Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 307: Explosion

The 307th chapter exploded and the huge force was worn from He Yiming's hand. His body trembled a little, and then He Yiming was hard-boiled out of this piece of light.

The power of light released from the temple rose up to the sky, and they were shrouded in them, but at this moment, He Yiming showed an alternative means of giving himself and the power of light in Franklin’s body. Cut off.

This is the use of the power of the source, he released his own source of power, and blocked the power of the pervasive light.

Although the power of light claims to be all-encompassing, when it encounters the power of the world, it cannot express its proper energy. In the past, in the sea of ​​light, the yin armor that blends the power of the source can even block the invasion of the power of light, not to mention the pure source of power at this time.

When the power of light was cut off, He Yiming was already dragging his hands to prevent Franklin from flying out of the world covered by the light.

Franklin had an incredible shouting sound. He immediately understood the intention of He Yiming. The infuriating body was boiling like a boiling water. The bright stick in his hand was desperately moving toward He Yiming. Go, every time you click, there is a powerful light force to bombard.

Faced with these infuriating attacks that are far less inferior to the power of light, He Yiming did not have the original ease of writing. His face was extremely dignified, and between the wrists, the five-ring ring had already appeared in his hand. The five-color ray turned into a colorful light wheel, blocking all attacks from the stick of light.

At this point, the two of them were very close, and one of He Yiming’s hands firmly held one hand of Franklin, and the weapons on both sides were even more dazzling, not seemingly in that powerful light. Under power.

However, after the two of them left the two huge beams of light, the light power released from the temple suddenly began to weaken with an extremely fast degree. It’s just a moment of effort, and it seems that the omnipresent power of light has become nothing.

Bao pig and white horse looked at each other, and the two holy beasts finally understood the idea of ​​He Yiming.

No wonder He Yiming always emphasizes that this power does not belong to Franklin. Indeed, these powerful bright forces belong to this mysterious temple.

It is not easy to stimulate the power of light here. Franklin has gathered the power of thought of so many people, and this has succeeded in stimulating it. If he himself has been in this power, he can manipulate and use it arbitrarily. However, when the controller leaves the light, they will actively return to the temple.

The power of light is so powerful that once it is successful, they also have an unparalleled degree.

But in the same way, when the power of light begins to shrink, their degree is equally fast.

Seeing that the powerful light was about to disappear, Franklin’s eyes were all red, and he had an earth-shattering anger—the scream of the light in his hand, and he waved his hand to the wrist that he was firmly grasped by He Yiming.

A fierce blood splashed out, instantly reddening the sleeves of the Pope's armpits and the opposite He Yiming.

Franklin’s face was horrible, and his two days stared at the power of light that was about to disappear. At this time, his mind was not on the arm that had been cut, but thought wholeheartedly. Retain the bright power that is about to disappear.

After experiencing the power of the gods in the power of light, Franklin was already crazy, a crazy worship of absolute power. He would rather die, would rather pay any price, and would not want to lose the feeling that the whole body is full of strength.

Even the strongest person of humanity, after tasting a powerful force that is not his own, will become a slave of crazy power.

At this point, Franklin had only one thought in his heart. If he lost these forces, he would not be able to survive any more.

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse, although he had a foreboding, but did not expect Franklin to be so crazy and decided.

With a wave of his hand, he did not hesitate to break his arm, but also to retain the determination of the powerful light.

Hidden, He Yiming’s heart secretly rejoices, although he has absorbed the power of light, but because of Chaos Dantian’s sake, he does not have a similar feeling, and he cannot experience the pure light body in the sea of ​​light. The kind of intense pleasure and the feeling of controlling everything as you wish.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that He Yiming will become the second Franklin at this time. In any case, this piece of light power will not be allowed to disappear before it is exhausted.

The corner of his eyes fluttered a little, and he tried every means to get close to Franklin. He used the power of chaos to pull the person out of the light power, and at this moment he was able to reconnect with this horrible power.

The power of light like Shengran can't hurt He Yiming, but he knows that as long as Franklin is in the sea of ​​light, then he can't hurt the Cambodian man with a bright body.

If it really makes him reconcile with the power of the temple light, then unless it is to dispel the war of attrition, until they have exhausted all the power of light accumulated, they "don't want to win or lose."

With a gentle wave of the wrist, the sword of Aurora has already flown out. This sword has no weight, and in terms of degree, it can definitely be ranked in the first few of all the soldiers.

Franklin’s head did not return, as if he had a pair of eyes behind him, and the stick was already on the tip of the sword of the Aurora Sword.

The sword of Aurora has a slight tremor, and the North Sea aurora is suddenly shot.

However, this time Franklin was even more ignorant. His robes suddenly lit up, forming an illusory mirror behind him. The North Sea aurora was on the mirror and suddenly reversed back.

He Yiming's eyes are bright, his long sighs, his hands are violently rotating, forming a force field similar to a black hole. The huge suction comes from here, he wants to drag as much as possible. Franklin's footsteps.

However, Franklin, who had already cut off his arm, had already decided to retain the power of light at all costs. His body shook a little, and the bright crown on his head shone with endless halo. Halo actually has a great power, and the suction created by He Yiming is resisted.

Franklin’s face showed a gratifying smile. Although he had just cut off one of his hands, he had to touch the power of the temple that had not yet fully converged. The heart of the Pope’s heart was very refreshing.

However, at this moment, it is in his hand! When the 砸 touched the light, the expression on his face was abruptly solidified.

His body is completely stiff, even if he can't even move it.

His heart is full of fear, which is an absolute fear from the depths of his heart.

The five elements of He Yiming’s hands stopped and he looked at each other with surprise. In fact, at the moment when Franklin’s strongman broke his wrist, he knew that his own surprise attack had only failed.

Franklin can easily give up his arms, so what else can stop him?

Seeing that Franklin is about to recover the bright power that is about to return completely, He Yiming’s heart is quickly calculating how he should be.

Perhaps, only with him kept consuming the power of light until the wealth accumulated in that year was squandered by the ruined family.

However, no one could have imagined that when Franklin was about to touch the light, he would automatically stop, and the whole body kept a posture without moving.

The light did not continue to stay outside, and they returned to the temple soon, and the temple built of countless high-order materials seemed so mysterious and full of power at this moment.

Everyone's eyes were concentrated on Franklin's body, and they all had the same suspicion in their hearts. - Why did Franklin fall short, and stopped all efforts before the upcoming success.

"The sound of the cracking of the sound from the body of Franklin rang, and his arm, the half-broken arm burst out, and a lot of blood flowed out of the wound. Even more than the blood left by his own arm.


The second, third, as if ignited a firecracker, a burst of sound from Franklin's body.

A variety of wounds also appeared on Franklin's body, and he was completely dyed into a big red blood man in an instant.

Franklin's throat squirmed softly. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end it was powerless to fall.

On his body, the crown of light, a light robes, and a stick of light, were covered with blood left from him.

He Yiming looked at this scene with a stunned He has been able to clearly sense that there is only the weakest breath in the body of a **** person, and this breath is only dying. It will only appear at that time.

I don't know, Franklin's body suddenly gave birth to some kind of strong variation, which will make his body become the end of the present.

The slow-moving retracted his eyes, and He Yiming blinked his eyes and had completely hidden the temple of the power of light. His heart suddenly became clear.

Gently sighed, He Yiming came to Franklin, who had fallen to the ground, even unable to maintain even standing. He said softly: "I have said that the power here is not yours. ""

Franklin's throat squirmed slightly, and he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he still couldn't fulfill his wish.

Long breath, Franklin has since died!

However, in his eyes, there is no remorse left, but a more fanatical look.

The power of the road, I have already had it...

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