Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 289: Light and dark

The light in front of him had a slight fluctuation again, and He Yiming immediately felt a huge force spreading from the front.

That is the power of light, and it is a force of light that is far stronger than before.

Under the joint efforts of two powerful human peaks, the power of light and darkness has even more powerful power.

He Yiming's face color emblem is changed, he quietly feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The great Zhou Dynasty royal family has this power, and the heart is faint.

But the same, the stronger the power, the more he expects in his heart.

Because in his chaotic dantian, not only has the power of the Five Elements, but also the power of light and darkness. If one day, he can master this special martial art that unites light and darkness and gives more power, can you achieve such a fearful level.

Although he had united the forces of light and dark when he was promoted to the Nine Heavens, it was only a blend of them, but far from the exaggeration of the power released by the two human peaks.

"Thunder whistle, go all out."

With this sentence, the huge instinct began to flow from He Yiming's body, and his hand slowly lifted up. The light that was released from his hand was not the multicolored radiance of the five elements, but the golden earth power of the gods.

Although he has many different powers of God in his body, He Yiming is the most experienced in the use of the power of the earth, so at this moment, he unconsciously released the most familiar power of God. .

With a wave of his wrist, the fork sword disappeared, and he slowly extended his hand, and a **** color flashed from his palm.

They all know that light and dark are like the tip of a needle, and if they stand on two different extremes, if they succeed in harmony, then the power released will definitely be unimaginable.

Of course, it is easier said that you want to make these two forces succeed. As long as they put enough pressure before this, they may be able to break the balance between light and dark, and let the two of them be countered by these two powerful forces.

After receiving the command of He Yiming, the white horse thunderbolt suddenly splashed a purple electric awn, and the visible arc of the naked eye was swaying around it, which was shocking.

However, He Yiming and Bao pig, who are sitting on the white horse, are leisurely and self-sufficient, and they are not affected by this force. It can be seen that Baima’s ability to control lightning has indeed reached its peak.

A shout came out of He Yiming's mouth. As the whistling sounded, there seemed to be a roar of sound in the entire sky.

Although this sound is far less shocking than the dragon's dragon, but it is also like a blue sky, with the huge momentum of him and the white horse, there is no majesty.

Gima Fanshu’s heart leaped slightly, and he quickly flashed a thought. This person is so strong when he is so young, then will his pace really stay in the realm of Jiuzhongtian?

However, the Nine Skys is already the peak of humanity. After the physical fitness of human beings has reached this level, it is no longer possible to have a qualitative leap.

Except for the legendary Shinto, He Yiming’s way forward seems to be blocked as well.

However, for this young man who has repeatedly created miracles, can he find another Tongtian Avenue?

This thought is constantly entangled in his mind, but his movements are not slow. Together with He Yiming’s earth power and white horse’s strong purple power, three powerful forces are simultaneously directed toward the light and dark. The world shrouded Franklin and Garfield.

The sky suddenly burst into a huge light. Although the power of He Yiming’s monks was strong, they soon appeared. When the light and dark power merged, it turned into an unfathomable bottomless pit. It seems to contain endless power.

After the two sides stalemate for a while, a more powerful force counterattacked, and even He Yiming raised a dangerous premonition in their hearts.

Unanimously, He Yiming, Baima Leidian and Jimo Fanshu fled to the rear at the same time.

In an instant, a huge light spread, and this rolled through the void of the three of them. The power of this power is already incredible, and seems to be even bigger than the power of the three human peaks.

He Yiming’s face was quite ugly, saying: “What is this?”

Jimo Fanshu said coldly: "The light and the dark are combined, they have already finished."

He Yiming’s heart moved, saying: “The power of light and darkness is so powerful, can’t it be solved?”

The voice of Gimovan is still as cold as ever: "In the Western world, the light and the darkness are the most powerful forces. For thousands of years, not the power of light overwhelm the darkness, or the power of darkness overwhelming the light. In this generation, Franklin is the body of light, the dark body of Garfield, so the light and dark forces in the Western world form a rare balance. He pauses and continues, when the light and dark power from the nine heavens When the light and dark bodies are released, they represent the most powerful martial arts in the Western world.

This is not something we can crack. ”

He Yiming's brow wrinkled and said: "Is there really no way?" His gaze glanced at the wilted Bao pig. If the little guy swallowed Shiraishi, he should be able to restore his strength quickly.

It seems that I saw the frame-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break the power of this light and darkness."

He Yiming’s double eyebrows picked one up and said: “The body of the Five Elements, I also have it.”

Gima Fanshi is still a cold road: "You have the body of the Five Elements, but there is no power of the Five Elements, and the same is not true."

Between a few words, the power of light and dark has gradually recovered from the violent fluctuations, and a huge force has come to the fore. It seems that it is going to crush everything in the world. .

The face of Gima Fanshu changed and said: "He brother, the old man took the first step and said goodbye."

He Yiming was slightly stunned and quickly said: "Is this ancestor going away?"

"When the two of them are together, the old man is powerless, but..." Gimfanfan sneered, Yi: "They won't always be together."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the world’s first assassin began to sway continuously. Then, like a shell of artillery, he flew from the air to the sea.

At the moment, the sea is still burning with raging fire. It seems that the floating sea is not a sea of ​​hope, but a pot of boiling oil.

However, the dexterity of Gemo Fanshu’s movements, he passed through the fire blockade and disappeared instantly.

He Yiming's face is unpredictable, he feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the demon, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night god, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens Forcibly abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the night, killing the gods, the gods, seeking the magic, the arrogant world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou royals. The gradual smoothness of the light and darkness in front of you is a bit hesitant.

This time, although he had teamed up with Huang Quan’s ancestors, he knew that he had a hard-to-unlock enemies between himself and the world’s first assassin. If this encounter, without the common enemy of these two Western powers, perhaps it is their turn to meet.

At this time, He Yiming also wanted to go away in spite of everything, but his eyes gazed at the sea, and his eyes still flashed with a hint of uncertainty.

In his mind, a familiar idea is slowly recovering, and a little bit of activity has begun to take off.

This is the idea of ​​the sacred blood coagulation. Since the body of the sacred blood coagulation person has entered the body of the ancestors of the ancestors, it has started a strong devouring action with the coagulation person hidden in the body.

Both of them want to swallow each other and want to absorb the strength of each other to strengthen themselves.

Although the blood coagulation of the refining of Gimafanshu was sealed by Garfield, its own power did not weaken. The Shinto coagulator refining by He Yiming suffered a near-destructive blow in the sea of ​​light in the cycle of life and death. Although he absorbed a lot of power in He Yiming's Chaotian Dantian, he was able to repair the relic, but his own breath. But it is still weak.

However, when these two different forces met in the body of Yu's ancestors, the strong and strong Huangquan coagulation person could not resist He Yiming's Shinto coagulation.

When the Shinto coagulum was restored to its original state, centered on the Shinto relics, when the 107 reigns of the relics released the momentum at the same time, they suddenly suppressed the coagulation of Huang Quan’s ancestors, and it was easy to Absorb the power of those relics.

Now, in the sea, He Yiming’s Shinto coagulation is refining these forces and trying to control the rare Five Elements.

He Yiming can sense that, for a quarter of an hour, he will be able to see a shackle that belongs to him.

In this case, of course, he is not willing to wave with Huang Quan's ancestors The shadows in the sky flash, the colorful rays converge. One hundred and eight has already landed.

"He is gone." One hundred and eight said calmly.

He Yiming naturally understands that one hundred and eight is the ancestor of Huang Quan. When he thinks that the strength of this person is still so jealous, what is the light and darkness, his heart is faint.

The ancestors of Huang Quan did not go into the sea to hide their whereabouts. They wanted to be the fishermen who benefited after the fight, but they really gave up all hatred and stayed away from this place as quickly as possible.

It can be seen that he has already determined that under the light and darkness of the two strong men in the West, He Yiming is a helper and not an opponent.

Coldly snorted, He Yiming said: "Isn't it just a combination of light and darkness, let them also look at my light and darkness."

His palm turned over and there was a powerful force from his left and right hands.

Above the left hand is a grayish black color, but above the right hand, it is a bright light...

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