Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 328: Instrument

The degaussing of He Yiming came back again, as before, and quickly spread throughout the surrounding countries.

At this time, in Hejiazhuang, not only the guards like the army, but also the emperors and grandsons from all countries. They met and walked together in the Jiajiazhuang, forming a special landscape.

The third generation of the Hejia family gradually grew up, and they also accumulated a great network of contacts with these royal family. And through them, they passed the reputation and business of Hejia to the entire northwestern countries.

As if the water was rising, a large amount of money flowed from all over the place to Hejiazhuang, and He Huixin and others were not miser, and they used the money they earned in the construction of Hejiazhuang and continued expansion. In just a few years, with the support of the royal family or the Ming or the dark, in addition to the territory of the Kailuan country, the rest of the countries have more or less the appearance of the home. Like snowballing, the financial strength and power of the family are growing geometrically.

If it is said that the first big faction in the northwest is undoubtedly the one in Tianchi, then the second largest force today is no longer the three great powers in the northwest, but at any time there is at least one Hejiazhuang who is sent by a sage.

This strange phenomenon can never be copied in the future, because in this day, there is no second level of genius like He Yiming who is promoted as a Chinese cabbage on the martial arts.

Since He Yiming revealed Yuan Lixun’s repairs, Chu Artuo and Deng Yichen have no more words about He Yiming’s careful treatment of this matter, and he has made suggestions, and the number of fears is not good. He has also scorned the same. Yuan Lixun, who cultivates talent.

He Yiming did not say that the six major human peaks and a top sacred beast jointly helped Yuan Lixun to rush off, because this matter is of great importance, and it is related to the millennium of Iceland. He Yiming is not willing to make everyone know. Since Chu Artemisia and others have misunderstood themselves, then he will no longer deliberately distinguish.

On this day, several fast horses came to the castle in Hejiazhuang. The two first knights were pulling a horse, and the two horses in front of them suddenly stopped.

The exquisite riding skills of these two men have already gone out of their way, and suddenly caused a sound of applause from the top of the city.

For these two, the Zhuang Ding collar guarded by the city is no stranger. They are the contemporary princes of the Tianluo Kingdom, Xi Xiaoyi and Xue Lie, who are famous in Tianluo.

In the past few years, every year, the two of them have to visit the Hejia on behalf of the Tianluo and the capital of the city. No matter whether He Yiming is here or not, it is no exception. Although they have been here for a few days this year, no one doubts anything.

The gate guards respectfully introduced the two to the city. For them, He Xinxin naturally welcomed him personally. However, after chatting a few words, they proposed to meet He Yiming.

He Xinxin’s strange inquiry, I realized that the reason why they came a few days earlier was that He Yiming had sent a letter from a disciple who was stationed nearby.

Since He Yiming summoned them, He Xinxin naturally did not stop, brought them to the backyard, and left behind in suspicion.

Nowadays, in the backyard of the He family, in addition to the three strong people of the Sayādaw level, only Huo Dongcheng can enter and exit freely. Although He Xinxin is the true master of Hejiazhuang today, he does not dare to enter this place easily to cause the dissatisfaction of the two powerful people. Huo Dongcheng brought them into a house in the backyard.

This is an ordinary wooden house. There is nothing more than a bed, a table and four chairs.

However, being able to directly enter He Yiming's bedroom has already made Yu Xiaoyi and Xue Lie feel extremely honored.

In the past few years, they have not seen a few faces, and He Yiming’s martial arts repairs are as straight as the rocket-like cymbals. This makes Yu Yi and Xue Lie somewhat worried. Today’s He Yi Does Ming also remember the old feelings of getting along.

However, after he met him in the bedroom of He Yiming, they finally understood that He Yiming was still the one who He Yiming, and they did not wait for their forgotten because of the identity of the humanity.

He Yiming sat in a chair, and he lay down half-heartedly, flipping through a good rice paper in his hand, and seemed to be savoring the content above.

"Sit one by one, one, one, one, one"

Although he did not look up, He Yiming seemed to have all their actions in the eyes, and a gentle wave of hands suddenly resolved the strange feeling at the time of this meeting. "Thank you for the master of the country (Shi Shu) o" He Yiming raised his head and did not deliberately correct what they called.

Shui Hyun 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎 槎"Xue Lie, it’s good to come in." He Yiming was free to wait.

Xue Lie half his buttocks in the chair, he quickly owed his body: "Back to the uncle, everyone is very good, just looking forward to your early arrival in Kyoto." He Yiming put the paper in his hand flat on the table Although Yu Xiaoyi and Xue Lie were both curious about this, they did sit very well. They looked at the nose, their noses and their eyes, and they did not squint. They never looked at the paper. "How is the Tianluo royal family, there may have been an annoyance." Qi-Ying continued to ask.

Yu Xiaoyi quickly said: "Thank you for the help of the masters of the country, Tianluo has a good weather this year, and the surrounding small countries have been offering them, both inside and outside."

They ask for simplicity and the answer is simpler. Because both Xiao Yi and Xue Lie know the temper of He Yiming, if you make a long story here, you will definitely leave a very bad impression in his heart. Xue Yu is all right, but Yu Xiaoyi is still the identity of the Prince at this time. If he is aroused by He Yiming, then his identity may not be able to survive. He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "You have done a good job, I am very satisfied."

The two of them quickly squatted and said in unison: "It's all for your blessing." This sentence is definitely from their sincerity. If there is no He Yiming indicating his attitude, then in the past, the water is dazzling. At that time, even if Tian Luoguo was not invaded by foreign enemies, its internals would fall apart, and it would flourish as it is today.

Today, the influence of Tianluo State in the surrounding area is getting bigger and bigger, and even the looming signs of suppressing the country are already faint.

Of course, with the strength of Kailuan today, it is like a dead camel than Ma Da, and with the help of Yu Wei, the former three strong men in the northwest, no one dares to provoke them easily.

He Yiming’s emblem made a smile and said: “The old brother of the old water entrusted Tian Luoguo and his descendants to me, but Hemou has been diligently practicing martial arts, which has delayed the incident.”

Yu Xiaoyi and Xue Lie did not dare to speak. In fact, with the power that He Yiming now shows, as long as he releases a tone, no one dares to easily provoke Tianluo. Therefore, these two have never expected He Yiming to give Tian Luoguo any extra help.

He Yiming slammed a bullet, and the paper on the table suddenly flew up and fell into the hands of Xiao Yi.

The Prince of Heavenly Kingdom’s prince was stunned and then carefully looked at it. However, his face changed instantly, and a pair of eyes flashed brightly.

Xue Lie was very strange in his heart. He didn't understand what was graffiti on this piece of paper, and it made Yu Xiaoyi so ill.

Respectfully put the paper on the table, Yu Xiaoyi deeply said: "The kindness of the guardian of the country, we have no idea at home, if it is useful to get the royal family in the future, we will do everything. Do not eat."

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said: "This sentence should be right for your father."

Yu Xiaoyi's face is red, indeed, it can only be said that the real power of the royal family.

However, He Yiming does not care, because the Tianluo royal family seems to be a huge thing in the eyes of other people, but in today’s He Yiming’s heart, they are still weak.

Xue Lie’s gaze finally fell on the paper, and his face suddenly changed, and then became ecstatic.

On top of this paper, there is actually a paragraph written, which is a document that allowed the first master of the Kailuan country, Zhan Tianfeng, to retreat from the royal family and hand over all the sites. The following is quite unfamiliar, and is a person who is known as a caveman.

If this instrument is taken out by others, Yu Xiaoyi and Xue Lie will dismiss. This inexplicable instrument, if it is recognized by the Kailuan State, is the real ghost. However, the one that comes up with this instrument is He Yiming. This Tianchi is second only to the top figures of the lord and the great man of the gods. then the importance of this instrument can be I figured it out.

At least, this represents the will of He Yiming, just because of this, it is enough to make it difficult for anyone to despise.

He Yiming slowly collected the paper, and he sighed: "When the old brother of the past was in the world, the biggest wish was to make Tianluo one of the three great powers in the northwest. He had a scruples before. I haven't done it yet. But all the obstacles that are in front of me are all gone..." He paused, and his eyes flashed a stern color, saying: "It's time to ask them justice."

At the time when Zhan Jun and the cavemen were in the world, He Yiming did not wait for this thing to be taken out, but now that Kailuan has no place to sit down, he will be unscrupulous.

Although Yu Xiaoyi didn't understand why, but he was obedient to He Yiming's words, he said with excitement: "Master of protection, do you need a late generation to send this letter to Zhan Tianfeng, presumably he does not dare to destroy it. ""

He Yiming gently waved his hand and said: "I still go to see him personally. I will let you come, just let me know, you can prepare in advance, don't get busy and make jokes." Yu Xiaoyi Forced to suppress the excitement in his heart, he bent down deeply, and his heart was full of gratitude.

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