Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 288: Entering the sea

A little bit, there is no earth-shattering momentum and pressure, just like reaching out and gently stroking the forehead of the younger generation, He Yiming's right index finger is between the eyebrows of Yu's ancestors.

That cockroach is full of fierce taste, it seems that He Yiming has not been able to hide this sudden finger.

The human peak that hides a blood coagulation in the body is attracted by a similar kind of breath. Its instinct tells it that if it can swallow this kind of power, its own power can be incredibly increased. This increase is not an ordinary improvement, but an evolution.

Evolve into a higher order existence, and even be able to get rid of all the struggles and become a legend of the times.

However, when the Yuzu ancestor, who was manipulated by the blood coagulator, came to He Yiming's side, the blood coagulation in the body suddenly appeared. Under the singular suppression of the other party, it could no longer make any action. And reacted.

It's like being in the natural world, when the absolute weak are seeing the strong who can kill them without any effort, they will be scared to be unable to move.

The frogs that are stared at by the serpents will no longer move until they are swallowed by the viper without any resistance.

At this moment, the coagulation person in the ancestors of Yujia has such a horrible feeling.

On the ancestral home of Yujia, there is a large number of dark secrets arranged by Garfield. These secret methods link the idea between the blood coagulation and Jimo Fanshu to the complete cut. Therefore, Jimo Fanzhu does not know what happened to the competition in the Yujia ancestors.

Similarly, Garfield could not guess why the ancestors of Yujia suddenly became crazy.

However, they also did not think that this matter would be related to He Yiming, because the changes have already come out of the cognitive range of everyone.

He Yiming's eyes flickered, and the breath released by the Shinto coagulation person actually attracted the Yu family ancestors, and at the moment of approaching him, he was made by the Shinto coagulation.

At this time, He Yiming had already guessed that the reason why Yu's ancestors could be refining into sputum should also be related to coagulation. If this is not the case, the Shinto coagulant in his body will not be able to show signs of recovery after hearing the roar of Yu's ancestors, and for the first time, he has actively released such a strange atmosphere to attract bees.

In my heart, there was a strange thought, and He Yiming clearly knew that this was not the idea that was produced in his mind, but that he was conveyed from the thoughts of the Shinto coagulation who had slept in his mind for more than a year. Request.

Without thinking, He Yiming extended his finger and knocked the point of benefit to come to him, suddenly becoming the eyebrow of the wood ancestor.

The red light flashed, and the Shinto coagulant in his dantian was transferred from the point where it was connected to the body of the ancestors.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment for a moment, even if the two dark shackles that are engaged in the battle of life and death are involuntarily distracting a little energy.

Everyone saw it...

Yu's ancestors rushed toward He Yiming like a madman, and He Yiming reached out to Yu's ancestors, and then the top-ranking humanity 巅峰傀儡 stayed in midair for a moment.

Then his body fell down into the sea. In his eyebrows, a finger-sized hole shimmers with bright red blood, and the deep heart is so cold.

Huang Table ancestors and Garfield almost screamed at the same time.

How did the two of them cultivate, and it was only after the thoughts were swept that they had already understood that there was no longer a little bit of life on this one.

He Yiming’s point of view, even cut off all the vitality in this body, and did not even leave it.

Although they don't know how He Yiming did it, I don't think why this power is so powerful and incredible.

However, both of these dark monks understood that this flaw was completely abolished.

Among them, Gima Fanshi is even more heart-wrenching, because he feels that the group in his mind seems to be sleeping and the idea of ​​coagulation has begun to dissipate.

When the Yujia ancestors lost contact and was controlled by Garfield, the group of coagulation ideas in his mind was just like sleeping in hibernation. However, at this moment, this idea has begun to dissipate.

The difference between the two represents what he is, but he is clear.

There was a sharp, full of grievances in the mouth.

This time the loss is really too big, not only the death of his most outstanding descendants, but even the shackles he cultivated with the blood coagulations have disappeared.

The ancestors of the Yu family ancestors will be gone, but the coagulation person is the heart of his centuries. Once dissipated, the blow to him is really unimaginable.

For a time, there was boundless anger in his heart, and the object that allowed him to vent this anger was not He Yiming, but the Western Dark Speaker.

If it wasn’t for Sheffield’s hijacking, then there would be many irreparable consequences.

The more he was shot, the more hot he was, and there was a faint radiance in his body. When the light flashed out of the mysterious one, it suddenly brought endless tremendous pressure.

Gardell’s face changed dramatically, and he exclaimed: “The power of blood.”

Although their previous fights were in jeopardy, the two sides did not agree to leave one hand and did not release the power of God at the bottom of the box.

But at this moment, I don’t know what the madness of the Gimafan spider is, even the power of God is intended to be used.

Once the two top-ranking humanity peaks begin to use their respective powers of God, it means that the two sides are truly endless, and they have to separate one life and death.

Faced with the world's first assassin who seems to have lost his sense of reason, Garfield's heart finally gave birth to a retreat.

It’s not a wise choice for him to fight with a madman.

Under the continuous flashing figure, Garfield was already fleeing like a snake. He flew toward Franklin's side, and shouted in his mouth: "Join.

Franklin was sullen, and when his family attacked He Yiming, his heart was filled with joy. He thought that Garfield won in the battle with Huang Quan's ancestors, so the commander attacked He Yiming. But then he immediately understood that this was not the case.

The Yuzu ancestors turned out to be unrestrained and he was blown into the sea by He Yiming, and it was unacceptable.

At this moment, see Garfield gave up the dignity of the speaker, and he came to him and asked to join forces. The pope of the Western Temple did not hesitate to point his head.

The strength of He Yiming and Huang Quan's ancestors and others is really huge. If you don't use that trick, I am afraid that only today will be defeated.

The stick of light was placed flat on the chest, and the stick was brightly splashed. It seemed that the whole world was covered by this light from somehow.

Garfield's thin body came to the side of the Pope like a big monkey. His body swayed slightly, and a black line appeared in the middle of the light.

However, this shadow does not compete with the light to shine the power of the world. It is closely following the light, and casts its own shadow in the dark corner.

It is like the shadow of darkness born with light. Although there is no dazzling light, the power hidden in the dark is even more heart-rending.

Light and shadow, when light and darkness are combined, they are combined into a magical power.

This kind of power is no longer the same, but complement each other and form a perfect whole.

However, this class 7 and the dark world are not yet stable, and it seems that they are slowly exploring and integrating. But even so, the power of power released from this dark world is also a source of sorrow for everyone.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and even Jimo Fanshu, who wanted to continue to go forward and kill Garfield, stopped.

Although his heart can't wait to smash the dark speaker, but his reason still exists, knowing that if he hits the front, he will not be Garfield, but he himself.

"Glory, 嘿嘿 嘿嘿 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉 吉

He Yiming naturally will not have any objection. He said: "What is the ancestor of the ancestors."

"The combination of light and darkness is the most powerful martial art in the West, just like the flowers of the Five Elements of the Eastern World." The voice of Jimmy Fantastic was a bit unwilling: "I want to break their light and darkness." The world must have overwhelming power."

He Yiming is awkward, in the face of the two human peaks of the nine heavens ~ ~ and in their hands have imitation **** soldiers, want to find overwhelming power, which is almost impossible thing.

"The three of us can join hands to try it out." Jimo Fanshu said coldly: "If your Bao pig can release the same Kowloon one, it is more certain."

In addition, I realized the earth-shattering blow that was released by Bao pig, and Jimo Fanshu has already recognized the strength of Bao pig.

Although this power cannot last, it is an unexpected and powerful role to use at a critical moment.

He Yiming said with a wry smile: "The treasure pig has just been released, and it is impossible to start again."

In the eyes of Jimo Fanturi, there was a hint of pity. He also saw the scene, and his heart was shocked. But after seeing the situation of Baozi’s fall, he knew that this time he was afraid of not counting. Shangbao pig's Kowloon is one, and now it seems that his premonition is correct.

After a long sigh, Jimo Fanshu calmed down again, and he sighed: "We are joining forces to attack with the most powerful force, hoping to smash them before they form a real light and dark world. Under the horse."

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