Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 308: Call of thought

The smaller half of the city has become a ruin in the bounce of lightning and powerful forces. The result of this battle is even more unexpected.

After having the power of the minds of the great believers and the power of the temple to save for a thousand years, Franklin eventually died in this way, and no one could have expected it in advance.

What happened to his body? A familiar voice passed from the side.

He Yiming took a glance at his partner. In his memory, Hundred and Eight seems to have little concern for outsiders.

"Hundred brothers, Franklin manipulated the power that does not belong to him, and those forces brought too much burden to his body." He Yiming sinked and said slowly: "The cover and repair of the power of light His body can still be barely maintained, but once he is separated from the light, his body can no longer bear such heavy burdens and completely collapse.

Hundreds and eight slowly nodded his head, he looked at his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

He Yiming is a long and short sigh: "How much power is there, how much power is exerted. If you want to squander the power of Shinto with a weak constitution, then you are looking for death."

F. St. Clin was a humane peak when he was alive. Although his physical strength is not comparable to the Holy Beast, he has absolutely nothing to do with the weak. However, after hearing the evaluation of He Yiming, the two sacred beasts nodded in the same direction and recognized it very much.

Although the peak of humanity is strong, the Shinto is even more important. To control the power of Shinto with the human body, it is like letting a 10-year-old child wave a hammer of more than a hundred pounds.

Before killing the enemy, it is estimated that he will be crushed to death by the weight of the meteor hammer.

Compared to the realm of Shinto 9! In terms of strength, Franklin is indeed weak.

One hundred and eight turned suddenly and asked: "How is your body?"

When He Yiming was fighting against Franklin, he also accepted the filling of bright power. Since Franklin could not bear it, how could he be exceptional?

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming said calmly: "You can rest assured that I have not absorbed too much light power." He paused and said: "In fact, Franklin should also know this truth, but the power of light is pure. For him, the bright body is really a temptation to refuse, so he can't help but make his choice.

He Yiming’s words are quite regrettable. Although they are two enemies, when they see a humane peak and finally end their lives in this way, his heart is still very emotional.

The way of cultivation is really a dangerous road full of thorns. As long as you are negligent, you will be caught in a tumultuous result.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming leaned down and took Franklin’s crown, robes and bright sticks.

I flipped it a bit and found a space item on the pope. However, this space item made He Yiming quite surprised, because it turned out to be a rare belt.

He Yiming did not flip the things inside, but stuffed these things into the world of the five elements.

Although many places in the city have become ruins, there are still many eyes staring at He Yiming. When they saw He Yiming’s unrelenting removal of the treasures of the Pope’s body, it was no anger. However, no matter how resentful they are in their hearts, no one has dared to come out and stop from beginning to end.

The power of the power that He Yiming and others released after they came here has completely shocked everyone here. After the Pope’s squatting, no one dared to take the initiative to challenge He Yiming.

He collected all the things, He Yiming looked up and looked at the tall temple that still stood up, even without even a little damage, his eyes were quite weird.

The strong people hidden in the temple are cold in their hearts. Their faces are bleak, but their eyes are still unwavering.

If He Yiming really intends to dismantle the entire temple, then they will all die if they are all dead.

Perhaps, their strength is not enough to stop He Yiming, but before they die, He Yiming also wants to smoothly dismantle the entire temple.

However, after He Yiming only stared at the half-ring, he rode a white horse and rang:

"If people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, I will pay for it...

The voice has not fallen, the white horse has already spread the four hooves, and the momentary ran without a trace, and the long sound of the city continues to echo.

When the white figure disappeared into the sky, the number of figures flew from the temple.

They licked the **** body of Franklin, and each person’s face had a mournful look. The most powerful pillar of the gods’ centuries collapsed at this moment, so that the change could not make everyone Easy to accept. They are squinting and seem to be wondering if this is just a dream.

However, very quickly, the crying from all around immediately made them understand that all of this was true.

An old man who had to be white suddenly said: "Pray, let us summon the saints of the adults. Several people around him sat down in unison. Their identity in the temple is noble, even on weekdays. At the moment, they did not mind sitting on the ground, no matter whether the sewage was everywhere or bloody, they all sat down.

A weird voice came out of their mouth, filled with some powerful special power. Their energy is extremely concentrated, and every syllable seems to have consumed their great power. Soon, this strange way of embarrassing makes their bodies sweat.

However, no one gives up anyway, they seem to be convinced that there will be miracles.

After a long time, a little faint light emerged slowly on Franklin's body.

After seeing this scene, the more excited those people, the fatigue on them seemed to be swept away, and the sound coming out of the mouth became louder and louder.

At that point, the faint light began to condense and eventually became an illusory Franklin.

If He Yiming is here and sees this scene, then he will definitely remember the poor Dark Alliance Speaker.

The humanistic peak who was conceived by his own companions and his body, after death, relied on unparalleled strong willpower, or was unwilling to die, and wanted to drag people into the final belief of the launching, so he would explode It has existed in this world for a short time in the way of mind.

Franklin obviously didn't have such a strong willpower or a belief that he couldn't let it go, so when he died, his thoughts began to slowly dissipate.

However, the temple that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years has a mysterious and powerful power. Their elders used some sort of secret technique to reunite the Franklin idea that had gradually dissipated.

Although this time is not likely to be long, it is also an amazing thing.

"You... are all here." The illusory Franklin looked around, and he seemed to have let go of his mind, saying: "He Yiming is too strong, you are not allowed to provoke him again."

The elders of the temple face each other, and they did not think of it. They finally summoned the idea of ​​His Majesty the Pope, but the first sentence of his old man was that they could not take revenge.

The white old man was deeply stunned and said: "What is your command to your dear Pope?"

"I and Garfield are both dead, and the Western world has never had a strong peak. This trip to Iceland is not something you can blend." Franklin said calmly:

"Before the emergence of new humanitarian peaks in the Western world, the Sayādaw is not allowed to enter the East."

Many elders did not hesitate to answer.

"Let, the position of the pope is inherited by you, and the glory of the **** of light will be passed on forever." Franklin's voice increased slightly so much before his death, the body was still dominated by that powerful force. But when the elders pulled his mind back from the edge of dissipating, his mind suddenly returned to calm and began to deal with things in an orderly manner. And the moment he finally designated the successor, his voice had such a moment of volatility.

The old man was deeply stunned. He took the command of the road with respect and respect.

Although he also knows that taking over as the pope at this most critical moment in the temple is not necessarily a good thing for but he is second only to Pope’s majesty, whether it is force or prestige in the entire temple. Strong, so this burden is only for him to bear.

Franklin looked at his **** body, and with his wisdom, of course he knew who was in his hands.

After a moment, he suddenly said: "Aidewin."

The handsome Edwin immediately stepped forward and respectfully said: "Your Majesty."

Among the four people who escaped from the unknown island, there is the most outstanding younger brother of the temple. "You, take my bones, go to a place." Franklin's tone is extremely dignified: "If you can find that place And can help. Then the treasures we have lost and the glory of the gods of light will return to our hands."

Aidewen’s head suddenly lifted up, and he sighed: “Your Majesty, where Franklin’s head gradually faded, and with the support of his body, his mind finally began to dissipate, and The true, the deer, is dissipated in this world.

然角-, the last sentence he left in this world, but in the ears of everyone always echoed "outside the sea, the island of God...&t;

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