Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 293: Dead idea

He Yiming’s footsteps suddenly stopped. He stared at the black mist in front of him. The whole body was really angry, but the heart was a town-specific abnormality. Although his age is not large among the practitioners, there are quite a few strange events he has encountered.

Although the things born in front of us are definitely the most unpredictable ones, He Yiming still has no feeling of panic. Especially after he saw the power of Shinto with his own eyes, the more it happened.

After careful observation, He Yiming’s eyes were faintly flashed with a strange color. Of course, he couldn't recognize what it was, but his thoughts swept, but let him know that this black mist seemed to be a group of thoughts, just like the idea of ​​coagulation in his mind.

The black mist slowly squirmed and seemed to be struggling. He Yiming hesitated for a moment, and finally decided. He let go of his own ideas and took the initiative to start a different idea with the group.

When the two ideas came into contact, the black mist suddenly stopped and splashed. But this is only a moment, and then it is like the support of some kind of power, and immediately turned into a tremendous change.

The next moment, the black mist became a head, and it was exactly the same as Garfield's life. On that thin face, even the pair of unpredictable eyes were exactly the same.

At the same time, from the magical head, there was a voice from Garfield. "Hello, thank you for your help."

He Yiming snorted, and his fox was suspicious. This is really Garfield's idea. After receiving the support of his own power, his mind has successfully condensed his original appearance in an instant.

However, people's minds can actually do this step, which is what makes him feel very surprised.

And in his memory, he has never seen any records about this aspect. It seems that in the ancient books, there is no such record. "Garfield, you didn't die."

"No, I am already dead." Garfield's head looked at his body. His voice was filled with infinite emotion. "But I didn't look good, so I survived for a while. He Yiming's brow wrinkled. Tao: "Can people's minds simply survive? ”

When he asked this sentence, the heart could not help but vigorously beat a few times. If it is an ordinary person, even if the general innate powers have encountered such a thing, I am afraid that they will think that they are alive.

However, He Yiming, who already has the ability to think, has a deep understanding of the power of his mind.

Only by possessing the idea can you be honored as the five-powered sage, and you can fly like a bird by the light of the gods.

Of course, the most important thing is that above the main peak of Tianchi, He Yiming has seen the inheritance of the small dragons who have died for hundreds of years. From that moment on, he had a vague idea, and at this moment he saw the idea of ​​Garry alone after his death, and the more intense his mind was.

Garfield's illusory face showed a vivid smile: "I don't know if people's ideas can live alone, but I know that my thoughts will soon dissipate."

He Yiming was slightly stunned and looked at his thoughts carefully. There was a little bit of hidden virtue. The black mist of the scorpion is dissipating in a slow degree. Even if it is supplemented by the power of its own mind, there is no tendency to reverse it, just delaying the process. He sighed, and the fanatical thought in his heart was suddenly dispelled. "You are not willing to die." He Yiming sighed: "If there is any wish, let me talk about it."

Although both sides are enemies, Garfield is the first human-powered peak who has fallen in front of him. Even if it is for his nine-day identity, it is worthy of respect.

If the other party’s wish is only a trivial matter, then He Yiming does not mind helping him.

Garfield’s face condensed and he said: “Thank you.”

He Yiming brows slightly wrinkled, but did not speak.

Garfield’s gaze looked at a certain direction of the sea. “When the battle of today, our dark world will not dare to be against you, so I hope that you can let go of Greenton.” He Yiming laughed and said, "I haven't chased after their leisure time."

At the time when Bao pig set fire to the island, although most of the Westerners were dead, those who reached the level of the Sayādaw had their magical powers, either sneaked into the ground or sneaked into the sea. Of course, the bursting of the pigs in Kowloon is also a different matter. It also burned a few new sages.

Subsequently, the sorrow of the Yujia ancestors divided the whole island into two halves, and set off a stormy wave in the sea. The power of the vast heaven and earth at this moment unleashed the release of the power of the Shinto.

The masters who stayed at the bottom of the island's land, although not crossed by this sword, but they were shocked by this powerful force to the hard-boiled.

The sacredness of the Shinto is crossed, and the whole island is like being hit by a bronze bell. The powerful power spreads through every inch of the land, and the masters who are clever and hidden in the island are the end. It can be imagined.

In contrast, the sages who had escaped into the sea have been dazzled by the waves, but the power of the sea is so small that they can still keep their lives. Then these people immediately went desperately and never dared to stay here again.

Of course, Franklin’s use of Garfield as a shield also fell into the eyes of these people. Only after seeing this scene, no one dared to look back, except that they escaped faster.

In He Yiming’s induction, there were four of the people who escaped this time, including the most outstanding newcomer to the Dark Alliance, Greenton. Garfield lowered his gaze and said, "Thank you, thank you."

He Yiming smiled slightly. Once these people go back, they will definitely spread the real cause of death in Garfield. The light and dark power of the entire Western world will surely become a mess.

The dark speaker raised his head again, like an irregular ball pulling up, making people's hearts invisible. "Hello, in order to repay your favor, I have a few small gifts for you."

He Yiming smiled coldly and said: "Lord Garfield, these gifts should be on your body, then you think I still need your gift."

Garfield did not erode, but smiled and said: "Hello, there is a part of the gift on my body, but in addition, I will provide some information of interest to you."

He Yiming's eyes are bright, and the identity of the other party, coupled with his intention to dissipate at this moment, will certainly not be deceived. "You said."

Garfield’s gaze moved to the white horse thunder, saying, “This sacred beast, should be a top sacred beast with a rare thunderbolt attribute.”

He Yiming nodded silently, as long as he was a slightly visionary person, he would certainly be able to see this. However, since Garfield proposed it, then he said that these things must be related to the white horse lightning.

Sure enough, Garfield continued: "Hello, your thunder and lightning sacred beast has the rare ability to act as a light warrior, but you have not let it light the sacred soldiers, is it because you can't find the gods that match it? "He Yiming's eyes suddenly brightened, he was surprised, "White horse can light the soldiers?"

Garfield stunned, only to know that He Yiming did not know anything about it. He affirmed: "This seat will definitely not be wrong. If you don't believe it, you may wish to try it later. He Yiming Turning to look at the white horse, I saw a flash of surprise in its eyes.

For White Horse, the biggest regret is that it will not fly, so when faced with the peak of humanity, it is often in an unfavorable state.

If it can also behave like a treasure pig, then as long as it can fly with the light of the gods, it will be satisfied.

He Yiming has been indulged for a moment, and finally he has some enlightenment.

It is certainly impossible for the white horse to thrive before the light, but after absorbing the inner king of the silver pheasant, it should have the ability to produce this mutation. It’s just that my experience is too shallow, and I have been staying with Baima, so I didn’t see it. On the contrary, it is the fact that my enemy has seen some clues from it. It is really shameful.

Garfield’s head seemed to have become a little bleak. He quickly said: “Hello, on my body, there is a space ring with some rare things, one of which is very suitable for your companion.” He Yiming Shen Sheng: "What?" "Lei Zhenzi."

He Yiming took a deep breath and his heart was dark. He didn't even think of Lei Zhenzi, but it was really stupid. However, he then looked pale and said: "Her Lord Garfield, the thunder and lightning is nothing but a top sacred beast, but Lei Zhenzi is an artifact. Do you think it can control it?

Garfield smiled and said The physique of human beings and sacred beasts is different. Your sacred beast should have the blood of the beast. As long as you don't make twenty-four thunders vibrating at the same time, then it can withstand and control. ”

He Yiming hesitated, but he had to admit that Garfield’s words were very reasonable. With the physical fitness of the white horse, as long as it is not a full set of artifacts, it should not cause too much burden on it.

Garfield’s head is getting more and more bleak, and his voice is getting faster and faster: “Hello, there are two thunders on my body, but on Franklin’s body, there are six lightning thunders, if you can With all the thunders in hand, the eight thunders will definitely be able to deliver the most powerful power."

He Yiming’s heart suddenly moved, and as the human head was about to dissipate, he quickly asked: “Is the space power released by Franklin to be a break?”

"That is the guardian power of the Temple of Light, the first artifact of the temple. Franklin's ability can only be released once a day."

Garfield’s mind was getting more and more blurred, and he finally disappeared completely, and his reverberation echoed in this empty land, as his strong unwillingness, for a long time.

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