Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 330: Expulsion

Three days later, He Yiming and Chu Arthurs left Hejiazhuang.

Except for Deng Yichen and Xue Lie, no one knows where they went, and another Yu Xiaoyi who learned the truth rushed to the capital on the night and was mad at the news. The Tianluo lord sue in Rui Pei and set about arranging the army to enter the territory of Kailuan.

Of course, all this is done silently, even if the army being dispatched does not know where it will eventually go.

Hejiazhuang has a long distance from the Kailuan country, but in the case of being able to fly, they have only arrived in a half-day period.

This time, He Yiming brought all the power that can be used to the side, white horse lightning, Bao pig, one hundred and eight, and so on.

After all, he wants to test this time, whether the Shinto coagulation person still has the memory of his life. If he really has the possibility of getting rid of his own mastery, then he will destroy it at all costs.

Although it is almost impossible to accomplish the task of destroying a Shinto man, this Shinto coagulant has only one attack like a god. In addition, He Yiming’s mind has the ability to control his mind, as well as the newly acquired Guangming Huangying; so he will have some grasp.

Today's Kailuan country is still as big as ever, but from the sky, He Yiming faintly feels that in this huge city, it seems that there is a kind of sorrow, like that The sun is falling, and there is a feeling of lateness. Looking at the turn, He Yiming said: "Hundred brothers, it seems to be much lighter than before."

One hundred and eight at his side affirmed: "The number of floating population and shops is insufficient. In general, it is not popular."

He Yiming stunned, and he nodded slightly, knowing that his feelings were not wrong. However, he did not know that the reason why the Kailuan, one of the three major powers in the northwest, had such a defeat in the past few years was inextricably linked with him.

Since the rise of He Yiming, Tian Luguo’s reputation has not risen, especially last year, He Yiming received the children of all the countries except the royal family of the Kailuan.

This is a fairly obvious signal, as long as it is a little bit of a mind can see the meaning. Of course, if He Yiming is only a person, then the rest of the countries will be at the same time standing by, and will never begin to abandon and offend the country when the two sides win the game.

However, the great man of the gods ordered the propaganda of He Yiming to become the elder of Tianchi.

Throughout the northwest, Tianchi is the supreme being, and they are the true masters of the Northwest. Although the three great powers are powerful, if they are compared with the Tianchi, then they will not go away.

It is precisely because of He Yiming's special identity in the Tianchi vein that the rest of the countries have simply demonstrated their own force field and tried to clear themselves up with the country.

Zhan Tianfeng can naturally feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth heaven, the strongest, the abandonment, the big empire, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the week. royal wudongqiankun the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week night to kill the **** Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate few big week of the royal family to abandon it all, but in this is more than a year, but he did not dare to touch any war.

Qiao wall pushed everybody, everyone knows this truth. If at this time open to attack another country Rong tough means war, then I'm afraid all the small countries will really unite with their inclination to meet. And they know that, within the hejiazhuang, although He Yiming have left, but there is a more powerful five gas Venerable Chu Hao sit sickle. Once the two sides go to war, idiot know exactly who shot the old man will help, so Zhan Tianfeng even though eating guts, but also dare to act rashly.

At this moment, several of them stood in the clouds above the reclamation country, and looked at the underside of the eyes with a hint of singular color.

Even if He Yiming knows that this country will soon withdraw from the stage of history, he has a feeling of silence. This time, the Kailuan country is about to retreat, so whether or not Hejiazhuang will have such a day in the future.

Shaking his head and throwing away this weird thought in his heart, He Yiming took out a piece of paper and handed it to the front of the Shinto coagulant, and issued a series of orders to his mind. The Shinto coagulation person took over the paper, and between the body swaying, it was already diving like a ghost.

Chu Artemisia only felt that the eyes spent a little, and then the Shinto coagulation disappeared in front of him. His face became unified, and he exclaimed: "How fast is he, is there really no sorrow?"

In this s1, Chu Arthur finally understood the thoughts of He Yiming. The reality of the Shinto coagulation is too horrifying. It is really difficult to be convinced that it is a kind of sorrowfulness.

He Yiming gave a wry smile and said: "He should have no wit, but his own battle is very powerful. Maybe..." paused. There was a hint of envy in his eyes. Dao: "This is where the way God understands the battle is different from that of me." Chu Artemisia slightly nodded his head, and there was a strong yearning in his heart.

The realm of Shinto, even if it is a powerful person who has died for thousands of years, his performance is very different from that of a human being.

Among the huge manor, Zhan Tianfeng stared silently at the front. In his body, there were trees that were produced from the north and the south, but he was transplanted at a myriad of costs.

Whenever he is upset and angry, he will come under this shade of trees, and the feeling of embarrassment will slowly dissipate.

But this time it was obviously different. Since he got the news of He Yiming’s return in the previous two days, the whole heart was messed up.

I don't know why, he has a faint, unexplained feeling that the entire country is about to fall.

This result was actually doomed at the time of He Yiming's rise. It is said that the mountain is not tolerant of two tigers, and the side of the couch is tolerant of others to sleep. Since Hejiazhuang and Kailuan live next to each other, the result of the ultimate death is only inevitable. However, he couldn’t think of it, and the result turned out to be so fast, so unpredictable.

With a long sigh, his gaze came back from a big tree and slowly turned some stiff body.

However, just as his body turned halfway, the eyelids were suddenly condensed, and the sweat on his body was blown up in an instant. In the corner of his eyes, he even caught a black figure. This figure is not a sudden appearance, but like a statue, it has been swallowed up thousands of years ago. With the strength of his first-line powerhouse, there will be no notice. After his body was stiff, he slowly relaxed. The eyes looked at the person with amazement, but he was sure that he had never seen this person.

A long sigh of relief, as long as this person is not the most feared person in his heart, Zhan Tianfeng's heart is halfway.

Holding a fist, a slight ceremony, Zhan Tianfeng respectfully said: "I don't know how to call you, please also enter one."

Although Zhan Tianfeng couldn’t understand the identity of this person and the martial arts, he was able to bully himself without letting himself appear, and waiting for himself now, this martial art is far from being able to Got it.

However, what made him feel extremely suspicious was that the man did not want to talk to him. Instead, he took out a piece of paper from his arms and gently bounced it.

Zhan Tianfeng’s heart glimpsed and reached out and caught his gaze. He immediately recognized the writing on the paper. He was shuddering and looked at the contents word by word.

His face was getting whiter and whiter, and his body was shaking more and more. He stared at the last bright red, with a painful color in his eyes.

After a long time, he raised his head and whispered: "Hello, where did this will come from?"

The man looked at him without changing his color. The most frightening thing for him was that there was no human feeling in the eyes of the man. It was like a piece of wood, which was daunting.

When looking at this person, Zhan Tianfeng couldn’t help but think of a person. The one around He Yiming is already famous in the world.

Compared with the hundred and eight, this person has more life, but it gives people a feeling of bloodthirsty and terrible.

I don't know why, when compared with this person, Zhan Tianfeng simply can't afford any resistance thoughts. This thought made him feel awkward, but he couldn’t remember how talented people could have such power. "Promise one r one by one r or one r one by one r!

The four words stuttered from the mouth of this It is like a child's babble. But Zhan Tianfeng has absolutely no idea of ​​wanting to laugh at each other. Holding the paper head tightly in his hand, Zhan Tianfeng’s eyes are unpredictable.

In the distance, He Yiming and Chu Artemisia also face each other, and their eyes also have a deep and incredible look.

The Shinto coagulation man suddenly flew up. He flew up this time, not flying fast, but slowly, flying a little. Zhan Tianfeng’s face is quite ugly, and at the moment it is even more with a look of despair. He knows that this mysterious character in front of him is at least a five-powered person. The higher the flying of the Shinto coagulation, the more attention it attracts.

Among the entire city, there are no enemies who have seen this abrupt figure flying from the ground to the sky. They recruit friends and yell, shouting loudly, and they are inevitably excited when they are scared. "Brother, what do he want to do?" Chu Artuo asked. "I don't know." He Yiming honestly said: "I have already handed over the initiative to his hands, just let him threaten... not good."

As the words of He Yiming blurted out, the Shinto coagulum in midair had already raised his hand high. In his hand, it was suddenly wind and clouds, and the heavens and the earth changed...

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