Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 294: Dark to treasure

He Yiming looked at the black fog in front of him and gradually dissipated. I don't know why, his heart doesn't have much joy. The anti-preparation is a feeling of rabbit dead fox alley. A humane peak, in this world where the Shinto disappears, has a pivotal position.

For everyone, they are standing at the top of the world, such a character is almost an undead legend.

But at this moment, a strong person who is in the peak of humanity has fallen in front of his eyes, and even the powerful ideas have been dissipated. I have to say that there is no feeling in my heart, I am afraid that no one believes.

With a long sigh, He Yiming searched for Garfield's body. Now he is no longer the fledgling teenager of the year. When he arbitrarily moved a few times, he searched the best things in the dark power.

Garfield's body is a robes, and this robes should look like a very precious treasure. But unfortunately, under the thunder of the monks, this treasure did not play any defensive role, the arm and thigh parts have completely disappeared. The attacking power of the Shinto people is really not able to resist under the Shinto.

In addition to this robes, He Yiming's greatest achievement is a space ring. His previous conjectures were not wrong. Although the number of space items was extremely rare, they could still find one in these nine-day powerhouses.

He sent the infuriating gas into the ring, and He Yiming immediately saw many precious items. Among these things, there were various precious raw materials and some unknown objects. However, most of them are Western specialties, not to mention the one-half bucket of He Yiming, even if the old man like Jimofan is not necessarily able to recognize it. However, the one that is most interested in He Yiming is two white round beads. Taking these two things in their hands, He Yiming immediately confirmed their identity.

Lei Zhenzi, the artifact from the East, Lei Zhenzi, will actually fall into the hands of the Western powerhouse, it is really a sad thing. However, he was quite happy to be able to get the two thunders in his hand.

Today, there are a total of twelve Lei Zhenzi in He Yiming's hand, plus these two are fourteen. If, as Garfield said, there are six words in the hands of His Majesty the Pope, then he will be able to find a full twenty Lei Zhenzi. There are only twenty Lei Zhenzi in the whole set of artifacts, and if you can collect twenty...

He Yiming’s lips squirmed a bit. This is a powerful temptation, and it is a temptation that he can’t refuse at all. "Would you like to find Franklin in ancient times?" The sound of the hundred and eight sounded slowly behind him. He Yiming has a slight glimpse, but he rarely cares about his safety.

However, since he asked, He Yiming naturally would not conceal his mind: "Of course, go, even for the six relics, technology can not give up this opportunity." He paused, He Yiming asked Dao: "Hundred brothers, have you said before that there is the ability of the appraiser to lie, is the president of the dark council lying?" "I don't know." One hundred and eight calm words: "I only identify the living people. The ability to lie, but for a dead person, I can't do anything about it."

He Yiming gently tapped his forehead, and his heart was also faintly cold. He just said a long time with a dead person. If you pass this out, I really don't know how many people will believe in themselves. "Garfield is blaming." One hundred and eight continued: "He was not willing to be attacked by Franklin, so I want you to avenge him."

He Yiming smiled and said: "I know, and Garfield knows that I can see it. So he will throw the bait of Lei Zhenzi. Because he knows, I can't refuse this bait at all." He turned and light. Lightly stroking a few times on the neck of the white horse, said: "I also want to see if it can make up for 20 Lei Zhenzi, and then cooperate with the power of lightning itself, then what kind of realm will be reached."

When he said this, he glanced at the Yujia ancestors who were not far behind and behind him.

This powerful oracle is like a wooden man at the moment, and it is more like a fool than when he first left the valley.

However, the power of this fool is really incredible, and even He Yiming is also self-proclaimed. He leaned down and He Yiming turned the six soldiers in front of him one by one.

These six sacred soldiers are obviously the six gliders in front of Garfield. With the power of the speaker, the sacred soldiers of his ancestors are naturally different.

However, among these soldiers, the only thing that can make He Yiming look at the eyes is the dark chain.

This is a long iron strip, nothing to do with darkness, engraved with mysterious runes. When He Yiming's hand picked up the imitation artifact, he could clearly sense that a powerful force permeated from this soldier. Above the seemingly inconspicuous soldiers, there is a strangely aggressive power to the extreme. If the ordinary person holds this soldier, I am afraid that it will be immediately injured by the above forces. Even the loss of life may not be known.

Curious eyes fell on this dark necklace, and He Yiming was the first to see such a hegemonic weapon.

He hesitated a moment, the infuriating out of the body, want to enter this god. But very quickly, his brow wrinkled. Because he is now, the five elements of his own instinct can not control this soldier.

It is not because there are obstacles in the power of other people within the gods, but the soldiers themselves do not allow the entry of the five elements of infuriating.

He even has the feeling that if he forced himself to enter the five elements of the true gas into the gods, the only result is that the dark chain will burst and disappear. Between the mind and the micro-motion, He Yiming's infuriating transformation in the body turned into a dark air after the moment.

This time, unexpectedly smooth, his darkness entered the necklace without any hindrance, and he gained control of the gods easily.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night kills the gods and gods, the throne seeks the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royals, this scene, even He Yiming’s heart It's a bit weird. Among the soldiers, there was no such thing as Garfield’s infuriating. He sighed and waved a few times, and the air suddenly added a few magical illusions.

This dark chain turned into a dreamlike snake that flew in the air, and what really surprised He Yiming was that Franklin did not make a mistake. When using the dark power, the nine-day use of the dark chain At the time, it was able to release three times the power.

Of course, this level of power increase is not in the eyes of He Yiming, because the strength of the strength of the five elements has reached five times more terrible. So he does not care about the ability of the dark chain in this regard.

After waving a half-sound, He Yiming’s brow wrinkled. This thing is really good. Not only does it have the power to increase its power, but when it comes to people, the dark chain still has a real illusion and nothingness. The ability to influence audiovisual. This ability is quite powerful at any level. But unfortunately, these two abilities have become a bit confusing for He Yiming.

The growth of the five-line ring has passed the dark chain, and the sword of Aurora in his hand is able to achieve all stealth. By contrast, he is not so valued for the dark chain.

Of course, He Yiming also understands that what can be called a replica artifact is certainly not that simple. But the power that He Yiming majored in was the five elements, but not the light and darkness of the West.

Hesitating for a moment, He Yiming reached out and threw the weapon to the direction of the ancestors of the Yu family. At the same time, he used his ideas to convey his own commands to the past. The ancestors of Yujia reached out and took this imitation artifact in their hands. "Try it." He Yiming gave his orders without hesitation.

The hands of Yu’s ancestors waved a black cloud in his body, which was the ultimate performance of the dark chain.

However, at this moment, the power of the heavens and the earth around it was once again surging, and the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, which was already thin and almost no, was absorbed almost at once.

Then, a sudden explosion came suddenly, and there were countless black fog in the air.

He Yiming changed his face and quickly ordered to stop.

He regretted it in his heart, and he should have thought that this shackle would have been done. Once it was started, it was immediately the sacred power of the gods.

Although there is not enough space in the world to squander so I can no longer come out with an unbeatable thunder. However, in terms of his own quality, once there is movement, the harm caused is absolutely not small. Fortunately, for He Yiming's words, he still stopped listening to all the movements.

He Yiming fixed his eyes and couldn't help but take a sigh of relief. This dark chain hangs on his body like this, but the color of the whole chain has a strange change. In the dark colors, it seems that there is still a hint of red, which is shocking.

He Yiming sneaked a bit and immediately understood that this was the subconscious of Yujia's ancestors who instilled the power of the blood coagulation. Fortunately, what he controls is the imitation of the artifact-level treasure. If it is a general soldier, I am afraid that it will be exploded immediately. After a bitter smile, He Yiming finally collected this soldier.

The power of 傀儡 is indeed very powerful, but it is very regrettable, even if it is rich in his own body, there is no way to match him with the appropriate soldiers.

The other squadrons on the ground were collected. Although these squadrons are not as powerful as the five-line ring and the dark chain, each one is not a vanity, even if it falls to the general sage. The hand will definitely be regarded as a treasure, so of course he will not let it go.

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