Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 339: Claim

The emperor's release of the Momo sensed the breath of his ancestors, but after a while, he was somewhat disappointed. Because the atmosphere of the ancestors of the Yu family is strong, but far from the horror he imagined.

Being able to release the power of the heavens and the earth like a **** is definitely the ultimate power to advance to Shinto. However, in the body of Yujia's ancestors, although it has the same atmosphere as the human peak, but from Shendao, there is still an insurmountable trench.

The brow wrinkled a little, and if it wasn’t for the assurance that He Yiming had promised, the islands of southern Xinjiang and the country of Kailuan were all ruined by this shackle, and he could not believe it.

Indulging in the film s1, the emperor released the heavens: "He brothers, not the old man believes in you, but the old man of the world has only read several times in ancient books, but he has never seen it in this life.

If you can get the answer from the younger brother..."

He stopped and looked at He Yiming with a gaze.

The sudden abrupt flash of my heart, He Yiming finally realized that the big man had to go here personally, and he did not hesitate to give him his status. It turned out that he wanted to see for himself. The power of Shinto.

Although this sounds unbelievable, at this time, Yi Heyi is quite understanding of the other's mood and thoughts.

A few days ago, He Yiming once tried to guide the power of the heavens and the earth with the power of light and darkness in the depths of the great desert, and wanted to take advantage of the political world.

He knew that it was very dangerous to do so, but he couldn't help but feel the temptation in his heart.

Shinto, for the strongest of the humanity's peak and nine heavens, is really attractive enough to make them fearless and difficult.

"The emperor wants to see the power of the heavens and the earth, the younger brother does not object, but not now." He Yiming smiled.

The emperor released the calm road: "Why?"

"The power of heaven and earth is the power of the wrath of heaven and earth. In the twinkling of an eye, it will destroy the heavens and the earth." He Yiming put away a smile, the awe-inspiring color of his face: "If it is against the enemy, then life and death are naturally It is unscrupulous. But if you just want to see the power of the heavens and the earth, then we can display it in the sea or in the desert."

The emperor’s eyes were slightly bright, and he was slightly meager, saying: “Teached.”

In fact, if the humanity peaks in the nine heavens, it will be different for the destruction of the environment.

If the mother-in-law is playing for a few hours, the powerful and infuriating fluctuations of the overflowing are enough to be compared with the damage caused by the power of heaven and earth.

But the power of the nine heavens is controllable, and the power of the heavens and the earth is uncontrollable. Once the power of the square is gathered, it must be released. If not, the waiting for the release will be Very tragic. At that time, it was countered by the power of countless worlds, and I was afraid that I would die on the spot.

He Yiming laughed, but he saw that the emperor stood up and said: "If it is convenient for the brothers, how about going out with me?"

He Yiming asked suspiciously: "Where?"

The emperor’s mouth is smiling, pointing in a certain direction. “When you go north, there is a desert. It is the largest piece of sand in the northwest. I don’t know if the brothers have heard it.”

He Yiming’s face suddenly became quite weird. He smiled bitterly: “Alright, since the emperor is so persistent, let’s go and see.”

He has not only heard of this place, but these days he is basically going to exercise every day to exercise his own world. It is not surprising that the emperor chose to choose there. However, what surprised him was that the emperor’s release of the day was such a resolute and violent person. Once he thought of it, he must do it right away. Perhaps it is his strong character that makes him He finally set foot on the realm of humanity.

The six great people did not alarm anyone, and they quietly left the backyard.

With their strength, nature can't be seen by others. The **** operator and Ai Wenbin clearly know the purpose of their trip, and they have a strong awe in the eyes of the sacred blood coagulation. Even if the gods who are famous in the world of God's calculations are in front of the real Shinto, they become fearful.

After knowing their intentions, Xichu Artemisia and Deng Yichen also insisted on following the power of the heavens and the earth released by the Shinto people. What a great event, if you miss this opportunity, I am afraid that it will be hard to see again in this life. The second time.

Even the Chu Artemisia, which has seen the world of heaven and earth, is no better than Deng Yichen at this moment.

In the end, all six of them were still out. After a day of running, they finally came to this desert.

This is still because of the drag of Ai Wenbin and Deng Yichen, otherwise they have already arrived.

Although Hejiazhuang is sure that six people have disappeared at this time, He Yiming believes that they will never have any concerns.

Because when the six of them joined forces, it was impossible for anyone in the entire northwest to take them down in silence. Therefore, He Wude and others must be able to think that they must be waiting for someone to leave.

At this time, the hot sun is the hottest time in the desert.

In this magical land, there is no such thing as spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, as long as you stay here for one day, it is estimated that you can experience the feeling of the whole season.

The six of them walked on the sand like a river, even though the poorest Tao Yuanxiu did not leave any trace on the sand.

Above the sky, Shinto coagulation people are following them.

The emperor released the day and suddenly stopped. He looked up at the Shinto coagulum flying in the air, and his eyes sparkled with a strange brilliance.

Although the emperor is very curious, He Yiming is able to refine the blood coagulation, and the power of this coagulation is too much. But he knows that these problems are quite taboo, and even in his capacity, they cannot be easily asked.

He Yiming and others stopped, and he turned around and looked around for a moment. He nodded with satisfaction. It is already deep into the desert. Even if the Shinto coagulation person has turned it upside down, it will not cause any loss.

Stretching his hand toward the sky, the Shinto coagulation immediately landed.

In fact, within this distance, He Yiming only needs to use the idea to pass, he can inform his thoughts in the past, but he is still a subconscious.

The emperor’s heart was quite suspicious. He knew some rumors about coagulation. He couldn’t help but secretly say that the blood coagulation of He Yiming’s refining was indeed weird.

The Shinto coagulation man flew down quickly, and He Yiming said: "The crowd, once you start to move your hand, the gas of heaven and earth within a hundred miles will be exhausted, and the power caused by it is also very small. He is a little farther away from this place, so as not to be accidentally injured."

Deng Yichen and Ai Wenbin looked at each other. Some of their hearts did not believe, but here both of them are the worst ones, both in terms of identity and strength, so they simply dare not confess their suspicions.

The emperor released a small amount of money, he said: "He brothers, we will wait and see."

He Yiming smiled. He came to the front of the Shinto coagulation person, staring at his gaze and passing on his thoughts to the past.

The Shinto coagulant does have an incomparable power, and even the wisdom is far from being comparable to the ordinary levy, so He Yiming will be suspicious. Nowadays, in front of the emperor, he does not want to have any accidental birth, even the slightest accident will make him face lost.

The Shinto coagulation man got the order of He Yiming, and he turned and strode toward the distance.

The **** operator suddenly said: "He elders, the power of the heavens and the earth here seems to be somewhat wrong.

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed and said: “What is the opinion of the elders of the gods?”

"The old man is coming all the way. The more he is going deep into the desert, the more the power of the heavens and the earth here seems to be thinner. This kind of thing has never been heard before."

In addition to the emperor's release of the sky, the other three are face to face, to be honest, they did not feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine strongest, the most abandon, the big Zhou, the royal family will kill God **** seals the throne, seeks the devil, respects the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the empire, the gods, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world Jiuzhongtian is the strongest to abandon the little Zhou Dynasty to this subtle change.

He Yiming’s heart secretly marveled at it. This **** operator is really the first **** in the world.

He has recently cultivated the power of the heavens and the earth in the desert every day. Once this power is used once, it will immediately absorb the power of the heavens and the earth within a hundred miles.

Although the power of heaven and earth is like sea water and desert, it is constantly flowing. Basically, you can recover at most one day.

But this is only a basic recovery, and there is still a gap from the peak.

However, this gap is extremely small, and the average person does not feel it at all, even if it is the ordinary five-powered sage.

But obviously, this seems to be charming; but the gods and the emperor release the two.

The shoulders are slightly shivering, He Yiming said: "He Mou is not clear, perhaps related to the war skills that have used the power of heaven and earth here."

The **** operator looked bright and asked: "Why is he using the skills of heaven and earth here?

He Yiming did not have a good spirit: "Of course, it is for the trial, this trick, but also to play a few more times will become more and more skilled his sentence is absolutely sincere. It is even more about the experience.

Although there is only a time for the district to be sensitive, He Yiming now, this kind of use of the power of heaven and earth will have a new experience every time it is used, whether it is in the strength and affordability of the power of heaven and earth, or He is progressing like flying when he chooses the position at the time of release.

When he first used this power, his instinct was almost exhausted, but now he can leave nearly a third of his infuriating. Moreover, as he becomes more proficient, the more instinct he has left.

He has a firm self-confidence. One day, he can do the same thing as the Shinto coagulant. After exerting the power of heaven and earth, it is still like nothing.

Only by reaching that level can we truly grasp the power of Shinto.

The emperor and the gods nodded one after another, and their eyes became more and more dignified.

In the distance, the Shinto coagulum finally stopped, and the full body slowly pulled up and flew up into the air.

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