Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 316: Stone breaking news

For him, Hao Hao is an elder who cares very much about him. It used to be, now, and in the future. Entering the Tongtian Pagoda, the face of the Golden Battle flashed a satisfactory smile. The brothers were still the substitute brothers, and they did not become arrogant because of the sharp increase in strength.

Of course, after having such a strength, even if He Yiming does not care, others will take the initiative to change his attitude towards him.

Just as at this moment, when Hao Hao saw the Golden Campaign, he immediately informed Xu Xinghe to come here. He looked at him and completely regarded He Yiming as the most distinguished guest. Even he was a little rude.

Soon after, after receiving the news, Xu Xinghe also came to Hao Hao’s room. After the serious look of He Yiming’s eyes, the five-powered sage of the Lingbi Hall came out with a complicated and long sigh. He took a deep look and said: "Congratulations to the elders for their great achievements, and since then they have been proud of the world.

He Yiming chuckled and said: "Xu brother has a reputation, and he wants to laugh at the world, then it is easier said." Wudao cultivation, a mountain and a mountain high.

Before He Yiming was promoted to Jiuzhongtian, he always thought that the peak of humanity was the best force in the world, but this time his trip to the West was suddenly dispelled.

In addition, the island of God, which is spoken from the mouth of the Holy Beast of the Outer Sea, is pressed into his heart like a big stone.

Laughing at the world, even if it is a Shinto coagulant, it may not be able to do it. s has not been to be continued, such as "He brother, this trip to southern Xinjiang, rumors that the two Western powers have appeared." I wonder if it is true? Hao Haozheng asked.

He Yiming made a slight sigh, and he turned to look at the Golden Battle, but he saw him smile and shook his head. As soon as I thought about it, I immediately understood it.

Although he has already guessed the identity of the old man buried in the grave in the heart of the Golden Campaign, his identity is much more shocking, even if he himself can't believe it. So before he was sure, he even told the two chiefs who did not dare to tell the door.

A slight smile, He Yiming said: "Hao brother, the two nine-day days in the West have indeed appeared in southern Xinjiang."

Hao Hao’s face suddenly became extremely dignified. He roared and said: “They are so famous, they will take the initiative to destroy the rules that have been handed down for thousands of years.

Xu Xinghe gently, his face is also the same serious, said: "Their request is not that we can give Fen Fu, you must sue the lord adults, ask them to decide."

The two in the West are all true nine-day masters. Anyone who is below the peak of humanity will have a chilling feeling after hearing their names.

For this feeling, He Yiming is very rational, because he was one of them just a few months ago.

Especially when I heard that there are two people who are at the top of the peak, the hearts of the average person can’t be rebellious. At most, they push things to the heads of the same ranks.

With a slight sigh, Hao Hao said with some helplessness: "The ice-screaming adults in northern Xinjiang did not know why they would suddenly invite the world’s nine-day masters to gather in the Beihai Ice Palace. Among these top powers, they missed it. Huang Quan's ancestors and the West's two nine-day-old adults, this..." He shook his head and eventually closed his mouth, no more than a mouthful.

However, everyone has already understood what he meant. In the heart of this veteran five-powered sage, there are still some complaints.

If Ice Laughter is able to share resources among all the powerhouses in this stage, then this will never happen.

Xu Xinghe and the Golden Battle looked at each other. They closed their mouths tightly. The things that are strong and powerful are the ones they can blend. It is said that many words will be lost, or it is good to be cautious.

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said: "Hao brother, maybe the ice-raughing predecessors are thinking about another "or a moment of negligence, it will cause this accident."

His tone is faint, and it seems that he is talking about one of the most common things. There is no such jealousy as Hao Hao and others.

The three strong men of the Lingbi Hall were first glimpsed, and then they looked at each other. When they were in the middle of their hearts, this was remembered. The young and ignorant young man standing in front of them is no longer the last time. The five-powered sage at the time of the meeting, but a human peak that can be compared with the lords. Hao Hao smiled and said: "He brother is talking about..."

He and He Yiming have known each other for a long time, and even taught He Yiming's alchemy and fire control handprints. It is really impossible to pull him a face and call him a big man. But in his heart, the status of the human peak is always high and incomparable. Therefore, his tone is still very gracious, and even the courage of refutation is not.

After the gold battle lasted for a long time, he finally took a break and said: "The two uncles, the Speaker of the Western Dark Alliance Council, Garfield, is already in the body. Now only the Temple of the Pope, Franklin, can threaten us in the entire Western world. The Eastern world." He paused and said: "But Huang Quan's ancestors have promised to join forces with the two strong players in the Western world. So, the combination of the three of them is only two."

The faces of Hao Yu and Xu Xinghe are all changed by the emblem. The three human peaks and the two strong people are completely different.

What really surprised them was that there would be a humane peak and a fallen person. This is what makes them unbelievable.

In fact, witnessing Garfield’s body, only the four Western Newcomers who escaped that day. But they are all people in the Western world. Even if they return to the West, the news will only be there. Well, to spread to the Eastern world, it will not be possible in a few months. Of course, even if the rumors come, most people will not believe it.

As for Zhuang Mu'nan, although he recognized Garfield's face, he was equally unsure that even the gold battles and other people present did not inform, and it was even more impossible to preach everywhere. Therefore, Hao Hao and others do not know this, it is also very normal.

After a while, Hao Hao’s eyes gleamed, and he asked quickly: “He brother, is Jin Shizhen’s statement true?” He Yiming smiled slightly, and he shook his head with a smile. Hao Hao’s face suddenly sank and said: “The battle...

The Golden Battle looked at He Yiming inexplicably, and secretly called the curtain in his heart. I couldn’t think that the brothers had actually dismantled his desk at this time.

He Yiming waved his hand and smiled and said: "Hey brother is not safe, Jin brother does not deceive you, but he only said that he is half right." Hao Hao and Xu Xinghe face each other, he really can't guess he is thinking What "Hey brother, that Garfield is really awkward?" Xu Xinghe asked very hard.

Among the people, he met He Yiming the least, so he didn't usually speak, but he couldn't stand it at this time.

Hao Hao and the two pairs of eyes of the Golden Battle suddenly stared at He Yiming, and even the air was filled with a tense atmosphere. He Yiming’s eyebrows are slightly raised, and his body naturally has a strange force.

This is the special power after the combination of light and darkness. In this force field, He Yiming can maximize the power of these two forces together. On the contrary, in this force field, his enemy is sure. It is the most unfortunate group of people.

The brows were slightly wrinkled, and He Yiming sighed in his heart. He did not completely control the power of light and darkness. He wanted to reach the realm of freedom and retraction. It is estimated that there is still a way to go.

However, if after really reached that state, not knowing whether the forces of light and dark collusion to suppress it, so you can play the five elements of the force.

With a burst of rapid voice slightly haggard Yiming wake coffin over, he was apologetic smile, said:. "Sorry, He Mougang just thought of a martial problems, rude No wonder, then."

Hao Dong trio repeatedly expressed do not care, but their hearts college "is also quite admire, anytime, anywhere will be able to put all of the mind onto martial arts practice. He Yiming really is a fully-fledged practice madman, but if not so, he could not have this discipline at this year achievements

Convergence of the mind, He Yiming's gaze passed over the faces of the three of them. Although it was only passed by, He Yiming already knew that the three of them did not have the strange changes.

The power of light and darkness is indeed unpredictable, and they don’t know anything when they don’t want to let the other side perceive it. Of course, this is also related to their lack of cultivation. If it is changed to a humane peak, He Yiming will not have this grasp.

In the eyes of the three of them, He Yiming’s heavy nod, said: “Garfield, the first strongman in the dark world of the West, is indeed already in his body.” Hao Hao’s three people all made a long sigh, even if It is the Golden Battle and the nine-day powerhouse that has never been a humane peak. It is really a long-term resignation. He Yiming looked at them calmly. He whispered: "Franklin is also dead.

What he said in this sentence is plain and faint, just like saying that a dog is like a cat, and there is nothing special.

Hao Hao shook his head slightly and said: "Death and die, I can't think of even the dark speaker who is dead, and how many more dead... What? You say who is dead?"

His old man was still indifferent at first. After hearing the bad news of a humane peak, who would care about the lives and deaths of others?

However, Hao Hao’s sentence was only half said, and he suddenly remembered the meaning of the name. For a time, his old man was even wondering if he was old and deaf. He Yiming said one word at a time: "Franklin." The whole room suddenly fell silent, and even a little breathing could not be heard. Hao Hao three held their breath at the same time, their eyes were full of panic and unbearable

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