Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 314: The power of contract

Put two jade plates together in the five elements of the five-row ring. As for the rest of the belts, He Yiming didn’t know much, so he didn’t plan to deal with it immediately, but he put it in the space, anyway. Will not be moldy and corrupt.

After doing all this, he looked up and saw that the white horse, the pig and the dragon snake were still communicating, although the dragon snake had tried his best to keep his voice down. But obviously, no matter how careful it is, the sound coming out is like a tiger-like earth-shattering.

The huge body gives it an unparalleled power. Every breath will make the black mist of the mountain roll and move. Such a huge behemoth, even if it is placed in the open sea, will never be inferior to the huge size of the temple. The Holy Sea Beastmaster is out. After a long time, the dragon's big eyes finally came to He Yiming, and there seemed to be a strange color in its cold eyes.

When the pig came forward, he snorted and screamed a few times. He Yiming’s brow wrinkled and turned his head to look at the hundred and eight.

"This snake said that it has strength in your body that it hates and likes. These two forces have brought great pressure on it, so it wants to see what power it is." The translation.

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, this big snake is really powerful, really worthy of being an old guy who has lived for a thousand years, and can actually see that he has combined the light and the light into one. However, he only sold out and agreed to it.

Because even he himself wants to verify what powerful power he can shed after he directly combines the light in Dantian. With a gentle wave of his hands, a strange force suddenly released from his hands.

This is the power of light and darkness, with dazzling light and shadows that almost no one can perceive in the light.

Light and darkness are a pair of twins. Where there is light, there must be a dark existence. Unless there is an extreme incredible place like the Western Temple, there is no more elite light power.

At this moment, the power released by He Yiming is equally subtle. Although the light and the dark are merged, it is the most quintessential blend of light and dark power. They not only have their own original characteristics, but they can also make up for each other. There is a trend of reincarnation and endless stream.

The dragon's big eyes suddenly showed a dignified color. Even when it was previously paired with Huang Quan's ancestors, it has never been so valued. A huge breathing sound was sprayed from the mouth of the dragon snake, and a group of particularly thick black fog wraps around He Yiming.

This is the breath of the dragon snake. It is the power of darkness condensed by the most powerful haze. If a great sage is attacked by this force, then waiting for their end will only be mad and die. . Even the old ancestors of Huang Quan did not dare to resist the dragon snake in front of the breath. This kind of compression to the extreme gloom is definitely one of the most feared nemesis of any power.

However, He Yiming has no fear. His wrist is gently waved, and the power released in his hand has already greeted him. Then, the most weird thing was born. The powerful breath of the dragon snake sprayed out under the power of light and darkness - dissipated.

The dark power, like a big sucker, **** the black mist floating in the air, and the dazzling light power is suddenly radiant, completely purifying these terrible black mist. The whole process, like peers, is not a bit stagnation.

The sullen qi that can restrain most of the power in the world, before the infinite power of light, did not even have the power to resist.

The dragon snake opened his mouth, but hesitated for a moment, and the second breath finally broke out. It’s just that there’s a lot of incomprehension and a hint of vagueness in the eye of it.

The power of light is powerful. If this is the case, its breath is in front of this power, just like a child encounters a heavily armed special soldier, and it is impossible to get on the table. This is also a big blow to the dragon snake that has survived for thousands of years.

He Yiming reached out and waved, and the light and darkness of the force suddenly surrounded him around him, just like wearing a coat of shimmering light on his body, looming his people, full of looming A mysterious color.

At this time, his heart was filled with surprises, although it has long been known that the power of light and darkness is definitely the most powerful, but never thought that it can reach this height. In contrast, pure light or pure dark power is far worse.

Although the breath of the dragon snake is also the most powerful force in the dark power, it is restrained by the light and darkness in congenital. The reason why this power seems to be soft and powerless is that under the light and darkness, not only the power of light is purifying, but also the power of darkness is absorbed.

In the two-pronged pinch of purifying and absorbing, unless it is the power attribute of the same screen, it cannot compete with it at all.

When the old ancestors of Huangquan saw the two strong men in the West begin to light and dark together, he immediately turned and fled, which is not without reason. It seems that it was considered for a moment, and the ground at the top of the mountain slowly bulged upwards and a huge snake tail was drilled out of the ground. Subsequently, the snake tail was taken away from He Yiming’s name.

The degree of snake tail is not very fast, but He Yiming does not mean to escape, because he knows that this is the dragon snake wants to test how much power he has at this time. The wrist turned over, and in the hands of He Yiming, there were already more imitation artifacts and five elements.

Want to be more powerful than the dragon snake, then He Yiming is too stupid. But since you have a five-line ring that can increase your strength by five times, let it be scared. Between the thoughts and the rotation, the infuriating in He Yiming’s body has already entered the world of the Five Elements.

However, at this moment, his face changed abruptly, and then the body swayed. At the moment before the dragon snake's tail was about to be drawn, he was already flying away from the dozens of feet. Standing firmly, He Yizhen’s face is extremely ugly.

The dragon snake is also a very intelligent creature. It immediately stopped the attack. The white horse and so on are even more confrontational. I don’t know what happened to He Yiming’s body.

Picking up the five-line ring, He Yiming stared at his arm, seemingly in his arms, there is nothing to say.

In fact, when He Zhiming wanted to send the five elements of true spirits into the world of the Five Elements, it was abruptly present. The infuriating effect he used was not the power of the colorful Five Elements, but still the powerful force of light and darkness. .

This power is indeed powerful, even to pass the five elements that he currently has. However, what He Yiming holds in his hands, but the five elements of the ring, want to release the power of the five elements of the ring, you must use the power of the five elements.

However, no matter how He Yiming is dispatched, he is sadly present, and now his own strength seems to have completely become a combination of light and dark. That is to say, once he and the people do it, the release is definitely this kind of power. Besides, no other power can be used.

The only thing that comforts He Yiming is that his soldiers can use it freely. The five elements of the ring and the other two soldiers have not been subjected to any suppression, enough to allow him to take it out and fly in the sky with the light of the gods.

However, being able to do this is already the limit. The power that he can gather and release, in addition to the combination of light and darkness, is still a combination of light and darkness. After a long while, He Yiming’s face had a hint of helplessness.

Before today, he never imagined that after the formation of light and darkness in Dantian, all other forces were suppressed.

This kind of hegemony to the extreme practice, it really has a certain degree of special power of light.

The powerful repulsive force, after the combination of light and dark, is more and more revealed.

There was a sense of anger and helplessness in his heart. He waved his hand and the five elements of the ring were in the body. The power of light and darkness naturally condensed in front of him, covering his entire person in this opposite. Among the world.

Looking at the strange power that is constantly shining around the body, white horses and so on have a creepy feeling.

After hesitating for a while, the dragon snake finally attacked again. Its snake tail with a sharp and harsh sound, drawn toward He Yiming.

Looking up and glanced, He Yiming took a deep breath and he finally released the power of light and darkness.

In the absence of a five-fold increase in the five-line ring, the power that He Yiming used this time was his true ontological power.

The huge tail of the dragon snake suddenly became slow, and the power of light and darkness was like an indestructible wall. Even the giant force possessed by the dragon snake could not defeat it. Instead, it was like a stick in this stock. The air is getting slower and Finally, the huge tail of the snake came to the front of He Yiming. He reached out and gently piled it up like a spring suddenly popping up. Bounced into the air. He Yiming’s eyes were flashing in the eyes. He looked at his hands and almost couldn’t believe it.

He just pushed out the dragon's giant tail to the hard-won, which is what is shocking. When will the power of mankind be compared with these innate sacred beasts...

The huge eyes of the dragon snake swayed twice, and it never continued to shoot. It was only in the gaze of He Yiming that it was a little more faint. The power of light and darkness, even powerful as a dragon snake, is also a jealousy.

After staying in Minhang in Ghost Cangling, He Yiming left the big snake with Bao pig and white horse.

Although the top three holy beasts are still reluctant, but in terms of the size of the dragon snake, it is absolutely impossible to appear in the eyes of the world.

Although it has a powerful force, it can only stay in a place to survive in a lifetime. Before being promoted to a beast, even a dragon snake cannot change its fate. A few days later, he entered the Eastern boundary and finally returned to the Lingbi Hall!

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