mind, the power of the spirit of fire is already

Little unconscious.

In other words, wherever there is such a magical fire, his ideas can extend to the past. One

Once this power disappears or weakens to a certain extent, his mind will become weak.

After this point, He Yiming’s heart surged into a strong-minded loss.


He can even be sure that once his mind has withdrawn from the area, then this can control everything.

I feel like I will leave myself at the same time.

There is a strong disappointment in his heart. At this moment, he has a desire to release his mind forever.

Go out and stay here for ideas.

However, slowly, He Yiming’s idea began to be steadfastly recycled.

Although he is very reluctant to feel this magical feeling, but his movements are not slow, and there is no

Any pauses.

A powerful five-powered sage, once he has made up his mind for something, he will not be allowed

What is affected?

Firm implementation.

After a long time, He Yiming suddenly opened his eyes, he gave a long breath, his eyes flashed strangely

The light.

After the strange experience of Fang Cai, He Yiming sensed it, this is a powerful force. With

In contrast, the power of humanity is simply not worth a glimpse.

However, although this force is huge and boundless, it is scattered everywhere, and it is simply stretching thousands of miles.

This feeling He Yiming has also experienced before, that is in the Wanshu Valley of the Tianfu Temple.

The **** tree that does not know how many years have survived, not only has a powerful life force, but its

The root system is complicated and the same is the same.

However, when the idea of ​​He Yiming was intersected with the tree god, this feeling was forcibly instilled by the tree god.

Although He Yiming had a feeling of being unhappy at that moment, but with the powerful horror of the tree god

The power of life did not make He Yiming suffer any substantial harm.

And the power of fire here is obviously not the life force like the tree god, so it will be released in He Yiming.

Helping him when he was exploring, let He Yiming try to dissect a feeling like a god.

He can be sure that such a powerful ability to think, not to mention in humans, is impossible, even if it is a dish

It is impossible for the big snake that squats in the Ghost Ridge to reach this height.

It is possible to spread the idea to thousands of miles away, fearing that only the talents of the past Shinto have this ability.

I think that when the **** tree of the cave is good, He Yiming understands.

The power of fire in this dead volcano must also be like the existence of a tree god. And here, no doubt

It is the last weapon that the glazed hole relies on.

He sighed long, and he was more curious in his heart. He didn’t know the most in the northwest Tianchi.

What is the power of strong guardianship.

This time, although there is nothing to make his strength leaps and bounds, but for He Yiming,

The harvest of this trip is even more rare.

Like the mindfulness of the people in Shinto, this kind of thing that can only be said that it cannot be said is actually born to him.

On the body, this has enormous advantages that he cannot describe for his future growth.

He closed his eyes again and silently sensed it all.

From his body, the colorful light is slowly released, and the power of the surrounding fire is not

Stopped into the five elements of the world.

Although the five elements of the ring absorb the power of fire quickly, but the power of fire here is too large.

For this powerful field of fire that has covered thousands of miles, the power absorbed by the five elements of the ring is even nine cattle.

Mao can't talk about it.

The idea returned to the five elements of the ring, He Yiming was surprised, in this world, even suddenly

Two more strange and familiar forces.

One of them is naturally the power of fire that has just been absorbed. Now the power of fire has condensed into a thin

The red ribbon hovered over the side of the artifact's Kowloon furnace, and the bright red color seemed to be inferior to the Kowloon furnace.

The other force made He Yiming even more surprised.

This turned out to be the life force above the tree of God in the heavens and the earth.

In the past, in the heaven and earth, He Yiming once absorbed the enormous life force of the tree god, but in the five elements

Under the circumstance, these forces seem to have dissipated throughout the five elements of the world.

Until then, he realized that this power did not dissipate, but only in the world of the Five Elements.

Inside, at this moment, after being affected by the power of fire, this slowly emerged.

Shen Nian hovered over these two forces for a long time, He Yiming finally gave up the plan to study.

Because he faintly felt that the power of these two forces is not what he can control at the moment. Tree god

The power of life is still good to say, but the power of a fire with a hint of spirituality is not easy to provoke. Especially in the fire

Next to the force, there is a huge weapon, the Jiulong furnace.

As soon as he saw this thing, He Yiming gave up his intention to continue exploring.

When the wrist turned over, He Yiming released the small fire dragons that he had refined in the Kowloon Furnace.

They enter the rock beams here and roll around and absorb the special fire power here.

Of course, under the control of He Yiming, several fire dragons did not disturb the cultivation of Bao pig, anyway here.

The range of magma is so great that it is more than enough to let them separate and toss.

After waiting for six hours here, He Yiming reached out and took all the tricks of these fire dragons.

Firm implementation.

After a long time, He Yiming suddenly opened his eyes, he gave a long breath, his eyes flashed strangely

The light.

After the strange experience of Fang Cai, He Yiming sensed it, this is a powerful force. With

In contrast, the power of humanity is simply not worth a glimpse.

However, although this force is huge and boundless, it is scattered everywhere, and it is simply stretching thousands of miles.

This feeling He Yiming has also experienced before, that is in the Wanshu Valley of the Tianfu Temple.

The **** tree that does not know how many years have survived, not only has a powerful life force, but its

The root system is complicated and the same is the same.

However, when the idea of ​​He Yiming was intersected with the tree god, this feeling was forcibly instilled by the tree god.

Although He Yiming had a feeling of being unhappy at that moment, but with the powerful horror of the tree god

The power of life did not make He Yiming suffer any substantial harm.

And the power of fire here is obviously not the life force like the tree god, so it will be released in He Yiming.

Helping him when he was exploring, let He Yiming try to dissect a feeling like a god.

He can be sure that such a powerful ability to think, not to mention in humans, is impossible, even if it is a dish

It is impossible for the big snake that squats in the Ghost Ridge to reach this height.

It is possible to spread the idea to thousands of miles away, fearing that only the talents of the past Shinto have this ability.

I think that when the **** tree of the cave is good, He Yiming understands.

The power of fire in this dead volcano must also be like the existence of a tree god. And here, no doubt

It is the last weapon that the glazed hole relies on.

He sighed long, and he was more curious in his heart. He didn’t know the most in the northwest Tianchi.

What is the power of strong guardianship.

This time, although there is nothing to make his strength leaps and bounds, but for He Yiming,

The harvest of this trip is even more rare.

Like the mindfulness of the people in Shinto, this kind of thing that can only be said that it cannot be said is actually born to him.

On the body, this has enormous advantages that he cannot describe for his future growth.

He closed his eyes again and silently sensed it all.

From his body, the colorful light is slowly released, and the power of the surrounding fire is not

Stopped into the five elements of the world.

Although the five elements of the ring absorb the power of fire quickly, but the power of fire here is too much

It is huge.

For this powerful field of fire that has covered thousands of miles, the power absorbed by the five elements of the ring is even nine cattle.

Mao can't talk about it.

The idea returned to the five elements of the ring, He Yiming was surprised, in this world, even suddenly

Two more strange and familiar forces.

One of them is naturally the power of fire that has just been absorbed. Now the power of fire has condensed into a thin

The red ribbon hovered over the side of the artifact's Kowloon furnace, and the bright red color seemed to be inferior to the Kowloon furnace.

The other force made He Yiming even more surprised.

This turned out to be the life force above the tree of God in the heavens and the earth.

In the past, in the heaven and earth, He Yiming once absorbed the enormous life force of the tree god, but in the five elements

Under the circumstance, these forces seem to have dissipated throughout the five elements of the world.

Until then, he realized that this power did not dissipate, but only in the world of the Five Elements.

Inside, at this moment, after being affected by the power of fire, this slowly emerged.

God thought hovered over these two forces for a long time, He Yiming finally gave up the research.


Because he faintly felt that the power of these two forces is not what he can control at the moment. Tree god

The power of life is still good to say, but the power of a fire with a hint of spirituality is not easy to provoke. Especially in the fire

Next to the force, there is a huge weapon, the Jiulong furnace.

As soon as he saw this thing, He Yiming gave up his intention to continue exploring.

When the wrist turned over, He Yiming released the small fire dragons that he had refined in the Kowloon Furnace.

They enter the rock beams here and roll, and absorb the special fire power here.

Of course under the control of He Yiming, several fire dragons did not disturb the cultivation of Bao pig, anyway here

The range of magma is so great that it is more than enough to let them separate and toss.

After waiting for six hours here, He Yiming reached out and took all the tricks of these fire dragons.

Go back within the five-line ring.

Then, his wrist turned over, and the five elements were circularized to make a light, just like the past, familiar with the road.

Returned to Dan Tian.

However, at this moment, He Yiming’s movement is abruptly frozen because he feels that this

After the five elements of the ring returned to the inside of Dantian, the race began to rotate autonomously.

Within the five elements of the ring, two different powerful forces are slowly rushing outward, and they are separated from the five-row ring.

The space directly entered the chaotic Dantian.

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