Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 315: Return to the Lingbi Hall

On the spacious boulevard, there are many pedestrians coming and going. This is the only way to the first sacred temple, and the big city with a thousand years of history and millions of people is even more on the whole continent. One of the largest countless city states

There are countless people rushing to the city every day. Some of them are the disciples of the Lingbao Hall in the localities, some are from the mainland, and there are many pilgrims who take the city as theirs. I came here to worship the supreme holy land in my heart.

When He Yiming rode a white horse on this avenue, it suddenly caught the attention of countless people, and many people respectfully bowed to him. What is more, some of them are obviously the bottom children in the temple of Lingbi. Even on the avenue, I did not care to avoid it. Looking at the monocle on the white horse's head, He Yiming suddenly understood where the problem lies.

Although it may not be that everyone recognizes his own appearance, the white horse with a long horn on his head is "unique." After seeing the thunder and lightning, these people are strangers if they can’t guess their identity. .

Gently a clip of the horse's belly, the white horse immediately turned into a white light, leaving a rich afterimage on the avenue, flying straight toward the front.

Everyone has a different look, but their eyebrows are full of excitement.

This time I was able to meet the elders in the door, which was enough to show them in front of my companions. Although they don't have the blessings to talk to the elders, it is worthwhile to see the top sacred beast that is famous all over the world.

The white horse is extremely fast, and in a moment it has entered this unique city without walls.

He Yiming learned the lesson. "He didn't stop, but with the flexibility of the white horse thunder, he didn't hit anyone, but even if he passed by some people, those people could only feel a blast. Then there was no abnormality in the flash of white light.

Of course, some powerful practitioners faintly saw a trace of white afterimage, but because the degree of white horse is too fast, except for the honorable, the rest of the people can not really detect. So they looked around and couldn’t help but wonder. Thunderbolt suddenly has four hoofs, it is already stable and 9! j stopped.

He Yiming smiled a little, this guy is really a journey of the old horse, and suddenly he came to the courtyard where the Golden Campaign lived. Every time he comes to the Lingbi Hall, he lives in this place, and this time he will not be like this: \\}\\}o

The ears were slightly moved, and He Yiming’s face immediately passed a smile. If he did not misunderstand, the Golden Campaign was playing in the room.

Nowadays, it has become the youngest sage in the Temple of the Ghost, but the Golden Campaign did not move away from the place to enter the tower of the tower, but still chose the place that he is most familiar with and slowly cultivated.

Although the Golden Campaign does not have the same chaotic style as He Yiming, among all the practitioners, his talent is also the most advanced. The sages of more than one hundred and fifty years old, even in the age of Shinto, are quite rare. In today's world, it is even rarer, and there are only a handful.

The entire Lingbi Hall has placed great hopes on the Golden Battle, hoping that he will become the second humane peak in the martial art in the future. However, whether he can enter this top humanitarian rank depends on his chances.

If at the end he can't comprehend and absorb the power of God, even if it is the light of the six gods, it will not be able to climb this realm.

Gently coughed, this voice is not big, but for the gold battle in the room, it is undoubtedly a thunder, and immediately woke him up.

The figure swayed a bit, and the Golden Campaign immediately opened the door. At first glance, he saw He Yiming. He immediately burst into laughter and said: "He brother, I know that you must be safe and sound." He Yiming said slightly, : "Golden brother, what happened?"

The Golden Campaign stepped out and came to He Yiming's front. He carefully looked at the park and said: "He brother, you will not be late after you left the island, and we are all worried about you."

He Yiming's face was reddish. He smiled and said: "The last time I went out, I encountered a little accident. Later, after looking at the time, I went straight back to the mainland."

He chased Franklin for a whole month at sea and traveled to the Western world in a thousand miles. Naturally, he could not return to the southern island of Liuli.

The amount of gold battle, he sighed: "After you never go back, Liuli Island sent people to search for your whereabouts in southern Xinjiang. Finally, on the desert island, there are incredible battle marks, and..." After a pause, hesitated for a long time and finally said: "We have a new grave. Zhuang seniors went to the island to see, but they are unable to determine the identity of the other party." He Yiming smiled and said: "Zhuang brother is not Unsure, but not sure.

The eyes of the Golden Campaign were slightly brighter. "The look of Zhuang’s predecessors was really weird, but no matter how we ask, he is saying nothing." The scene of the Golden Battle is still fresh in memory. When Zhuang Munan of Liuli Island saw the man who had dug out from the grave, his face suddenly changed and his eyes were full of fear.

Being able to scare a person who is so arrogant and arrogant, how can the identity of this person be imagined.

It is because of this corpse, plus the island that seems to have been neatly merged into two halves, so that all the people in southern Xinjiang feel inexplicably frightened. Then everyone went away in batches and they all passed this terrible news.

He Yiming nodded slightly, watching the golden battle full of anticipation, he did not have any hidden thoughts, said: "This person is indeed quite a source, he is the contemporary president of the Western Dark Alliance Council Garfield." The Golden Campaign took a sigh of relief, although I have thought about it in his heart.

However, as a practitioner, he could not believe that a nine-day powerhouse with a human peak would easily fall down in that place. In the hearts of these people, it is impossible for humanity to be strong. "He brother, you are really there." The gold battle screamed and said: "Who is the nine-day **** killed?"

He Yiming gently waved his hand and said, "Don't look at me like this. He was Franklin's calculation, otherwise he would not die so easily."

This sentence is absolutely true. If it wasn't for Franklin's secret attack, Garfield's strength, although lacking hands and feet, did not affect his use of Shenguang flight. With the ability of the strongest in the dark world to escape, He Yiming does not have much confidence to catch up with it. "Princess of the Temple?" asked the gold battle, suspected, such a person will also count on others? Today is a long experience.

He Yiming said that he went to the nameless island in a few words and said the conflict with the two top Western masters. Of course, in the process, He Yiming simplifies it as much as possible, and pushes most of the credit to the body of the white horse thunder.

The Golden Battle did not have any doubts, but he knew that He Yiming is now a master of that level. Even in the hands of the peak of humanity, he would not suffer a big loss.

A long sigh The Golden Battle sighed: "Four humanity peaks, a top sacred beast... Unfortunately, such a fierce scene, Kim did not see." Yi Ming smiled and said: "The Jin Yuan, there will be opportunities in the future."

The Golden Campaign was a bit heavy, saying: "Yes, you have been promoted to the Nine Heavens. You have to ask for advice in the future. It is much more convenient." He clap his hands gently and said: "Hao Shishu has already said Once you come back, take you to see him immediately, let me go."

He Yiming was slightly micro-sized, and after the white horse and the pigs were placed in the room where they originally lived, they followed the gold battle to the Tongtian Pagoda.

As for the hundred and eight and coagulation people, their appearance is quite strange, especially the Shinto coagulation person has the appearance of a pair of ancestors, so in order not to cause any trouble, He Yiming let them stay outside the Lingbi Hall Did not follow in.

Anyway, the two sides are not far apart, and they can use the minds of the sacred blood vessels in their minds and the tracker of the hundred and eight, he can always get in touch with the two.

In the capacity of He Yiming today, even if he is sitting in the room and waiting for Hao Hao to come to the door, there is no problem. But he still silently followed the battle of the gold and walked toward the Tongtian Pagoda.

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