Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 332: Gift treasure

He Yiming's legs were gently clipped, and almost the white horse thunder that was connected to his heart suddenly stopped.

Among these people, He Yiming is undoubtedly the most central existence. Once he stops, everyone stops at the same time.

The furry of Chu Artemisia was slightly wrinkled. He flicked down from the air and asked: "Brother, what happened to you?"

He Yiming's eyes are slightly bright, said: "Old boast, the younger brother suddenly thought of a problem, so I want to temporarily retreat." "Retreat?" Chu Artemisia was shocked, the look on his face could not tell the suspicion.

He Yiming is now a humane peak of the real thing. This kind of martial arts repair is already one of the few in the whole world, standing at the top of all practitioners. According to the idea of ​​Chu Artemisia, such a martial art repair has entered into nowhere to go, and can no longer be improved.

In fact, this is indeed true in this millennium. Those geniuses who are promoted to the peak of humanity once they reach this realm, can no longer make further breakthroughs.

They can only work **** the cultivation of exercises, the use of the sacred soldiers and the use of various martial arts. Although the experience is richer year by year, the actual combat capability has gradually improved. However, their own basic strength has always been in place, no longer in the slightest.

Even if they are the most advanced masters of cultivation, the most they do is to try their best to absorb the powerful power of this attribute.

Therefore, when Chu Artuo heard He Yiming still want to retreat, the look on his face would be so weird.

Wei Wei, He Yiming is fortunate to be obsessed: "The martial arts way, broad and profound, never ending, the younger brother is studying, but now there is unlimited possibilities, so I want to retreat and try."

He did not say what he had just said. If Chuzhou State knows that he wants to lead the world, he will certainly not agree.

After all, there is no Shinto relic in He Yiming's body, and since ancient times, after the disappearance of Shinto, those geniuses who want to break through the Nine Heavens and advance to Shinto have only one defeated body.

For thousands of years - no matter whether people are beasts, no new Shinto has ever been born. Therefore, Chu Arthuria will certainly stop this illusion at all costs.

Chu Artemisia smiled and said: "Brother, your progress has been obvious to all. Today, there is no second person who can do this for you."

He Yiming smiled slightly, but this is not a good answer, and he also has self-knowledge. If there is no power of the world, there is no such chaotic dantian, and he has absolutely no such scenery.

After a moment of indulgence, Chu Arthur said: "You have not promised, you will not leave Hejiazhuang years ago. If you don't go today, how can I explain to your mother?"

He Yiming suddenly stunned, his eyes turned and said: "This is simple, you let Dongcheng go and say, you said that I went out to drink, and will come back after a few days. When you are out, the mother will never Blamed."

Chu Artemisia did not look good at him. No wonder this kid dragged himself out of his life. It turned out that he had already counted it.

However, what he said is that if it is with the most special status of Chu Artemisia in Hejiazhuang, Lin Wenyu will definitely not blame it.

Gently detained the shoulders of Chu Artemisia, He Yiming smiled and said: "Brother, everything is pleased." He caught a horse's belly, white horse lightning suddenly turned into a light, and instantly went away.

Chu Artemisia smiled and shook his head, and his heart was figuring out how to explain to the Hejia people, but saw the white horse turned around and flew back. "Brother, this thing is for you."

He Yiming threw a thing over, and then a horse-back, white horse lightning and the top of the J1, the Shendao coagulation person a cell of the departure. Chu Artuo looked at the necklace in his hand, his eyes were a little straight.

This thing he saw in He Yiming's body many times, it is the space necklace he got under Penglai Xiandao.

Although he is quite envious of He Yiming's good fortune, he has never been jealous and never thought of taking it for himself. But I didn't expect He Yiming to turn around this time. After throwing this thing, he hurried away, and even gave him the opportunity to greet him.

Taking a deep breath, this is the first time he touched a space item. It is absolutely deceptive to say that you are not excited.

Looking up, He Yiming was riding a white horse and was not known. Although he has a **** soldier and knows how to use the light of the gods to fly, even if he is one hundred times more conceited, he is categorically not convinced that he can catch up with the white horse thunder that is already the top holy beast.

Hesitated for a moment, he entered the necklace into the infuriating.

Subsequently, a huge virtual space suddenly appeared in front of him, carefully watched the sound, and the face of Chu Artemisia flashed with extreme excitement.

Everything here is actually a world-class treasure, but a large part of it is a special product of the Western world.

With these materials, no matter what kind of weapon he wants to refine, he will not lick the material.

Deeply sucking, let the cold air flow around the chest and abdomen, Chu Artemisia knows that He Yiming hastily left, although he wants to retreat, but more importantly, he should be afraid of his own rejection. So I will leave things and leave. One thought of this, his heart is not warm.

The space necklace was carefully closed, he murmured: "After the New Year, I will also give you a surprise.

Now He Yiming has five space items on his body. In addition to the five elements of the Five Elements Ring, there are four space ornaments. And the world of the five elements is enough for him to stuff everything into it.

So this time he combed all the things he got from the two Western powers, and divided some of the materials and sent them to the Chuzhou State with the necklace space.

For this friend who is safe and secure in Hejiazhuang, he will never be embarrassed.

Of course, in He Yiming's heart, he also has his own small abacus. Chubei is a forgemaster. As long as the fortune weapon he forged in Hejiazhuang, it is all in Hejiazhuang or Hengshan.

This is simply equivalent to having a high-level forgemaster to help him build the soldiers for free. Such a good thing, He Yiming, naturally does not want to miss it. However, his mind only converges after turning around. For him at the moment, there is nothing more to worry about than to verify his mind.

The degree of white horse thunder and lightning has soared to the extreme, and today it seems that there is a white line straight to the far and far away from the past.

This degree is already the limit of white horse lightning. Even if the human peak is flying in the sky, it is impossible to pass this degree.

Finally, at the moment before the sun set, He Yiming saw a huge desert area.

Here is the most dangerous place in the northwestern land. From the outside, you can see the burning of the novel network, which is the sea of ​​hope. The temperature here is very different sooner or later, and it can be frozen at night, but it can be cooked directly at noon.

People living in the northwest are afraid of this huge desert, but for He Yiming, he does not care about this danger.

As for the problem of losing the road in the desert, He Yiming is not worried. There are hundreds of problems around him. This is not a problem.

He flattened his hands, and He Yiming half closed his eyes. After a long time, He Yiming nodded with satisfaction. "What are you doing?" The familiar voice sounded up.

"I am feeling the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big princes, the princes, the sacred gods, the sacred priests, the sacred world, the most powerful乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The head does not return: "In the desert, the grass is not born, I thought that the power of the heavens and the earth here is extremely weak, but at this moment, the power of the heavens and the earth here is still very strong."

Hundred and eight eyes cast on the vast desert that is like the sea, saying: "What are you doing here?"

He Yiming’s eyes lit up, and he looked back and reverted to a pair of wood-like Shendao coagulation people. He said heavily: “The power of Shinto, I want to master this power.”

Hundreds and eight did not hesitate to shake his head: "No, in this world it is impossible to give birth to the Shinto strong. You can not send to death." He Yiming, his face is quite strange, said: "Hundred brothers, Are you also concerned about my life and death?" "I am your bodyguard, of course, I have to care." One hundred and eight said indifferently.

He Yiming sneered at himself, this one hundred and eight, it is really a bad thing. But the feeling of being cared for is really good.

He sighed and said: "Hundred brothers, do you still remember the situation when I played against Weibo?

Although at that time, there was no presence at but He Yiming knew that with the unique ability of the one hundred and eight thousand eyes, it would be really strange if you don't pay attention. Hundred and eight will not make a sound and o

He Yiming smiled and said: "After I used the light and darkness, Zibo Rui immediately gave up without hesitation. Do you know what this represents?" "His courage is very small."

"..." He Yiming looked at him helplessly. After a long sound, he said: "This means that the power of light and darkness has absolutely passed the power he has, even after the general power of God, reaching a higher one. level.

If you are here, and you have heard his evaluation, you will be unbelievable.

He Yiming actually came to such an incredible conclusion by virtue of the movements of Zibo and others. This modesty: eyesight and timidity are indeed rare. One hundred and eight, the jewel-like eyelids lit up again.

He Yiming said: "I don't want to be promoted to Shinto, but I already have a higher level of power in my hands. If so, why don't I try it and see if I can lead the world? come out."

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