Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 329: plan

After their two respectful retreats, the figure flashed and he was already in the room. "Brother, do you want to be personally in front of you?" he asked suspiciously.

Now that he has come to the northwest, it has been a year. Although he has no intentions, he knows how the relations and status of the countries such as Kailuan and Tianluo are in the northwest.

According to his thoughts, with the strength of He Yiming as a strong leader, where you still need to personally go out, just send a messenger and hand this letter to Zhan Tianfeng's hands.

If Zhan Tianfeng knows each other and summons the Kailuan royal family to withdraw from the historical stage, they will naturally abide by the old agreement and let go of Zhan Jiayi. However, if Zhan Tianfeng is fascinated, blindly obsessed, or simply destroys this instrument, then He Yiming will go out of the name of the teacher, as long as the king of the Kailuan country will not kill a chicken, and then let Tian Luoguo send troops to receive The territory of Laos can achieve the best results. And as a result, it is the real hoeing, the roots, the endless troubles, and no loss of appointment.

But now He Yiming means to want to go out in person. In front of this powerful humanity peak, he can hardly imagine that Zhan Tianfeng will have the courage to resist.

He Yiming made a smile and said: "Chu brother, do you still remember the cave under our Penglai Island?" Chu Artuo nodded again and again, how can he forget this place.

"The younger brother not only got the gods and the five inner sacred beasts, but also got a Shinto relic." He Yiming said quietly. Chu Xuzhou’s eyes suddenly shot a thrilling light.

He Yiming, the Shinto relic, has always been strictly guarded and has not told anyone. Because he knows that everything related to "God" is quite irritating.

If you push this thing unscrupulously when you are not strong enough, then waiting for his end will definitely not be good.

But now it is different, he has been promoted to the most powerful humanity peak in the world, and he will also combine the power of light and darkness. The power released between the gestures is already unparalleled in the world. The same masters did not dare to fight against him. Coupled with the white horse lightning and the Shinto coagulation help, it can be said that there is very little something that can make him jealous. "Shendao relic?" Chu Artuozhou indulged for a moment, his face appeared a strange color, said: "Are you refining the coagulation?"

The biggest use of relics is to refine the blood coagulation, which is naturally known in the state of Artemisia. Since He Yiming is so cautious about the mention of the matter, then the use of this Shinto relic can be imagined.

He Yiming nodded slightly, and he left Hejiazhuang this time to go to Zhongjingcheng, and then the things he had born were detailed from beginning to end.

This is the first time that he has waited for everything to be told without reservation. When all is finished, the whole person has a feeling of relaxation.

Chu Artemis has long been stunned, although he heard from Deng Yichen’s mouth that He Yiming has successfully advanced into the humanity’s peak, and he is also riding a white horse thunder and fighting with the Western Temple Pope in southern Xinjiang. One. However, if these things are compared with what He Yiming said at this time, then nothing can be considered.

After a long sigh of relief, Chu Arthur finally said: "I understand, you want to test the Shinto coagulation."

He Yiming is slightly microscopic, said: "Yes, the Shinto coagulation person has the Shinto relic after all, and can also use the power of the heavens and the earth. This is unique in today's world..." Here, He Yiming is involuntarily After a pause, because his mind suddenly emerged an illusory noun, the island of overseas gods. God knows if there is a mysterious place in the mysterious place. However, according to the saying of the wild sea beast king, it seems to be certain. Convergence of the mind, He Yiming said: "The Shinto relic is not an ordinary relic after all, I can feel the power contained in it is very powerful, and I doubt whether there is still the memory of the previous generation of masters within the Shinto relic. "Zhu Yezhou's face changed slightly, and quickly said: "This is impossible."

He Yiming repeatedly smiled and said: "I also know that this is impossible. After a human being has died for at least a thousand years, there should be no self-consciousness anyway, but when controlling this Shinto coagulant, It has a strange feeling that it seems to have a certain ability to judge itself.

Whether the ancestors of Yujia are in the hands of Hao Xue or in the hands of Garfield, all actions are one-on-one. But when Shinto relic entered the ancestors of the Yu family and gained control, both the reaction and the wisdom had an incredible improvement.

Without aluminum, the feeling that Shinto coagulation people gave him is that he has certain wisdom, and the judgment of the environment and the situation is quite accurate. Although he can still control the other through the consciousness in his mind, and temporarily does not let the other person out of the tragic life he is in control, but He Yiming knows that this Shendao coagulation person is absolutely different from the former Yujia ancestors.

Chu Xuzhou frowned for a moment and finally said: "Do you want to use the Shinto coagulation to test the country?"

He Yiming affirmed his head and said: "If we are not mistaken, today's Kailuan royal family is the descendant of the former Shinto strong. If this Shinto relic really has self-awareness, then he may be able to What is it?" Chu Artemisia smiled and said: "If this Shinto coagulation person really recovered his mind."

He Yiming's face gradually became ugly, but after only a moment, the look in his eyes had become firm.

"Chu brother, if it really restores the mind, then I can only kill it by any means." He said that this sentence is arbitrarily, without any hesitation and hesitation, it is obvious that he has made up his mind in his heart. "Unfortunately..." Chu Artuo shook his head and said helplessly.

He Yiming blinked in his eyes and said: "I know it's a pity, but there is no way. If it restores the memories of the past, then whether it knows that I am embarrassing his descendants, it is impossible. For my use." Chu Arthuria nodded unexpectedly, he was deeply aware of this.

If the past He Yiming did not reach the status of the Sayādaw, he could not follow the ocean and travel to Hejiazhuang to settle down.

And what a proud person in Shinto, in their eyes, all under the Shinto, are ants. Then will a Shinto strong person be willing to listen to the command of an ant?

Therefore, as long as Shinto relics regained his mind, no matter whether He Yiming is willing or not, he will only be able to find a way to kill him.

Because God knows what the thoughts of Shinto relic will be. If it is not grateful to He Yiming to give him life again, but instead hate him for using the Shinto relic to refine the blood coagulation, then even He Yiming can’t easily resist the Shinto coagulant. Attacked.

Chu Artemisia suddenly stunned, and laughed and said: "Brother, this thing has not yet been born, we do not need such pessimism. However, as seen by my brother, the possibility of Shinto relics to restore memory is almost impossible, almost impossible. ""

He Yiming is also a dumb smile, Chu brother said is good, Shinto relic has been dead for so many years, if it can easily restore memory, then these Shinto people are not just stepping into the Shinto, but the real God The two said that they laughed for a long time, and Chu Arthur State agreed with him. After three days, they went to Kailuan.

This time things are not very big for them, but they are also quite troublesome. They must be done before the Spring Festival. As for whether the Zhan family still has the mood to hold the Spring Festival after receiving this news, it is not something they can consider.

As for Hejiazhuang, there is Deng Yichen, the sage who sits in the town. It is absolutely impregnable. No one dares to offend easily.

The two of them just decided on the business, and a black shadow suddenly came in from the window, it was the cute little black cockroach.

Although this little bird is far from growing up, it is not too small to look at its physique. At least when waving its wings, there is no longer the crumbling feeling of the past.

The white figure flashed, and the pig was already catching up like a fly. Its movements are lightning fast, even faster than the little black cockroaches.

When the little black cockroach had not touched the state of Chuzhou, it was already a hungry tiger jumping into the air, and the two forefootes were pressed against the little black cockroaches, pulling it hard.

If it is a normal bird, it is attacked like this. I am afraid that I will open my neck immediately, and I will die if I die.

But after all, the little black cockroach is the son of a sacred and in the process of growing up, he has been taking the golden dan of He Yiming, so its physical toughness is quite good. .

At this point, the pig was thrown to the ground, there was no scar, but its mouth did not stop, and the quiet room had already become a pot of porridge. He Yiming frowned. Road: "Chu brother. What is going on here."

Chu Xuzhou has a pair of hands, said: "Bao pig likes a little black scorpion, and this little guy is not good in Zhuangzi for a long time, so I asked Bao pig to teach its survival."

Listening to the unwilling and humiliating voice of Xiao Hei, He Yiming’s mouth floated with a smile. Although the little guy was bullied by the pigs, it was full of high-spirited fighting spirit in its voice, and it was not affected by the envy of this moment. He Yiming sincerely said: "Brother is a good means, and in the future, the little guy must be a great helper."

Chu Artemisia touched the beard that was gradually stored. He laughed: "The achievement of Xiaohei is absolutely limitless." His eyes are full of pride, and his face is full of sensation.

He Yiming sighed in his heart. All this is a fate. If the black king is aware of the underground, he will not blame Chu Artemisia again.

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