Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 338: Message

The banquet started again, but compared with just now, the atmosphere has a subtle change.

The more respectful and humble the attitude of everyone to the family, especially after knowing that the Tianchi lord personally came to the door of the "first in the world", the reputation of Hejiazhuang was pushed to the peak.

Although Emperor Shih-hsien entered the Hejia backyard directly after sending the plaque, he did not appear in the hall, but all the people who got the news were passed on from mouth to mouth, and He Yiming’s record in the West was not The reservation was promoted. For a time, the reputation of Hejiazhuang even had the same appearance as the northwest Tianchi.

However, today's Hejiazhuang is too thin, if you really want to get the qualifications of Tianchi, it will take at least a few generations of painstaking efforts.

A few days later, the Tianluo lord Yu Ruipei announced that the opening of the country, Zhan Tianfeng, led the resignation of the royal family to abandon the sage, and the territory of the entire Kailuan country was included in the territory of Tianluo. Similarly, Tianluo will replace Kailuan as one of the three new powers in the northwest.

This change has spread all over the northwest. Everyone knows that the reason why the home is full of today's situation is because they have a relationship with He Yiming behind them. When I think of the four "first in the world" gilded characters hanging on the gate of Hejiazhuang, there is no longer any country dare to find troubles in Tianluo.

For the old wish of the water brother, He Yiming has been completely completed, and he has a wish.

However, Tianluoguo can have the current map, and when it is at its strongest, if it wants to continue to expand, it will only touch the bottom line of Tianchi. Therefore, Yu Ripei, who is very interested in learning, has gathered his mind and slowly digested the national strength of the country to the country.

Tens of years later, Tianluo State has finally become one of the three powerful powers.

Within the backyard of Hejia, He Yiming and others entered.

This time, Tianchi Yimai came to three people, and the strong people above the Hejiazhuang in the Hejiazhuang also had three people. It can be said that in order to arrange the number of people coming, the God operator is also quite a part of the mind behind the hospital. In addition to Huo Dongcheng and several servants responsible for the chores, there are no more people below the Sayādaw. Because He Wude personally designated this place as a forbidden place, for the two to live in Chuzhou and Deng Yichen.

At this time, all the servants including Huo Dongcheng were retired, and even the two countries of Chu Arthur and Deng Yichen were taken to the side by the **** operator and Ai Wenbin.

The two of them are also old people who have been in the rivers and lakes for many years. Naturally, this is because the emperor of the emperor wants to talk to He Yiming alone, so they immediately left the boat.

As a result, the entire backyard was completely cleaned down.

Sitting in the pavilion and admiring the white snow world in the backyard, He Yiming's mood gradually recovered.

The first plaque in the world did bring him a huge impact, but after this crazy joy, his heart was still a bit stunned.

Although he is confident that he can overcome any strong person in the human peak, there is still a mysterious place in the open sea. The place is like a big stone in his heart.

He picked up the hip flask of the small fire barbecue, and He Yiming gave a cup to the opposite emperor.

"Elder brother, you came from the main peak of Tianchi, and gave him a face that is so big, I don't know what to order." He Yiming said: "If He can do it, he must do his best."

Although he and Emperor Shitian were the first to meet, He Yiming knew that the lord of the Tianchi is absolutely nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall.

His identity as an old man, although he knows his own achievements, but even if he is recognized in his heart, he will not send the plaques such as "The First in the World" with great fanfare.

More importantly, he also deliberately escaped today, and countless people gathered in Hejiazhuang's good days, and publicized their achievements in front of everyone.

If all this is a coincidence, and there is no embarrassment), the adult is pushing the hand after the curtain, and He Yiming does not believe in death.

The emperor released a smile and said: "I know you can't."

He Yiming picked up the glass in front of him and greeted him with a sip of hot wine in the cup. A warm current tumbling from his belly, warm and comfortable.

This kind of wine is a kind of tribute wine from Rui Pei, although He Yiming is not sure where it is produced, but it is really good to drink.

The emperor Shi Tian also took a sip of wine. He did not conceal his intentions and opened the door to the mountain: "He brothers, this time the old man came to prove one thing to you."

"You please say." He Yiming's face had a strange color, but it immediately returned to normal.

The face of the emperor is quite young, and he does not look older than him. However, he is self-proclaimed by the old man and inevitably has some strange feelings.

"The Southern Xinjiang Flying Eagles booked the body of Garfield on a deserted island.

"Yes, the dark speaker is dying from southern Xinjiang."

The emperor’s eyes were slightly brighter and said: “As far as I know, the island where the body is now is originally a whole, but this time it was magically divided into two. He Yiming’s indulgence, his heart’s faint Understand that the emperor's release of the sky should be for the Shinto coagulation. But he can't figure out why this Tianchi-like sect of the lord is so concerned about this. Is he trying to return the clotting person to Huang Quan's ancestors?

Shaking his head, He Yiming threw this incredible thought out of his mind.

Seeing He Yiming’s indifference, Emperor Shih-hsien continued: “There was a terrible news from the disciples of the country that opened the country the day before. Under the blue sky, a monster came to the capital of the country and applied the demon method. The sky over the city will be dull, flying sand and stone." He paused and said: "This monster is finally showing the magic of the devil, splitting the whole city into two, and it is with South Xinjiang. The same island."

He Yiming’s face has a faint color, and the emperor has already said this point. Even if he wants to hide it, it is useless.

He Weiming’s nod, He Yiming’s test was swallowed up, and he said: “The emperor, it’s not the opposite. When he was in southern Xinjiang, he accidentally got a flaw.”

“Hey?” The emperor’s brow was wrinkled and asked in surprise.

He Yiming detailed himself and met with Jimo Fanshu, and joined forces to find the troubles of the two human peaks in the West. The two dark-minded strongmen from the East and the West fight for a big fight to fight for life and death.

But the end result was surprisingly unexpected. The final cockroach was swallowed up by the blood coagulation that He Yiming refines. Then it was a great power, and it ignited the power of the heavens and the earth, releasing an incredible The power of heaven and earth, in one fell swoop, broke the light of the two famous Western powers, and eventually led to the death of Garfield.

Although He Yiming still has reservations, and did not tell Garfield's last words, even so, the emperor Shi Tian also heard a lot of emotions.

This humanistic peak is a myriad of wars in his life, but he has never seen the power of heaven and earth. Naturally, this is an incomparable yearning.

Moreover, in this battle, even a humane peak has been degraded, which also makes him embarrassed.

After a few moments, the emperor asked in abrupt manner: "He brother, the old man once met Jimofanshu on the road when he returned from northern Xinjiang. This old assassin also said that he carefully refined one The fate of the Five Elements is mourning the sea. I wonder if this is your fault."

He Yiming was slightly microscopic, and he smiled coldly. He said: "Huang Quan's ancestors chased He Mou in the past and there is no way to go to the ground. If he is not convinced, he can come to the door at any time."

It is.

The emperor’s interpretation of Tianhui’s hand waved, “I see that the guy is impossible to find you again. He Yiming said, “Why? ”

The Emperor Shitian said seriously: "Jimou Fanshu claims to be the first assassin in the world. His purpose is to strike a thousand miles. On that day, he died on the desert island and Garfield. It is estimated that he is reluctant to take it. Oh, and now this cockroach has been won by you, and he will never come to provoke you until he is sure he can assassinate you."

He Yiming’s heart was a little calmer, and in the identity of the emperor’s interpretation, naturally he would not be arrogant.

When he heard that the old assassin would not find himself any more trouble, He Yiming’s heart was even more inexplicable and relieved.

Although he does not care about the strength of Gima Fanshu, if the two sides meet again, he even has a certain grasp to completely leave him.

However, He Yiming is quite worried. If he can't keep him, will the old assassin be angry with his family?

Although Hejiazhuang has Chu Haozhou and Deng Yichen often, but He Yiming can not rely on them to resist Gima Fanshu.

The emperor hesitated a moment and said: "He brother, your cockroach can be here, can you see the old man?"

He Yiming nodded his head and ignored He quickly issued the order that appeared here to the idea in his mind. This order was just released, almost at the moment He Yiming raised his head, a subtle wind has flowed into the pavilion.

It is impossible for them to be panic-stricken, but the degree of this person is so fast, the action is so strange, but it still makes the emperor secretly shocked.

Looked at the wood standing in the Shendao coagulation person, the emperor's face suddenly flashed a strange color, said: "Yu ancestors?"

He Yiming smiled and said: "Yes, it is this person. However, it is not me who is practicing him, but the ancestors of Huang Quan."

He Yiming is not surprised by the fact that Emperor Shitian recognizes the ancestors of Yujia. What kind of identity these two are, and there must be an intersection between them. If the emperor disobeys, it will make He Yiming feel chilling. .

In the eyes of the emperor, the eyes of the emperor shed light, and he sighed: "He brother, is the ancestor of Yujia own the power of heaven and earth?"

He Yiming clearly saw the color of expectation in his eyes, and he could not help but be curious and said: "Yes, it is this person."

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