Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 331: Threat

Suddenly, the wind was raging, and the sand flew in the sand for a moment, but it was overwhelming, but it was like a stone scorpion, like a sword, and a cross-soil, overlapping like a mountain, like the sound of a sword drum, resounding through the heavens and the earth. The atmosphere of heaven and earth within a hundred miles rushed, and the entire city was covered by a strange scene. He Yiming opened his mouth and his face was full of horror. Before the Shinto coagulation, he couldn't think of it anyway.

The order he issued was very simple. He handed this note to the person who was the highest in the city, and gave him a strong threat.

This order has been quite flexible. If it is the original ancestor of the Yu family, "there is no guarantee that this task cannot be completed smoothly.

After having a blood coagulation, you have a strong ability to fight and kill. However, when a little self-determined content is added to the command, it is not an ordinary trick.

However, this Shinto coagulation person not only successfully found Zhan Tianfeng, but also actively spoke threatening. From this point of view, the wisdom possessed by Shinto coagulation is far from being comparable to the original one. However, even He Yiming never thought that after the Shinto coagulum threatened verbally, he would still come again in action.

Seeing that the power of the heavens and the earth has been condensed here, He Yiming’s face has changed greatly. He wants to communicate with the Shinto coagulant through the minds in his mind, and let him stop releasing the power of the heavens and the earth.

However, what makes He Yiming feel desperate is that the information from the blood coagulation person turned out to be that once the power of heaven and earth moves, there is no possibility of stopping. "Rumble, one by one, one, one, one, one"

As the sound of the thunder suddenly exploded in the air, the whole city suddenly fell into an absolute panic. Countless people flee everywhere like headless flies, even they don't know why they want to escape, and they don't even know where they can escape in this environment that is like a catastrophe.

They only know that in this horrible situation, if they don't move, they are afraid that they will be scared to death on the spot.

The arm of the Shinto coagulation man finally waved down, in his hand, as if holding a huge knife, the inexhaustible force of the heavens and the earth extended from his arm and straightened to the ground. .

A huge trench emerged from the end of the city, and along the center of the city, the other side of the city straight stroked the past.

Numerous residual bricks and rubble skyrocketed, numerous buildings collapsed, and countless people who could not escape were killed by the power of the ants. In an instant, on the line of the whole city, there was a huge trench that was more than three feet wide.

From one end of the city to the other, the walls on both sides collapsed, and nothing could exist on this road. He Yiming and Chu Artemis had fled to the sky as early as possible, and they avoided it far away.

Such a powerful world of heaven and earth, even for them, is quite dangerous. At the moment when they can't stop all of this life, they only have to choose to protect themselves, and how far they can escape. As for the white horse lightning and Bao pig, He Yiming has long been left in the distance. If they come out, then anyone knows who this is doing.

Looking at the gloomy scene on the ground from the sky, He Yiming’s heart surged into a strong shock to the extreme.

Although this kind of heaven and earth is not the first time he saw it, but when he saw it twice, it was once above the vast sea, and once before the Western temple.

The first world of heaven and earth directly split the entire island into two halves, and caused the stormy waves on the sea. The second heaven and earth power was completely resolved by Franklin using the power of the Light God. In contrast, today's world of heaven and earth has created a real **** on earth.

An attack from the district completely crossed the entire city from beginning to end. Although the power may not be able to divide the island into two, the shock is more than a thousand times.

Under the power of this heaven and earth, manpower seems so pale and powerless, and the whole city is under the power of trepidation and mourning.

A stern, as if not from the human mouth, the shouting sounded from this piece of debris.

The tragic cry of the beast that is nearing death is over the city - echoing: "I promised, I promised..."

Above the sky, the Shinto coagulation people looked indifferently at the bottom. At this moment, he was a high god, and the lower part became Shura hell, and his eyes did not shake.

He Yiming shuddered and chilled. He was only now, his vest had been soaked in a cold sweat. The mind in the mind immediately boiled and passed his meaning to the Shinto coagulant.

What makes He Yiming a little more reassuring is that the Shinto coagulation does not violate his orders, but the cool turn is that it has disappeared into the sky in an instant. Looking at the last glance of this sorrowful city, He Yiming and Chu Hao "the state has a complicated mood to leave.

After the threat of the Shinto coagulation people, they can be sure that Zhan Tianfeng will definitely follow the last words of the cavemen, and the Kailuan country, one of the three great powers in the northwest, is about to withdraw from the historical stage.

In midair, the degree of flight was reduced. He Yiming said: "Brother, what do you think?" Chu Artemisia repeatedly smiled and said: "I can't see through, really can't see through." Indeed, Shinto coagulation The performance is definitely beyond their expectations.

After the Shinto coagulation person went down, he did not induce anything from his descendants. Instead, he used strong force that he could not refuse.

After seeing the power of the world, even more powerful than the human peak, as long as it is a normal person, it will make the right choice.

Moreover, after the country has experienced this catastrophe, even if the royal family wants to resist "the people below will never be able to sell their lives again. Look at the front, He Yiming sighed. Chu Artuozhou heart Curious, ask: "Brother, what are you sighing? ”

He Yiming said: "This time, after the Shinto coagulation people used the power of heaven and earth, although they killed many innocent people, they let Zhan Tianfeng completely lose their stubborn resistance. If Tianluo can flatten the ears Receiving the site of the Kailuan country will definitely reduce the flow of more blood."

Chu Artemisia sneaked a bit, sincerely said: "The younger brother said that it is good. In fact, after seeing this attack, even I dare not have the slightest luck, let alone the reign of the Sacred. country."

He Yiming was slightly microscopic, and his eyes were brightly flashed, and he murmured: "Under the Shinto, they are all ants..."

This sentence has been circulated in the Shinto era. Although the Shinto has disappeared for 5,000 years, this sentence has not been buried, but has become a ninth heaven.

However, after seeing the true power of heaven and earth, and releasing the prosperity of the heavens and the earth on the head of mankind, the true meaning of this sentence can be perfectly experienced. However, this **** and horrible scene is not something that everyone will like.

In the distance, the Shinto coagulation man finally stopped. Under him, there were two holy beasts, White Horse Thunder and Bao pig.

They knew his intentions before He Yiming came here, so he was cautious about the Shinto coagulation, but after seeing the faces of He Yiming and Chu Artemisia, the two holy beasts also relaxed. . At least, He Yiming did not want to kill the Shinto coagulation on the spot. "Brother, this is very great. When you use it in the future, be careful." Chu Arthurian said with a strong heart.

The power of Shinto, in today's world, is afraid that it can only compete with it under the ultimate guardian power of the major sects.

In ordinary places, no one can stop this powerful force, even if He Yiming's light and dark combined forces are not the same.

Slowly nodding his head, He Yiming is deeply sympathetic to this sentence.

If he knew that Shinto coagulation would threaten in this way, He Yiming might not let him personally.

The body shape flashed, He Yiming has already hugged the Bao pig on the white horse, and the stalked straw sits on the white horse. After a sip, the group of people turned and left, and soon left the Kailuan country a hundred miles away.

After the release of the gods and gods of the gods, the power of the heavens and the earth within a hundred miles will be exhausted in an instant. Until they left the hundred miles, they only felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big, the royal family, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens. Forcibly abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神It comes from the power of the heavens and the earth. Whether it is Chu Artemisia or White Horse Thunder, it seems to be a bit more active.

These practitioners, especially those who have cultivated above the innate realm, are very sensitive to the power of heaven and earth. In an environment where the power of the heavens and the earth is exhausted, they feel uncomfortable.

He Yiming sat right He has been sinking and not talking, but his heart is constantly reminiscing about the miserable scene that he just saw.

He finally understood that the effects of using the heavens and the earth in the sea and using this power on land are completely different.

In the sea, no matter how much damage is caused, it can be slowly recovered. However, after using the power of heaven and earth on land, the traces left behind are so obvious.

Even if the Kailuan country is abdicated, the city wants to restore its original appearance and does not know how many people need to work hard.

He raised his head and looked at the Shinto coagulation man who was flying silently behind him, and suddenly raised a strange thought in his heart. Light and darkness is also one of the strengths of humanity.

Although under the combination of Franklin and Garfield, Power can't compete with the power of the gods. But if you use the power of Chaotian Dantian to operate the light and dark combination...

This thought was like a lightning stroke across He Yiming's mind. At this moment, he actually looked forward to this powerful and unmatched power!

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