Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 346: Inspire the power of God

The enormous power is vividly displayed at this moment.

Whether it is the power of the outside world, or the combination of various powers in Dantian, it has begun to release a powerful force different from light and dark at this moment.

They are like two opposing forces, and they are attacking each other before and after the force of light and darkness.

However, in this process, He Yiming is also exhausted, and all his heart is devoted to it, no longer dare to slack off and relax.

Although this can make a slight flaw in the power of light and darkness, it is also a very dangerous choice.

If the power released by the power of the gods and the power of God is too great, but the body will be hurt, it is the real slippery world.

Any force that destroys from the inside is the most powerful. In Dantian, since such a powerful traitor appears and cooperates with the external gold power, it is the biggest for the power of light and darkness. Sad.

Slowly, under the attack of both internal and external forces, even if it is powerful, it is obviously higher than the strength of the gold and the power of the gods.

However, the power of light and darkness can absorb the rejection and transform the power of the two powerful forces without any support from He Yiming, and release the power of the two powerful forces without any reservation. It is enough to make He Yiming scratch the sun.

No wonder this power can absorb the release of the world, and it is not the power of the single line of the five elements.

Regardless of how he felt in He Yiming, after a long period of shock, the force of light and darkness, which seemed to be indestructible, finally broke a small hole.

Although this mouth is not big, but for the two internal and external forces, as long as there is such a gap, it is enough to achieve all wishes.

The huge gold gods suddenly surged from this point.

If the body of the average person suddenly suffers from the impact of this force, I am afraid that the body will be splashed with blood in the moment, and the death will be on the spot. However, He Yiming's physique is indeed different. Once the huge gold power entered He Yiming's body, he immediately entered the chaotic Dantian along the meridians.

Once this force was in contact with the power of chaos in Dantian, it suddenly turned from a fierce and fierce tiger to a meek and obedient sheep, and gathered a little here.

At the same time, the forces in Dantian are not idle, they are mixed together, and the hole that seems to heal at any time is constantly expanding.

At this moment, they actually joined forces to fight the most intense battle with the power of light and dark.

Before today, these forces have completely lost their freedom under the oppression of light and darkness, and they can only turn around in a small area.

Although these forces have no instinct, they are true spiritual powers of all kinds, and they have certain spirituality. If they are not, they cannot be called divine power.

When these divine powers are freed from being bound by a higher level of power, the feelings of human repression are suddenly released, and under the concerted efforts, the hollowness of light and darkness is more and more enlarged.

The indecisive gold gods constantly entered He Yiming's body and settled in the Dantian.

What makes He Yiming feel very happy is that these powers of God are easily accepted by their own dantian, and they are naturally integrated into their own power and light.

The wood, fire, and earth powers originally formed a small and incomplete reincarnation state. At this time, after the arrival of the power of gold, they suddenly spread without hesitation, and formed a reincarnation of four-line forces in an instant. .

Although it is still a kind of water power, but when the four forces are combined, and with the aid of three light of the gods, there is already a tendency to be able to resist the high level of strength.

He Yiming clearly sensed it. Under the inexhaustible gold power of the bottom, the strength of the five elements is stronger, especially the five elements of the ring is a slight trembling in the dantian, five singular brilliance .

He was deeply absorbed, and somehow, at this critical moment, He Yiming’s spirit entered a near-empty environment. His mind seemed to be out of the body, flying high and looking at his empty body in the high sky.

Slowly, in his body, the different colors are brighter, just like there are countless strange brilliances on his body, scattered with some kind of power.

He Yiming's body gradually rises high. He has a strange feeling. He does not seem to be a human being, but the gold power hidden in this mountain.

One of the most quintessential forces, a kind of divine power of the day...

In the meantime, He Yiming became confused, and his spirit rose into the sky with the power of powerful gold.

In the sky, there are endless hurricanes, and they seem to want to get everything involved. However, the power of the gods of gold is extremely powerful, they stabbed straight ahead, and all the hurricanes were smashed.

This force, even the wind can be smashed!

The feeling in his heart grew stronger.

I am the power of gold, and any power that hinders me will be crushed by me. Nothing can stop me from moving forward. In the heart of He Yiming, there is a shout of such a scream.

A big bang, almost close to the incredible pressure from his body suddenly spread out.

This is a force that is as basic as it is, the true power of gold hidden under this land. A glimpse of light was released from He Yiming's body.

At this moment, the power of the Five Elements finally overwhelmed the power of light and darkness and released it without reservation.

The light and darkness of his body did not dissipate, but under the pressure of external forces, slowly gathered together, like an injured beast, silently licking his wounds, and flashing green Eyes, quietly waiting for the timing of the attack.

A shouting resounding from the heavens and the earth came out of He Yiming's mouth. He has already devoted himself to the power of this golden system. What is even more surprising is that this piece of gold power was faintly released, and began to expand outwards following the idea of ​​He Yiming.

The ultimate power that has been looming here for thousands of years has been spurred by He Yiming at this moment.

In the courtyard closest to the foothills, the emperor Shi and the Huangquan ancestors stand side by side, and the faces of both of them have a strange color that cannot be said.

"Elder brother, is he absorbing the power of gold?" asked Jimo Fanshu suspiciously.

"Should be it." Emperor Shi Tian hesitated for a long time, uncertain.

Although Emperor Shitian knew the reason why He Yiming stayed on it, it was no longer certain at this time.

Because the almost inexhaustible power transmitted from the top of the mountain has made all the strong have a kind of trepidation from the heart, which is no exception to the two human peaks.

However, no matter how they guessed, they never imagined that He Yiming could bring this power out when he realized the power of gold.

Experiencing the feelings and absorbing a little gold power and bringing this power out are completely different concepts, and the difficulty level is not comparable.

Today's He Yiming, what he did inadvertently, was like the same thing as Pope Franklin before the Western Temple, which led to the light of the power of God.

However, Franklin cited the light power of God, and He Yiming cited the gold power.

In this environment shrouded by the power of God, even the thoughts of the human peaks will be strongly and incredibly shocked. Franklin, who has lived for a hundred years, lost his self in this kind of shock and absorbed the power that he could control the limits, so he would eventually die.

At this time, He Yiming is walking the old road of Franklin. If he can't wake up from the power of the golden god, then waiting for him, after all, is the same as Franklin.

The power released from the body is even bigger, and He Yiming’s eyes are shining. Although his mind has been separated from the body, the feeling is more intense. At this time, the idea of ​​being out of the body is enjoying a feeling of being filled with power. Here, his mind is almost filled with the power of gold that emerged from nothingness and condensed into a human figure.

Vaguely, a phantom figure with scattered metallic luster is looming.

I don't know when, the emperor Shi Tian, ​​Ji Mofanshu and the **** operator three people have already come to the top of the mountain, they looked at He Yiming with a stunned look, and there is a deep and incredible look in his eyes.

However, in this look, they also have a sense of fear in their face of the **** operator has long had no blood, he murmured: "Impossible" It’s impossible for him to lift his head.” “The Sovereign Master” asked his hand to save him a life.

The face of Emperor Shitian is also not good-looking. He shakes his head - shaking his head, saying: "He Yiming's martial arts repair is already above me, and now he is in control of the gold power, and the old man is not his opponent."

The face of the **** operator was slightly sucked*, but the color of hope in the eyes gradually faded.

Gima Fanshi looked up at He Yiming, and his eyes flashed with a gloating effect from time to time. He knows that this young Jiuzhongtian with great power has already been finished. This time, even if he is not dead, he will also break through the whole body and break from the high-top humanity to the ordinary people of dust.

All of this is due to the power of gold, because He Yiming's full-hearted input and the release of this force.

The old assassin secretly calculated that He Yiming's most powerful talent should be the gold talent. If not, he would never be able to lead the power of the gold god.

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