Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 267: Divine Power and Variation Fire Dragon

The power that is transferred from within the five elements of the ring is naturally the fire that has just been condensed in the five elements of the ring.

Force and wood power.

After feeling that these two forces broke out from the five elements and entered Chaotian Dantian, He Yiming’s heart

It is also full of suspicion.

Of course, he is not worried about his own Dantian. Anyway, he has a lot of living in his Dantian at the moment.

Guest, the so-called debt is not enough, the skills are not overwhelming, even if there are several more guests, He Yiming will only wait.

Ignore it.

However, for these two new guests, He Yiming still has a little curiosity, his attention is very

It was concentrated in Dantian.

After leaving the five elements, these two forces are just like the other forces.

Stayed in Dantian and slowly absorbed the power of chaos in Dantian. But the degree of absorption

It’s not-fast, and it’s also had no negative impact on He Yiming’s martial arts repair, so He Yiming also

I have never cared about these things.

However, very quickly, He Yiming felt that something was wrong.

Nowadays, there are already a lot of guests in his Dantian. In addition to the five-ring ring, the guests of the Shenbing class also

It has a mysterious tortoise shell and a sword of aurora.

They occupy a corner hovering in Dantian, just like waiting for the order "ready to attack

The warrior is generally, with a sturdy breath.

In addition, there is the light power absorbed by the land that has left the reincarnation, and the grayness absorbed in the Ghost Ridge.

Haze. These forces are like having an independent consciousness, entrenched in a corner, to yourself

The way slowly grows. And close to the gloom of the place, there is a Lian Yiming do not know such as

How to enter the coagulation person.

After more than a year of recuperation, the relics on the blood coagulation have all recovered, but it is

Power seems to have been exhausted, although it is constantly absorbing the power of chaos in Dantian, but it is better than the original

Loss, that is not worth mentioning.

Without the power of enough power, this Shinto coagulant is estimated to be difficult to leave.

It is.

In addition to the above existence, Dan Tianzhong has a very powerful force, that is, he is

The power of the earth absorbed from the Tongtian Pagoda of the Lingbi Hall.

This is the true power of God, and it is the only power of God that he can use.

Below the Shinto, it seems that only those who are at the peak of humanity have mastered a little power of God.

He Yiming and Huang Quan’s ancestors and Franklin both handed over the different genus they owned.

Sexual power of God, so he is very clear that in their ranks of the strong, there must be a certain

The power of the gods. It’s just that this number is very small, and it’s impossible to completely wave the power of God’s power.

come out.

If not, He Yiming is afraid that there is no chance to compete with them at all.

The power of the earth has always been one of He Yiming’s killers, but at the moment, this thick and heavy soil

The divine power began to become stupid, and it took the initiative to move closer to the two new forces in Dantian.

He Yiming's face changed slightly, and he carefully watched the strange changes in Dantian.

There are a lot of guests here, but one thing makes He Yiming very reassured, that is, they are running between them.

In the conflict, they are all guarding their own three-point land, never provoke the rest of the power.

But at the moment, this practice seems to have been broken without mercy.

The power of the earth slowly moved, with a little golden light toward the power of wood and fire,

It’s like the mysteriousness of these two forces attracts it, even the idea of ​​He Yiming blocks

It is ignored.

With a slight movement in his heart, He Yiming gave up the idea of ​​obstruction, and he watched quietly.

Finally, the power of the earth came to the garden of the two forces, the golden light and the two forces

I had a slight contact.

At this moment, He Yiming’s heart hung up.

In the face of the first collision of these powerful forces in Dantian, even He Yiming has a kind of trepidation.

Feeling of surprise.

However, what happened next is enough to make He Yiming overjoyed.

When these three forces met, they did not cause any horrific results such as the explosion of Dantian.

But these three different forces began to slowly merge together.

They are like the original tangible flower, occupying three different orientations, the radiance between each other

Rong, has formed a strange whole, together with the chaotic power in Dantian.

He Yiming took a long sigh of relief. After seeing this scene, He Yiming’s heart was prepared for joy.

Hi wants to scream for a long time.

He finally determined that these two forces turned out to be the power of fire and the power of wood.

Just think about it, these two forces come from this magical big volcano and the more incredible life.

If you are a **** tree, you know that their origins are never simple.

However, no matter how He Yiming guessed in advance, he never imagined that these two forces would be

The other two gods of the earth are shoulder to shoulder.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, proud of the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the Dantianzhong, the three forces of mutual exchange. He Yiming’s heart is full of strong self-confidence.

The power of these three gods is inconsistent with the artifact of the five-ring ring, which is completely obedient.

The power of his command. If he is in the fight with others, suddenly release the power of God, even if

It is the strongest person in humanity, and it must pay enough price to get away.

How powerful is the power of God's power, no one can see the artifact, the Kowloon furnace and the tree god.

He is more aware of the battle.

As long as they can release all these forces in Dantian, he will not be at the peak of humanity.

It will definitely fall in the wind.

As soon as I read this, He Yiming waved his hand, and the power of the fire in Dantian was suddenly pulled out and

Instantly integrated into the five-line ring.

The light released by the five elements of the ring suddenly became red and fire, and the power of the power of God was so powerful that it turned out to be

The hard-working ones have suppressed the five elements of light.

He Yiming is full of patience, giving the idea of ​​wanting to release this power in spite of everything.

Forcibly suppressed.

Here, definitely not a good place to try.

Slowly, the five elements of light restored the original brilliance, and the powerful power of fire returned to Dan Tianzhi again.


As He Yiming’s mind turns, the powerful wood power and the earth’s power are also entering the five elements.

A moment, although He Yiming did not release any power, but it can do one step.

It is to make him ecstatic.

When I wanted to borrow the power of the earth, he only used the soil printing method, and used the sky to print.

Inspired by the inspiration, the power of the power of the earth can be released. But at the moment, he only needs to use five rows of rings,

The power of these gods can be easily borrowed.

There is a lot of pride in his heart. If Franklin is in front of him, then he will

Do not hesitate to come forward to challenge.

Attacking the power of God, guarding the mysterious tortoise shell, even when facing the strong peak of humanity, he is also not afraid



The magma suddenly violently tumbling up, like there is a huge monster underneath


He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and the center of the magma churning was the location where Bao pig stayed. If this little guy

There are three long and two short, then he can't regret it.

However, He Yiming is also a weird heart. It seems to be here when I explored it at the Shinto level.

Except for him and Bao pig, there is no more living creatures, and this is He Yiming’s reassuring no longer monitoring treasure.

The biggest reason for pigs.

Suddenly, the tumbling magma cracked from it, and a red figure slammed up.

When he saw this red figure, He Yiming’s eyes lit up.

Although the color of the fur on the pig has changed, he still recognizes it at a glance.

Perhaps it is because the time spent in the magma is too long, so the treasure pig body becomes

The red color is like blood, and the original cute little guy is afraid of people at the moment.

However, the change in appearance is only to make He Yiming slightly stunned, in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the gods. India's throne seeks magic and pride the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 夜 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to the treasure pig at this moment

After the raging sigh of breath, He Yiming’s heart was completely relieved.

Although the breath of Bao pig is still not as terrible as that of the white horse, it is already infinite.

It is close to the ancestors of the Yu family who have just condensed the body of the Five Elements.

With the talent of the little guy, as long as the cultivation continues, reaching the realm of white horse lightning, it is definitely not

It's hard.

Bao pig glanced at his body and seemed to feel quite ugly. It screamed a few times and was

There was a white light suddenly appearing. After the light dissipated, the red color on the skin had already retreated.

The white body was restored.

At this point, Bao pig only grinned.

He Yiming shook his head slightly, his eyes moving toward the magma that was still tumbling.

Later, he saw a fire dragon rising from the magma, after playing a turn in midair,

Re-entered into the magma.

There was a slight smile on his mouth. After the cultivation of his own pig, he even released a nine-toothed nail.

Hey, let the nine fire dragons absorb the power of spiritual fire here.

The fire dragon among the nine-toothed nails is much stronger than the small fire dragon that He Yiming has condensed himself.

After this baptism, suddenly changed into a reborn. Let's spin in the air, keep changing

The end of eventually turned into a complete integration.

In ninety-nine, it became a particularly huge fire dragon.

Although this dragon is still unable to compare with the old guys in the Kowloon furnace,

But they also have their own style and majesty.

Bao pig stepped forward, so he re-entered the magma in the fire dragon, and began to absorb again.

Here is the endless power of fire.

This time, Bao pig and fire dragon stayed in the magma for three days and three nights. When Bao pig finally jumped on

At the moment when the fire dragon was brought up, even He Yiming’s heart had a strong taboo.

He has an inexplicable feeling that the power of the nine-nine-one fire dragon is only the same.

An incredible realm...

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